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I accidentally found out what I'm getting for Christmas - what should I do?

Tell Mom or not?  

  1. 1. Tell Mom or not?

    • Tell her I misunderstood and opened the box.
    • Don't mention it; just thank her heartily on Christmas.
    • Other.
    • I like answering polls.

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My mom lives in another state. Due to a misunderstanding, I opened an Amazon box that came this week. In it is a wrapped item, and a loose Kindle power adapter in a little baggie. The gift card on the wrapped item says it's for me. (When Mom asked for gift ideas, I said I'd like a Kindle.) Do I tell her the surprise was ruined? Or just don't mention it, and thank her for it on Christmas? I'm leaning toward the latter.



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Guest submarines
I wouldn't let on that you know, and just act surprised and grateful when Christmas comes. :)


You don't even have to act surprised. Didn't you ask for a Kindle? :001_smile:

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Wendi isn't there a part of you that's just hoping that some will say that you should tell her that you've got it and know what it is ... so you can start using it??? :lol: What a great gift' date=' but it's got to be torture leaving it in the box. :)[/quote']

:iagree: That would be me, too!


Best to just leave it in the box and thank her on Christmas. Unless you have a small child you could entice to open the present for you *by accident*?

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Wendi isn't there a part of you that's just hoping that some will say that you should tell her that you've got it and know what it is ... so you can start using it??? :lol: What a great gift' date=' but it's got to be torture leaving it in the box. :)[/quote']




Though it would KILL me to not open that box and start using that Kindle, I would just fake it and act suprised on Christmas. (If my mother was normal, which she isn't, but that is another thread.)

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Y'all are a bad influence! I wasn't going to start using it early, but now I'm tempted. :glare:


I can't wait to load it up with classics for free! I have read two books on my iPhone, but my 44-year-old eyes don't like it. I think the Kindle will be perfect to take with me everywhere I go.


I guess I *could* start looking at covers for it, right?



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I'm in the "You might as well open it all the way and enjoy it now" camp :D. As for what to tell your mom. . . I don't know. I'm puzzled as to why your power adapter would be in separate packaging. Mine all came in one box. That seems rather sloppy on Amazon's part. . . in fact I might tell her just so she could complain and get her $5 for gift wrapping refunded!

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I had the same thing happen. I wasn't paying close attention to the adressee, and thought it was one of the myriad boxes I'd ordered from amazon. inside, was the envelop addressed to me - stating what the item was. oops. I have clear packing tape, and sealed it back up and put it in her room. I'm not saying a thing. after all, I might know what the item is, but I don't know all the details about it. ;)

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No as for the cover, are you even sure which one it is? Since they do offer 3 I would hold off on getting a cover till you open it.


As far as telling your mom, no don't. Keep it a surprise for her later and a horrible temptation for you, but you will make it.


ETA: I guess there is 4 of them. I did not know that.

Edited by hsmom
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Since I turned 10 I've pretty much known what I was getting for birthday and/or Christmas. NOT because I snooped!! Once, Mom bought gifts with me present. :lol: She tried to make it seem like they weren't for me, but I just had "that feeling".


Another year I was walking down the hall and she was on the phone telling a friend. I acted like I hadn't heard. Another year my cousin's exchanged a look when I mentioned something I'd been really wanting, it was two days before my birthday.


Even now that I'm married I still generally know. I think this year for my anniversary is the FIRST year I've not known. It was sooo funny because I nearly found out when I went to pull some dirty socks out from under the bed and dh nearly belly dove across the room telling me he'd pick them up. :lol:


I'm really good at sying, "Oh how awesome!!" ;) My husband says, "Did you know, be honest?" and I say, "I had an idea, but wasn't certain." ;) I'll be shocked if what I'm thinking of he doesn't get me for Christmas, especially since there was an ad on tv for it and it was on sale for $60 less then normal. Or maybe I'm hoping big time. :D

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Y'all are a bad influence! I wasn't going to start using it early, but now I'm tempted. :glare:


I can't wait to load it up with classics for free! I have read two books on my iPhone, but my 44-year-old eyes don't like it. I think the Kindle will be perfect to take with me everywhere I go.


I guess I *could* start looking at covers for it, right?




:lol: Sorry!


You know that if you did start using it that your kids would slip the news to Grandma somehow? That should help to keep you on the straight and narrow. As for knowing which cover to order, you could peek and re-tape ... :leaving:

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Wendi isn't there a part of you that's just hoping that some will say that you should tell her that you've got it and know what it is ... so you can start using it??? :lol: What a great gift' date=' but it's got to be torture leaving it in the box. :)[/quote']

It IS hard to know that it's sitting in my house in a box and I won't get it until Christmas!

I know that I'm getting one for Christmas, but dh decided to get a Fire for me, and since it's at the threshold of expenditures that we need to discuss, he decided that discussion rather than surprise, was the better way to go. And then the box came completely undisguised as to the contents (Kindle Fire written on the side of a box that couldn't really fit anything else), so I would have figured it out then anyway.

He has fallen in love with his friend's first generation Kindle, and so far, I've kept it secret from him that he's getting a basic one.

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