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What do you do with all the "other people" who send your kids gifts?

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My kids are turning into selfish little monsters. We go to a small church and most of the people are older and have "adopted" our kids. Hence, our kids get a lot of Christmas presents. One lady filled the back of our mini-van with gifts. Plus, they get from both sets of grandparents, my aunt came by the other day with a bag of gifts, our foster agency gave them all gifts (not only just the foster kids) and it goes on and on. Hubby and I are only getting the kids 3 gifts - 1 toy, 1 book and 1 article of clothing. But what do I do with everyone else? I know this is horrible to complain about, but the kids have opened some and are already fighting, being horribly selfish, refusing to share (and then fighting about how to share when I make them share) and just being grouchy and mean to each other. I've already had to take some of the gifts away because of the way they were treating each other regarding the gifts. And they were stupid cheap Walmart toys. Really. I've gone through their bedrooms and started getting rid of some of their toys to make room for the onslaught, but I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed.

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One toy from China comes into the home; one toy from China leaves the home.


One plastic toy comes into the home; one plastic toy leaves the home.


One battery-operated toy comes into the home; one battery-operated you leaves the home.


Most other categories: one toy enters the home; one toy (of any category) leaves the home.


Further, if we do not have a meaningful relationship with the giver, then the toy is donated.


Exceptions are almost non-existent.


ETA: We also do not use gifts until a thank you letter has gone in the mail. As far as disagreements over toys, we leave the children to work out disputes until the dispute becomes disruptive to the home. At that point the toy goes into time-out for an indefinite period of time. I can't recall the last time this happened.

Edited by arghmatey
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We are in a similar situation (doting neighbors, church ladies, grandparents etc). I generally peek at each gift, choose a small few to let them have and give the rest to Toys for Tots. They generally fuss for a bit and then get over it, especially if they get the "extra" gifts before Christmas morning. If we kept every toy we were given we'd need a second house--and it is always dollar store/Walmart stuff they don't need anyway.

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I don't think your dcs' behavior is particularly uncommon at their ages, and although I know you want them to be sweet and wonderful and fair, many kids are pretty selfish at those ages, whether they have a lot of toys or only a few.


I'm sure it's tough to be the referee all the time, though. :grouphug:

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I really like the ideas presented so far. I'd only add that, if gifts are of fairly good quality and yet not what your kids need, there's always the possibility of saving them to regift to friends' kids . . .


I really have a hard time with the obligation of gift-giving in our culture!


Mama Anna

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In the past, we have taken these extra gifts and donated them, unopened, to our local children's hospital. I've had my children do the "gift giving" themselves. Our local hospital has a contact person that sets up the day and time. The children receiving the gifts are children the hospital okays us to visit.


This has been a powerful lesson for my kiddos in terms of empathy, compassion, generosity, and selflessness.

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Our kids aren't allowed to open toys until they've written their thank you notes. Then, if there are too many toys, we put them away and pull new ones out throughout the year.


But then how do they know what to write? Or do your kids write generic, "Thank you for the gift" cards?



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