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Children and herbal treatments?

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My oldest dd is a night owl of the most irritating sort. Dh is deployed right now and I want the kids IN BED by 9-9:30. We do a bedtime routine, I let them read for a while, the younger two girls generally are asleep in 15 min. of lights out. My oldest, on the other hand will be up until 11:30-12 on a regular basis when dh is not home. I KNOW she internalizes stress alot and I'm sure dh being gone is what's causing this. I've talked to her about it, tried reading together, even let her just lay in my bed to feel more comfy/secure/relaxed.


But she has to sleep! I need her to leave me alone sometime! I need to go to bed before midnight!


She gets up on her own usually around 7:30. But she's grumpy and short tempered all day and I don't have the patience for it.


So, I'm thinking about using something to calm her down at night so she can sleep. I've tried the regular sleepytime tea with her and it had zero effect. I have sleepytime with valerian root and was wondering if that is safe to use with kids? I think I heard someone mention melatonin also? Any other great ideas to get this child to go to bed before midnight? I'd appreciate any help I can get.

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Something that has helped my ds (9y) is guided imagery cds, a warm neckwrap (placed on his forehead, stomach or around the back of his neck) and a few drops of lavender (essential oil) on the pillow case. Takes him about 20 min max to fall asleep...usually. (Takes me about 2 min!)


(used to post on the old board, missed the board change, just now catching up...)

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I have to double bag chamomile tea or "sleepytime" tea to get any results. I used to buy loose chamomile and it was a lot stronger than the itty bitty amount they put in a bag.

Valerian is safe for kids your daughters age. Lemon balm is a relaxing and safe herb, catnip surprisingly enough is also good. Lavendar is often used with these herbs too. There are other more exotic herbs to help with insomnia but those ones are usually easy to find.

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I use Kid-E-Calm when my son is getting really amped up. It has Valerian in it (I have used it on my 4 yr old too). I will be earning my Master Herbalist certification in 2 weeks and I feel comfortable giving my children Valerian in smaller doses in combination with other herbs but I would stay far away from anything standardized personally. Other options include Bach Flower Remedies. There is a Nighty Night tea that has Passionflower, Hops, Valerian, etc.

Lavender essential oils can be helpful for calming. You have to be careful of source though so I would personally order from http://www.compassconcepts.com/retailer/store_templates/shell_id_1.asp?storeID=01E8653BE8484D938C57CF1242D47682 I have known the owner (Kally) for several years and trust that she carries good quality oils. She may have an anti-anxiety blend as well.


Journaling may be helpful to your daughter as well. Also, I would be sure she is getting plenty of barefoot on the grass time every day to relieve built up static electricity in the body. This can exacerbate anxiety.

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Congrats on certification in two wks. I am thinking about going that route with my friend. But since funds are tight everywhere we have to wait.


Great recommendation, herbs and oils should not be taken lightly. Even though they are natural.


Bravo again,


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Wholefoods and other types of stores carry herbal remedies made for kids. I've used Herbs for Kids Valerian--it tastes so much better than regular valerian and I don't think it has alcohol. I've also used their Chamomile tincture.




You could also try homeopathic remedies. When I can't sleep and it's because of too much caffeine late in the day I take Coffea Cruda. And when I have just a ton of stuff on my mind and it keeps me from sleeping I'll take Gelsemium. These and other individual remedies are available at Wholefoods or natural supplement stores and are very inexpensive and totally safe. I've given them to my babies. But you could research it a little more as well. Here's some websites I just found that may give you an idea.





I hope you find something to help your dd.



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Valerian makes me groggy the next day, but you could try it, its safe. (doesn't taste too good though).

I use warm milk, myself.

Massage, a hot shower before bed.

But a regular routine is also very important. I would have kids your kids ages in bed earlier than you are, and make it fairly strict. The routine should help but it may take time for their bodies to adjust. Not just a regular bedtime, but a sequence of events- e.g. dinner, shower, hot drink, teeth, read aloud, foot rub while having a chat about the day, reading, lights out. Same sequence every night if possible.

No tv or computer within an hour of bedtime.

Physical exercise during the day.

My kids' bedtime- and they are 12 and 14- is 8pm. Lights out by 9.

No, I wouldn't use melatonin personally, (its illegal here in Australia- worth considering) but if you did, just use it to establish a new pattern, then phases it out.

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Wholefoods and other types of stores carry herbal remedies made for kids. I've used Herbs for Kids Valerian--it tastes so much better than regular valerian and I don't think it has alcohol. I've also used their Chamomile tincture.




You could also try homeopathic remedies. When I can't sleep and it's because of too much caffeine late in the day I take Coffea Cruda. And when I have just a ton of stuff on my mind and it keeps me from sleeping I'll take Gelsemium. These and other individual remedies are available at Wholefoods or natural supplement stores and are very inexpensive and totally safe. I've given them to my babies. But you could research it a little more as well. Here's some websites I just found that may give you an idea.





I hope you find something to help your dd.




Second the Coffea Cruda. If she can't sleep b/c her mind doesn't "shut off" or she's had too much caffeine, it will work like a charm. Does for me. I've given this to my ds10 b/c he is a "night owl" like me who can't seem to fall asleep. Haven't tried Gelsenium...but I am now!

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Other things that may help:


Try giving her an Epsom Salts bath at bedtime. Epsom salts contain magnesium sulfate that gets absorbed through the skin during the bath. In some kids, the extra magnesium helps them sleep. Start with 1/4c in a comfortably hot bath, and have her soak for 20+ minutes. Over a period of days/weeks, work up to a cup or two of epsom salts per bath.


a drop or two of lavendar oil on the pillow (or a few drops in the bath) may help relax her.


White noise (a fan, etc.) in her room.


"Rescue Remedy" drops/pastilles. Rescue Remedy is based on flower essences and works similarly to using lavendar oil. It's very calming, but with no drugs or side effects.


If none of those work, try 1-3mg melatonin, 30 minutes before bedtime. Melatonin occasionally causes bad dreams. If this happens, try giving the melatonin with vitamin B6 and zinc. Thiis ought to alleviate the dreams side effect.


My son used to lay awake for 2+ hours, no matter what time he went to bed. He was a grumpy, oppositional little toot during the daytime, b/c he didn't get enough sleep. Once we started melatonin, he went right to sleep (20-30 minutes after being tucked in), and woke up happy and calm. Melatonin is an antioxidant, so it can have multiple benefits.





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