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and yet one more "what can I give...?" question...please help me!!

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I need to buy something yet for my WONDERFUL MIL...the problem is that she has everything she needs. I already bought her a set of music CD's that she wanted, but I want to do more. Please give me some thoughts or ideas that would help me. She is such wonderful lady and I love her like my own mom...thanks.

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What is your price range, and what kind of person is she?


As an example, one person's mom will wear nothing but cashmere, but another would be thrilled with a Christmas-themed sweater with bells and bows all over it.


It's not just a Timex vs Rolex kind of thing; it's more of a personality thing.

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she is 75. Been married to her husband for 55 years. They camp. She likes to read (already have done the gift card thing in this area...could do again...but was hoping for something different), She is a down to earth kind of lady. Nothing fancy or frilly. She likes sentemental kinds of things (which the kids are taking care of...with a calendar with scanned pictures of their art work on it). She is very busy taking care of certain family members right now, so hobbies are not an important thing. I dont' know if that helps or not.

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she is 75. Been married to her husband for 55 years. They camp. She likes to read (already have done the gift card thing in this area...could do again...but was hoping for something different), She is a down to earth kind of lady. Nothing fancy or frilly.


I'm no help.


You lost me at "they camp," "down to earth," and "nothing fancy." ;)


The only thing I can think of is that maybe you could get her a charm bracelet with a sentimental charm signifying each of your kids.


Sorry, I'm worthless.


But if you have any really snobby relatives to buy for, I'll be all over that one! :D

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I'm no help.


You lost me at "they camp," "down to earth," and "nothing fancy." ;)


The only thing I can think of is that maybe you could get her a charm bracelet with a sentimental charm signifying each of your kids.


Sorry, I'm worthless.


But if you have any really snobby relatives to buy for, I'll be all over that one! :D


Oh we could so help each other out here! You shop for my snob list, and I'll take care of your "loves to camp, down to earth, nothing fancy" list!!

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Cute bird feeder and seed. Binoculars for bird watching and a Birds of North America book. Warm slippers, a fleece blanket, and a good book. Something for her garden/yard, A nice set of windchimes,......


Hey, you weren't kidding. You really are good at this! :001_smile:


And I finally thought of something.


One word: SNUGGIE


Seriously, I love those things. DS bought me one as a joke last year, and I ended up loving the silly thing. I told him that this year I want the leopard print one. He did this: :rolleyes:

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If it's in your budget, a Kindle would be nice. Assuming she is comfortable downloading from the internet and managing an Amazon.com account. But the Kindle is nice because it stores so much, is easy to read from, and you can adjust the font.


If that's not in your budget, have you considered something consumable? I love Williams Sonoma's soap & lotion sets, vanilla bean paste, hot chocolate (with a really cool hot chocolate pot), etc.......I could go on and on...

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Your turn! MIL, SIL, and sis....go! I did get each of them 2 bars of homemade soap that a friend makes, and I love (different flavors) for my niece I got the soap, some grape-seed oil, garlic blend grape-seed oil, and some lovely spice blends from Wildtree.


MIL and Sil have everything and more. I never know what to get them.

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This sounds kind of like my MIL. She and her dh love to watch the birds in their backyard, so I found a very solid, squirrel defying, metal bird feeder on etsy.com. We have tried "nicer" gifts, but I think this one has brought more enjoyment than most anything we have done. We tried a gift certificate to a very nice restaurant in their town, but we are not sure that they ever used it. Another gift that she seems to enjoy is bulbs in the pot ready to grow. She has an amaryllis that she has let bloom for a few years now. And with bulbs, sometimes she plants them in the spring, so it is a gift that keeps on giving. Another item that my MIL enjoyed was a gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond. She enjoyed picking out some practical and impractical things that she might not have tried.


Is there a comfort item that would be nice for camping? We struggle every year. She doesn't want more stuff, but I do think she enjoys gifts. Oh, this may not work for you, but MIL received an early gift from her dh that she loves. He bought her some very nice long underwear. That isn't glamorous, but I think my mother would really appreciate some of those, too. You know, the kind that are a little nicer than they might buy for themselves.

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these are all wonderful ideas thanks. I love the above picture...very cool...don't know how I would create that though...don't have photoshop...but that would be so nice.


It seems to me it would be much nicer in signatures rather than in a computer font. How about you put in eraseable boxes to get the sizing correct, and ask each person to sign inside a box. No photoshop needed, and a real tear-jerker. ;)

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For people who like to camp, I like to go to REI or browse their website and look for really technical camping stuff that they would probably tremendously enjoy but not buy for themselves. Examples might include a backpacking stove, a really strong but light flashlight or lantern, some of the new ultralight compactible dishes, ecological soap/shampoo/dish detergent, or an article of clothing like great ski mittens.


Something that I just love is hiking poles, and they are lighter, more practical, and much less expensive than they used to be. When I started wearing progressive lenses, I found that my depth perception for hiking up and down hills (especially down) was 'off', and it was extremely helpful to have those poles in my hands for extra feedback on depth, and for balance. I don't take them on every hike, but I love them. They have diamond tips so they never slide aside, and they are extremely light but very strong. Even though the prices have come down, though, they still are around $75 or so at best for a good pair.


The newer underlayers are really nice, too.


How about one of those big ring scarves that you can pull up like a hood or wear around your neck, or double up?

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I'm no help.


You lost me at "they camp," "down to earth," and "nothing fancy." ;)


The only thing I can think of is that maybe you could get her a charm bracelet with a sentimental charm signifying each of your kids.


Sorry, I'm worthless.


But if you have any really snobby relatives to buy for, I'll be all over that one! :D





cracking up, over here.

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