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Pregnancy glucose test ?

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I've failed my 1-hour glucose test with all of my kids. My old OB had you fast from midnight, come in and drink the stuff then test an hour later.


The new OB that I'm using with this baby (she is much younger and less set in her ways) laughed and said they don't do it that way anymore. She said to eat a sensible breakfast, drink the stuff and then test in an hour.


I'm curious how other doctors do the glucose test. I'm almost looking forward to this test to see if I can pass!

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I never had to fast for the 1-hour test, but when I failed that I did have to fast for the 3-hour test. I wish I had known about foods that spike your blood sugar back then. Maybe I would have passed the 1-hour test if I hadn't had bagels and orange juice for breakfast! I finally was able to pass the 1-hour with my third pregnancy. Eat some protein for breakfast.

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It really is a crazy test! I have PCOS so I'm pretty strict about my diet. I also take Metformin. I would NEVER sit down on an empty stomach and eat 3 candy bars! My plan to pass the test is to eat a couple of eggs, take my metformin, then drink the stuff. At least then the results might actually mean something.

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I've failed my 1-hour glucose test with all of my kids. My old OB had you fast from midnight, come in and drink the stuff then test an hour later.


The new OB that I'm using with this baby (she is much younger and less set in her ways) laughed and said they don't do it that way anymore. She said to eat a sensible breakfast, drink the stuff and then test in an hour.


I'm curious how other doctors do the glucose test. I'm almost looking forward to this test to see if I can pass!


I've done it and have had three kids. I refused it and my midwives didn't think it was important enough to push the issue. From everything I've read, most doctors still do the yucky drink, but some are moving to other methods as the test isn't reliably accurate.

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Just had mine done and my appt was at 1:10pm. I ate steak and a bowl of bran buds(high fiber) with blueberries for breakfast about 9:30 ish. Drank the stuff at 12:10pm and had blood drawn an hour later. Got a 134 and to do the three hour they say you have to get a 135 or higher.


Had the three hour with both the others.. and you do have to fast. DD was fine. DS scored borderline with 2 out of 4 markers(the other 2 were fine). so they had me watch it and test myself for the rest of pregnancy just to be safe.


She has not called this week to schedule the 3 -hour for this one.,., so I don't know if she's going to.. I'd rather not.. I still have my meter and strips so I think if I just test once in a while to make sure I'm okay.. we're just going to skip the three hour.


Good luck!

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I have a very weak stomach and have never been able to hold the orange glucose stuff down. If I even tried to drink it, I would be sick for days! Anyway, I started refusing the test unless my dr could come up w/ an alternative. My last dr (pregnancy #6) just had me fast from midnight until my appt at 10am, then just tested my blood. Wish I would have known about this option 15 yrs ago!

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I have clients take my glucometer and pick a day to test. They do a fasting and a two hour postprandial. I want to see what her body is doing with her normal food intake, not after dumping in 50g of glucose.


If the numbers are not within normal limits then I have them test a few more times that week and I have her bring in a food diary so we can reevaluate what she's eating.

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I failed the one-hour with my first two babies but passed the three-hour. I was deemed not to have gestational diabetes either time, and my second baby was still nearly ten pounds. Fwiw, the protocols were different for the three-hour test both times -- one time they had me avoid all bananas, all simple sugars for several days beforehand, and the second time, they had me eat something like 300g of sugars for several days beforehand.


So I concluded that the test was not accurate *for me.* Either I had GD that wasn't caught by the three-hour test, OR I didn't have GD and just grow big babies. I also absolutely detest the three-hour test. Therefore, for my third baby, I skipped all testing and just tried to eat sensibly. He was just a few ounces smaller than my second baby (though born a few days sooner too, so I think they would have been the same size at the same gestation).


With my fourth baby, I opted to use a glucometer to test my blood sugars while fasting and after eating. I found that it was easy to keep them low if I ate good proteins and fats and saved the grains/sugars/lots of fruit for the afternoons. I felt better too. My MW said this gives you a much better picture of how your body reacts to the foods you normally eat. If I'd found that I couldn't keep the numbers down, then I might have looked into treating for GD. (And fwiw, baby #4 was born quite a bit earlier than the other two boys but was on track to be the same size at the same gestation.)

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I have clients take my glucometer and pick a day to test. They do a fasting and a two hour postprandial. I want to see what her body is doing with her normal food intake, not after dumping in 50g of glucose.


If the numbers are not within normal limits then I have them test a few more times that week and I have her bring in a food diary so we can reevaluate what she's eating.


This sounds like common sense...why on EARTH do doctors use that nasty orange syrup?? :001_huh: I was so sick after drinking that vile stuff with the first two children, then refused the test for #3...

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I have clients take my glucometer and pick a day to test. They do a fasting and a two hour postprandial. I want to see what her body is doing with her normal food intake, not after dumping in 50g of glucose.


If the numbers are not within normal limits then I have them test a few more times that week and I have her bring in a food diary so we can reevaluate what she's eating.


I think this is a wonderful idea! My fasting sugars are always good but my postprandials are not particularly during pregnancy.


FWIW, I was only tested in my third pregnancy when I showed sugar on my routine urine test. I had GD and eventually needed to go on insulin. I was diagnosed early in my fourth pregnancy, as well. I wasn't tested my first 2 pregnancies bc I shared the opinions of some of the earlier posters about it not being valid. However, in my case, I think they would have been valid. I probably had GD in my second pregnancy but since I was never tested I don't know. DD was 10 days early and big. GD can be dangerous and can also be a warning (as it was in my case) that you are developing glucose problems.


I think one should be tested in pregnancy and using an actual blood glucose meter makes a lot more sense to me than drinking sugar.

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ha! I failed my one hour because I had eaten 2-3 bowls of cornflakes with sugar for breakfast the morning I took it. I had no idea that cornflakes are really good for getting your blood sugar to jump! The OB nurse told me before the 3 hour test to drink grape juice a few times a day the few days before to get my body used to dealing with a rapid influx of sugar. I did and passed the 3 hour test. Anyway, I would recommend a protein based breakfast--and skip the cornflakes and juice!

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