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What age for a BB Gun?

What is the youngest age you would allow a bb gun?  

  1. 1. What is the youngest age you would allow a bb gun?

    • 7 or younger(please specify)
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10 or older (please specify)

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I hesitate to vote as it is different for every kid. We started letting our kids shoot them when my youngest was 7 and my oldest was 9. We taught them all about gun safety and had rules they needed to follow. Both boys have shown tremendous maturity and responsibility when around them. AND they are HIGHLY SUPERVISED...NEVER allowed to use them without us right there. We gave our oldest his own for his 10th birthday, but again, he is never allowed to use it with us right there.

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I plan to start teaching dd7 how to use one when she is eight. Or more likely get my mother to do so. I am not knowlegeable and practiced enough to be comfortable with guns(also I am legally blind without corrective lenses) but my mother is an excellent shot. I asked her recently how old she was when she started learning how to shoot bb guns and real guns. She said that the guns were bigger than she was and she was around guns all her life. She grew up in a very rural area with an older brother and father who hunted. I would not be surprised if she was the one to teach her younger brother how to shoot a gun.

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my son has one. nothing fancy, just the "red rider" BB gun. he's 7 1/2. the rules are that he must be supervised, wear protective eye wear, and only shoot designated targets (nothing alive). he also has to have the safety on when it's not being used and we empty the metal BB's each time from the gun before putting it away. we all have a lot of fun with the BB gun! we live in a rural area with no one in sight, so the only safety issue we have is making sure it is handled correctly.

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I voted 8, but it would really depend on the child and the family skill level with guns. We just bought a bb gun for my 5 yo nephew, for example, and my dd has been shooting one since he was a preschooler, but dh is very comfortable with guns. If there is no one at home who knows guns, I would say 12 maybe, because he will need to be old enough to read safety materials on his (or her :D) own.

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You forgot the "Other" category in the poll! ;)


IMO, guns are weapons, not toys. If you or your dh want to teach your child to hunt, or to shoot on a firing range, then use a real gun, and make sure they know and abide by all safety rules and precautions. I come from a family of sportsmen - and women- and know that many find hunting to be an enjoyable activity. Learning to use a rifle safely or a handgun for target shooting teaches respect for such lethal weapons. "Playing" with bb guns makes shooting things or even animals seem "fun," and I feel that that's a dangerous precedent to set with any child!

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