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ok..... we have the most AMAZING puppy!!!

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he is 8 weeks old today. We drove to IL last week to pick him up. After we got him we drove 5 hours to a friend's house, and he was an ANGEL the entire time. I was so worried he'd have multiple accidents in my friend's house, a newlywed, and he only had one. He ran to the slider and waited for me but I just didn't pay attention. That was his ONE accident in their home! He then drove 15 hours home to NH, and he was an ANGEL. He was calm and quiet in the car, but he became playful and energetic when we pulled over to let him go to the bathroom. I'm thankful the breeder told us not to go to public rest stops as they are breeding grounds for diseases. :ohmy: At home he is an ANGEL. He runs to the door if he needs to go to the bathroom. I am running out to get bells for him to ring at both doors, and I know he will definitely be able to do this. He's SO smart!!! He also walks easily on a leash! I go to bed between 11:30 - 1:00, dh will take him out once at night, and then I have to get him up in the morning. He is just SO AMAZING. He had no potty training or leash training at the breeders. He's just so smart! He loves everything and everyone. He's truly the most amazing puppy I've ever had! And by far the easiest. BY FAR.


Since I still can't upload pics here, I've started a photo album of him for everyone to see:




His puppy breath is not amazing. It's kind of strong, but I'm thankful that it is puppy breath. My dachsund never had puppy breath. Even now, he stinks to the high heavens when he opens his mouth.



Edited by Denisemomof4
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The puppy is adorable.


But you let the chickens in the house?!


And HOW on earth does your dd manage to wear crocs in the barnyard?! (And stay so clean?!)


ok.... that chicken.:glare: I nursed it back from the dead, really, back in August. I never imagined I'd still be syringe feeding it 4 months later!!! She WON'T eat on her own and is brain damaged. So yes, she's in the house. She wears diapers I sewed for her but she wasn't wearing them in that pic. No, I'm not posting pics of that. I'm surprised you realized she was a chicken. Our visitors are always impressed with our exotic "bird" and wonder what type she is.:lol::lol:


Crocs and white pjs were allowed because I was brain dead. I got a few hours sleep after driving 15 hours. It was warm and sunny and we wanted to take Cooper out to show him his new farm. I never thought about it and we were only outside for about 5 minutes. :001_smile:

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OMG, he looks so much like our now 1yo puppy. We got her from the shelter, and we have no idea what she is, but we have run into two people who mentioned blackmouthed cur, even though they are very uncommon around here. Maybe she's a mix, as her face is a bit more narrow? What do you think? She also house trained so easily, and is so smart and sweet. However, she immediately tried to herd our chickens, and the chickens were none too happy about it, so they are kept separate. Your puppy is adorable!




Edited by bnrmom
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Kungfu Panda, how did you post that pic? I've tried to post pics and even dh has tried, and he's an engineer! We are always told the pics are too big. Did you do something different? I'm wondering if it made a difference because I uploaded them into photobucket first?


I clicked on your link, then I just copied the image code to the right of the photo p><p>This has changed my life and I am drunk with Picture Power. I also just learned to do multiple quotes.  So THAT


Now you must change your screen name to ChickenDiapers :lol::lol::lol:


I found this on, you guessed it, chicken diapers.com


http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff432/kungfupanda2/7d1adfe9.jpg' alt='7d1adfe9.jpg'>

Edited by KungFuPanda
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I feel really guilty for finding it funny that you have a chicken that wear diapers and lives in your house.


The puppy is adorable!


It's not funny, it's stupid, asinine and insane. I see something that needs help and I help it. I'm still wondering why I have a chicken in the house and yet I can't let her go. I also have a one eyed horse, a pig meant to be sent to slaughter, and many other rescues. Yes, they all live in my house.




well, not really.... but it would make for a good story, wouldn't it?:lol::lol::lol:

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I clicked on your link, then I just copied the image code to the right of the photo ........


This has changed my life and I am drunk with Picture Power. I also just learned to do multiple quotes. So THAT'S what the little quote button is for!


Now you must change your screen name to ChickenDiapers :lol::lol::lol:



I don't like you.




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It's not funny, it's stupid, asinine and insane. I see something that needs help and I help it. I'm still wondering why I have a chicken in the house and yet I can't let her go. I also have a one eyed horse, a pig meant to be sent to slaughter, and many other rescues. Yes, they all live in my house.




well, not really.... but it would make for a good story, wouldn't it?:lol::lol::lol:


Don't beat yourself up for having a good heart. If the world was populated by people with your heart, imagine what a wonderful place it would be.

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OMG, he looks so much like our now 1yo puppy. We got her from the shelter, and we have no idea what she is, but we have run into two people who mentioned blackmouthed cur, even though they are very uncommon around here. Maybe she's a mix, as her face is a bit more narrow? What do you think? She also house trained so easily, and is so smart and sweet. (She's also super energetic, and it was a bit much to take at first, but she's starting to mellow out.)





HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at her eyes then go back and look at my pup's eyes. They both have those black hook like thingies above their eyes! I told dd's it's like he was putting on eyeliner in the car and went over a bump!:lol::lol::lol: My Cooper was the only one in the litter with those things above the eyes. If you have a BMC, YES, they are high energy dogs. They NEED physical and mental workouts. We bring puppy out to run and play first thing in the morning (will begin walks soon) and again around noon, then again in the evening. We bought a Kong and hide treats in it. For now the mental challenge is fitting in with so many animals. He can't figure out why not all animals like him. :sad:


Blackmouth Curs can also be reddish like yours. They are known to give their lives for their owners/family and are VERY loyal and loving dogs. You need to be careful around other animals as they are hunting dogs and can kill a wild boar and even bears! I'm doing a TON of socializing.

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Can your puppy come over to my house and teach Diesel how to go outside to potty starting next week? I'll pay him all the treats he can eat and I'll even throw in some chicken diapers as a bonus? What do you think? Huh? Huh?




It does help to follow other dogs outside, but mine went outside alone at my friend's house. That is until their dogs realized how awesome he is and befriended him.


TINY dog, TINY pee. ;) It'll be ok. :001_smile:

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It does help to follow other dogs outside, but mine went outside alone at my friend's house. That is until their dogs realized how awesome he is and befriended him.


TINY dog, TINY pee. ;) It'll be ok. :001_smile:


Hah. For a fleeting moment, I thought maybe my old beagle could teach him. But she sleeps 20 out of 24 hours a day and only goes out like 4 times a day. That won't work. Darn.


Okay...tiny dog, tiny pee...tiny dog, tiny pee...:D

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OMG, he looks so much like our now 1yo puppy. We got her from the shelter, and we have no idea what she is, but we have run into two people who mentioned blackmouthed cur, even though they are very uncommon around here. Maybe she's a mix, as her face is a bit more narrow? What do you think? She also house trained so easily, and is so smart and sweet. However, she immediately tried to herd our chickens, and the chickens were none too happy about it, so they are kept separate. Your puppy is adorable!






Couldn't resist! I can post pics now. I'm a jenius!

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You are a show off! ;)




Nakia, who is jealous because she doesn't know how to post a pic like that. :(


Someone told me how to upload pics from my iPad yesterday. (I'll have to look up the accomplices name.) I've been annoying ever since. You upload to photobucket, copy the IMG code (they put it where you can't miss it) and just paste it here.



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ok.... that chicken.:glare: I nursed it back from the dead, really, back in August. I never imagined I'd still be syringe feeding it 4 months later!!! She WON'T eat on her own and is brain damaged. So yes, she's in the house. She wears diapers I sewed for her but she wasn't wearing them in that pic. No, I'm not posting pics of that. I'm surprised you realized she was a chicken. Our visitors are always impressed with our exotic "bird" and wonder what type she is.:lol::lol:


Crocs and white pjs were allowed because I was brain dead. I got a few hours sleep after driving 15 hours. It was warm and sunny and we wanted to take Cooper out to show him his new farm. I never thought about it and we were only outside for about 5 minutes. :001_smile:


Oh Denise, we have had polishes, too... they've been favorite breeds around here. I always tell the kids they're so sweet b/c they can't see you're coming to get them. If they could halfway see, they'd run! :lol:


I'm always washing/trashing stained clothes. Our barnyard (and our kids) are a magnet for MUCK. I'm SO sick of telling the kids to put their barn boots on and not wear the &%$*& street shoes in the barnyard! I was just having a bit of envy (and being a tad bit amazed) that you all somehow figured out the secret to staying clean.

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Yes, exercise is big for her, and you're right, the mental stimulation too. She loves training sessions, and they really tire her out. We live in the 'burbs, so no farm to run around on, but dh walks her to work and back (1 mile each way) and then we take her on long off leash hikes several times a week. She runs around like crazy and comes home tired out. She is soooo loyal - she always looks back to see where we are on walks, never runs off, always follows us if we turn in another direction. And she definitely is some kind of hunting/herding dog.


If she is indeed a BC, this is my new favorite breed! Your boy is so handsome!

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Yes, exercise is big for her, and you're right, the mental stimulation too. She loves training sessions, and they really tire her out. We live in the 'burbs, so no farm to run around on, but dh walks her to work and back (1 mile each way) and then we take her on long off leash hikes several times a week. She runs around like crazy and comes home tired out. She is soooo loyal - she always looks back to see where we are on walks, never runs off, always follows us if we turn in another direction. And she definitely is some kind of hunting/herding dog.


If she is indeed a BC, this is my new favorite breed! Your boy is so handsome!


funny.... my puppy stays right by us and looks back to make sure we're nearby. He loves us all to be together and will whine if one of us leaves the car, room or yard. We intend to take him on a LOT of hikes. We have BIG plans for him!:001_smile:

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Sooo cute! I have a new puppy, too. She is so sweet. Loves everyone, loves the pug, is enamored with me. No fear, just happy!


I love my pug, but medium to large breeds seem to be easier/more laid back? I don't know. My pug is a bit neurotic, although a love!


My neighbor has 2 little dogs, and I think it is just little dog syndrome. Love them, but there is something about a larger breed dog that just says, "Don't worry. Be happy." LOL

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