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NO!!! I am not ready for this!!!

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The older girls are trying to get the eleven year old to wear a bra. For Christmas we got her two really pretty, soft bras. She opened them and said, "I hate you all." She was just kidding. Poor thing is trying to put off wearing them. There were a lot of "awwws" and hugs for her. She's such a little thing. It's hard to imagine her growing up - so quickly.

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My DD10 wants a bra in the worst way. I might buy her a couple of sports bras for her 11h birthday, in August. If not then, for next Christmas.


In fact, I was teasing her about getting underwear for Christmas now that she doesn't do Santa. She looked at me excitedly and asked if that means she'll get a bra?! :svengo:

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My ten year old has been wearing a bra for about a year now I think. No sign of my nine year old needing anything. She's very thin and still flat as a board. I still plan on getting her her own copy of that book so she's all prepared. I got it for my ten year old and it was a really positive thing. She loved having a place to go for answers to questions she wasn't even sure she had. :)

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Well, my 11yo started wearing sports bras at 9 and then went into an actual bra at 10. She then went and started her period at 11 and 3 months! Suddenly my baby girl is a young woman! She is my third girl and I still wasn't ready for how early she did everything.



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I got my 12 yr old her first bras a couple weeks ago. She is just getting breast buds, so she doesn't really need a bra yet BUT she told me she was a) embarassed about when she was cold and people could see he nipples through her shirt and b) she was embarassed that she was the only girl her girl guide/pathfinder group with out one. So we went shopping. I don't care at this point if she wears them or not, afterall she doesn't actually need one yet but if it makes her feel better and not embarassed she has them. Funny aside, being the mom I am held up 2 styles in the store and asked which she liked, she laughed and picked. I asked later if I had embarassed her(I am sure it was on this forum I had asked the best way to go about buying her one without embarassing her) she announced, nope, she was happy everyone in the store might know she was getting them, she was more embarassed not having any. Go figure. The day I bought them she tossed all her grubby clothes and has actually been dressing decently and quite nicely ever since. Who knew that getting a bra for a practically flat chested girl would have such an impact on the rest of her appearance.

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I think DD will need one soon, and she's not a bit interested. At least I don't have to worry that she'll want one of the PADDED bras I saw in the tween section at Walmart. :confused:


That's what dd got :lol: padded and underwire size 32AA lol there is nothing there to pad and lift. She wanted the padding because it hides her nipples in the cold. She ended up with underwire only because it was in the only style she liked.


The funniest part was after we got home and she put it on, she was strutting around in it (with her shirt on), quite proud because it made her look more like she actually had a chest that needed a bra. If she was any younger I would not have got her a padded one, but at 12 years old, and only getting it because she felt embarassed not having one I am not too worried about the padding.

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My poor girl. I'm not sure when it happened but she isn't flat anymore. I'm the smallest one in my family with a just a D.. But my mom didn't start developing until 14. To be honest, I "think" I was around 13. And now she doesn't like her clothes because you are starting to see curves. To be honest, I try to cover mine up as well. And she will probably have the same problem I have. I LOVE the look of all of these cute styles with the tailored look. The fitted t-shirts.. But I can't wear them!!! I would have to get an xxlarge to fit my boobs but then a small to fit my waist. UGGG.. I've always said I was born in the wrong era. I have the shape of the stars of the 40's and 50's... She probably will too... Sigh...

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My 9 yo's best friend got one last summer (at age 9 1/2), and she actually kind of needed one. She's a little heavy-set, and was starting to grow a little. My DD9 has a similar build, and very excitedly ran up to me in the yard that day when her friend came to visit after getting it, and yelled, "Mommy, I NEED a BRA!!" LOL!


I really thought I had another year or two, but I remember when I first got a bra at 12-ish, and I HATED it. I decided that if she's excited about it now, I wanted to capitalize on that excitement. We went that weekend and got her a couple of training bras. That was about 6 months ago, and she actually needs a larger size already!

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