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So, the ornaments kept disappearing


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In our house, it is the cat.

In the past month, I have found a stash of papers and a stash of Legos.

I kept blaming my DS for all the shredded paper pieces on the floor and my aging self for all the missing papers.

Lately, the cat has been taking the Christmas ornaments off the tree and putting them in his food bowl. :confused:


My first son collected dirty diapers. He would take dirty diapers from the diaper pail from his younger brother and put them in a pile under his bed. I found them while deep cleaning in his room and asked him what on earth they were doing there. He told me he had started a dirty diaper club.
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Our pets have a system. The pups have been trained that the Christmas tree is a no-go zone (they are big and klutzy). The cat hides in the tree and bats off the ornaments to the pups, who happily eat them.


They have a similiar strategy for pencils on the desk.

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Oh my goodness, I know it's not funny for you, but that totally cracked me up about your little boy. I feel your pain though. When our 11 year old was 2 we had a nativity out and first Jesus went missing and then slowly, over a week all that was left was Mary. I was dumbfounded and looked everywhere. Followed the cat around, followed the dog around all of it.


I go in to change the toddler's bed and he'd lined them all up between the wall and his bed, clearly taking one with him each time he went in there.

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You think that's bad? My first son collected dirty diapers. He would take dirty diapers from the diaper pail from his younger brother and put them in a pile under his bed. I found them while deep cleaning in his room and asked him what on earth they were doing there. He told me he had started a dirty diaper club. :blink:




Reminds me of when my BIL thought it would be really funny to make a scarecrow filled with dirty diapers and put it on the porch for halloween. A neighbors dog came and attacked it over night. The next morning his next door neighbor woke up to find dirty diapers spread over her entire front lawn.:lol:


I know what you mean about the scissors. Just the other day my Dd4 gave her new stuffed animal ducky a haircut. She is still trying to justify in her mind that the haircut was still a good idea.:lol:

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Ahh scissors and small people :D


I have nothing to say except after a year of dillegently searching I think I have finally found and hidden every pair.


4 x this year my kids have given themselves or each other hair cuts - DS4 suffered the worst and had to have a head shave :001_huh:


Thanks goodness it wasn't my DD - who luckily had enough hair to HIDE the damage done to her :glare:

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Our pets have a system. The pups have been trained that the Christmas tree is a no-go zone (they are big and klutzy). The cat hides in the tree and bats off the ornaments to the pups, who happily eat them.


They have a similiar strategy for pencils on the desk.


:lol: Dontcha just love it when they cooperate? :lol:

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Let me just point out now that it would be wise to hold off on the edible ornament tree until your children are older. Like adults. But before grandchildren. Ask me how I know. ;)


Wendy, I'm sorry. I am giggling hysterically. I think I would actually look just like :blink: if I found that stash.

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