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It was....soap poisoning!

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It seemed appropriate to the season, and all tragedy is comedy or is it the other way around?


Anyhoo, here is the story for your amusement. My twin boys have been interested in mixing chemicals a la Jekyll and Hyde lately. Since the chemicals are basically soap and paint at this point I allowed them to have their fun making their potions.

But apparently they didn't put the color in MINE! I took a big gulp of soapy water and I've been foaming at the mouth ever since. Thank goodness it was more or less non-toxic, but man, rose and geranium scented soap tastes NOTHING like the way it smells.


Permission to roll on the floor laughing is granted.

I'd do it myself...when I quit spitting up suds.

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This reminds me of a funny story. When DD was about 3, she started to have runny stools all the time. I didn't know what to think as she didn't otherwise seem sick. I tried feeding her lots of bananas, and dry toast, and apples. Nothing worked, and I was about to take her to the doctor after several days of this when I wandered into the bathroom to brush my teeth. To my surprise, my toothbrush tasted soapy. I asked her about it, and she showed me proudly how she always washed her toothbrush, "with soap, Mommy!" and how she had decided to wash mine for me that day, too.


Sure enough, she was all better in about a day after she stopped brushing her teeth with a brush full of soap!

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This reminds me of a story from when I was a kid. We were sitting down for dinner one night and Mom said, "Would you like some lemonade with your dinner?" Sure! I took a sip and it was awful, but I didn't say anything because I was always getting in trouble for complaining about how something tasted. My dad, who also had lemonade, took one sip and said, "This tastes awful!" Mom tasted it, then remembered that she had put dish soap in the pitcher to soak. It wasn't pink lemonade. It was pink, soapy water! Mom felt terrible, but we laughed for years about that story. I had completely forgotten about it until now. :)

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Well, I'm still alive! The duration of soap spitting was about 1 hour, although much to everyone's disappointment I could not bubble like a machine when I belched.


So basically you're telling us you used all of the curse words after you washed your mouth out with soap?
Only it came out something like this: <spit, spit, spit, ptooie!>

The children passed through the stages of guilt in this fashion

1)profound dismay that they had poisoned their mother

2)guilty giggles over the faces that mother made

3)howls of laughter over the fact that mother wasn't going to die but might be a human bubble wand for a time

4)outright admiration at the effect and a desire to imitate in case they too, could be a bubble monster....


So far I'm no more blind than usual!

Edited by Critterfixer
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