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DD 10 is developing way to fast [female content].

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She came to me yesterday and told me she noticed "white stuff" on her undies. I looked and yes there was a big old blob of it. It is not yeast like and she is not complaining of any yeast infection symptoms. A couple months ago she discovered hair so I am assuming she will be starting her period soon?


I have her wearing a panty liner and I am wondering if I should be stocking up on pads soon. This could also explain her increase in weight and moody attitude the past couple months.




She is rather excited about it. :001_smile:

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I feel your pain. My dd started this summer when she was 10. She wasn't excited though. She is very innocent and young for her age even though she looks much older. I developed early and was hoping to spare her that. We have eaten organic food since our kids were little and I hoped the lack of hormones in her food would help delay puberty to a more reasonable age but alas it didn't. Enjoy your moody preteen, I just try and be patient with mine and remember what it was to be that age and have my body being all weird.

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I feel your pain. My dd started this summer when she was 10. She wasn't excited though. She is very innocent and young for her age even though she looks much older. I developed early and was hoping to spare her that. We have eaten organic food since our kids were little and I hoped the lack of hormones in her food would help delay puberty to a more reasonable age but alas it didn't. Enjoy your moody preteen, I just try and be patient with mine and remember what it was to be that age and have my body being all weird.

I heard recently that one of the reasons for some kids entering puberty so early is because of the cleaner healthier diet. Their bodies know they are healthy enough to reproduce so they get ready to do just that. The alternative is that those who eat junk start later.


I do not know how much, if any, research has been done on the subject. It was a friend's passing thought.

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I feel your pain. My dd started this summer when she was 10. She wasn't excited though. She is very innocent and young for her age even though she looks much older. I developed early and was hoping to spare her that. We have eaten organic food since our kids were little and I hoped the lack of hormones in her food would help delay puberty to a more reasonable age but alas it didn't. Enjoy your moody preteen, I just try and be patient with mine and remember what it was to be that age and have my body being all weird.


patience is definitely key to survival I think. She wasn't excited about it until I bought the care and keeping of you book. NOW she is always referenceing it to make sure my information is accurate. :glare: lol.

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She may still have some time before her first period. She's progressing through the stages for her age - while 10 seems young, her potential to menstruate depends more on where she is on the Tanner scale than it does with some discharge.


This might help: Tanner Scale


General rule of thumb is that in Tanner III is when a girl is most likely to start her period, although it is possible she won't until IV - her body fat percentage plays a huge role in this (generally a girl needs to weigh at least 100 pounds for her period to start, but that isn't always true). Her weight gain is expected as she's moving along the scale - laying down fat signals the hypothalamus to signal the pituitary gland to signal the ovaries! So, she'll like "chunk" for a while since the laying of fat will also stimulate a growth spurt that she'll have along with her first period.

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She may still have some time before her first period. She's progressing through the stages for her age - while 10 seems young, her potential to menstruate depends more on where she is on the Tanner scale than it does with some discharge.


This might help: Tanner Scale


General rule of thumb is that in Tanner III is when a girl is most likely to start her period, although it is possible she won't until IV - her body fat percentage plays a huge role in this (generally a girl needs to weigh at least 100 pounds for her period to start, but that isn't always true). Her weight gain is expected as she's moving along the scale - laying down fat signals the hypothalamus to signal the pituitary gland to signal the ovaries! So, she'll like "chunk" for a while since the laying of fat will also stimulate a growth spurt that she'll have along with her first period.


She is nearing the 100 pound mark.......... Im hoping for just a growth spurt.

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Timely thread for me. Her growth chart has had her between the 80th and 90th percentile all this time. I am wondering if early puberty will halt that growth? She would benefit from being taller for her chosen sport. ;)


How long from breasts and pubic hair to period to stopping growing tall?

Edited by Chez J
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Mine is 11.5 and has been having a little discharge for a while. I got her pantiliners, and that made her very happy. She has some breast development, no hair yet, and is having a huge growth spurt with no padding. I don't think the actual period will start for a little while yet, but she's prepared.

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Timely thread for me. Her growth chart has had her between the 80th and 90th percentile all this time. I am wondering if early puberty will halt that growth? She would benefit from being taller for her chosen sport. ;)


How long from breasts and pubic hair to period to stopping growing tall?


She may still grow for a long time.


I started my period at 12 and grew through the age of 21.

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She may still grow for a long time.


I started my period at 12 and grew through the age of 21.


That is nice to know because I started mine at 11 and pretty much stopped growing then. I really am hoping my daughter will be a little taller because she is only 5' and I am 5'3" but her growth seems to really have slowed down in the past year or other kids are speeding up, not sure which.

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That is nice to know because I started mine at 11 and pretty much stopped growing then. I really am hoping my daughter will be a little taller because she is only 5' and I am 5'3" but her growth seems to really have slowed down in the past year or other kids are speeding up, not sure which.


I feel for this... my oldest dd has *always* been between the 45th and 55th percentiles. All of a sudden, she is in the 30th! I didn't start until I was 13, I stopped growing around 15 (pretty much like my mom).


But, I really think that the other girls she hangs around are a bit further along on the development trail. If you look at her growth pattern (is she still growing out of clothes about the same pace?) I'd definitely say it's the latter. My dd is definitely growing (she is moving into size 10s... which is very average. Compared to my truly 30th percentile baby girl... who is a solid 2T and turning 3 in January!)


Growth charts get wonky for girls and boys around 9/10. This is because kids enter puberty at different times/rates. This throws the "averages" off.


My oldest son has the added blessing of his foot growing FIRST. Height-wise he is about the same pace as always, but now fell below the 60th percentile (he's been solidly 60th or higher since birth, and now is in the 50th). BUT, if you compare his foot to his friends... he wears a bigger shoe. If he takes after my side of the family, feet grow first... obnoxiously so. Then the height catches up with the feet.

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How accurate is the 100lb mark? Because my girls are almost 10 and hovering around 64 pounds. I can't see them putting on 40 pounds in one to two years?


It's a range. Average is 100lbs; I was just about 100lbs when I started. But I had one daughter that was a 34D and weighed 135 at 13yo before she started. Then I had another one start when she was not quite 13, had very little body fat (gymnast), was shorter than 5ft tall and weighed about 80lbs. The last one to start still hasn't hit 5ft or 100lbs at 15yo, but she also started at 13.


So who knows.

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My girls started having discharge around 10. Two didn't start their periods until they were 14. The other was 11. No real need for pads with just discharge. (They would be wearing them every single day.)


I remember starting having discharge a little before 10, and I can clearly remember it because we were stationed on Okinawa at the time. I had no earthly idea what was going on, and I just started throwing all my pairs of underwear in the closet because I thought something was really wrong. Ironically, I was prepared for menstruation, because my mom had been very open and clear about that, but she neglected to mention anything about discharge! I knew I wasn't seeing blood, therefore something must be very wrong! Eventually she figured out none of my underwear were in the laundry, and so I told her. I was so relieved when she explained!


I didn't actually start my period for several more years--close to 13, I think. I did wear pantyliners though. Never have liked any "dampness" down there!

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She came to me yesterday and told me she noticed "white stuff" on her undies. I looked and yes there was a big old blob of it. It is not yeast like and she is not complaining of any yeast infection symptoms. A couple months ago she discovered hair so I am assuming she will be starting her period soon?


I have her wearing a panty liner and I am wondering if I should be stocking up on pads soon. This could also explain her increase in weight and moody attitude the past couple months.




She is rather excited about it. :001_smile:

That does seem early. I hope she waits a couple of years, if possible. Of course you can't control it, but there are health benefits to not being an early starter.


The signs start slowly and seem to take a long time, generally.

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Timely thread for me. Her growth chart has had her between the 80th and 90th percentile all this time. I am wondering if early puberty will halt that growth? She would benefit from being taller for her chosen sport. ;)


How long from breasts and pubic hair to period to stopping growing tall?

It was at least 2.5 years here from first signs to menstruation. I'm glad! So was she.

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She may still grow for a long time.


I started my period at 12 and grew through the age of 21.




While we're not the norm, I also only reached my adult height at 21 too - between HS graduation and 21 my knees were killing me, doc took a picture (x-ray) and let me know it was "growing pains" (oy!)....so between 18 and 21 I grew two more inches!


Most girls however stop growing in height about 18-24 months after their period starts.

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How accurate is the 100lb mark? Because my girls are almost 10 and hovering around 64 pounds. I can't see them putting on 40 pounds in one to two years?


It isn't so much *weight* per se, but body fat percentage which must be met, within a range, to menstruate. The 100-pound reference is usually for an average height girl, nearing puberty, with some height to still grow - typically 5'2 around 100 pounds is when BF% is likely near what the hypothalamus needs to trigger puberty. But that can vary widely - a 5' girl may weight 100-pounds but still not have the adequate BF%, a 5'6" girl could weigh just 100-pounds and have adequate BF stores....the 100 pounds is just an easy number to use.

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