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Safari on iPad stinks for posting on this forum!!

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I suppose this thread could be considered a spin-off to the one about ditching laptops for iPads. I was so frustrated last night trying to post a short reply using the Safari browser on my iPad that I cannot imagine using it for posting except in the most dire circumstances!


The problems started with the on-screen keyboard. I decided to try the new split keyboard by pulling it apart with my fingers. I found that to be a good idea, but the buttons were a little small for thumb typing. It was a little slow going, but it worked.


The main issue was that the browser ERASED everything I had typed. TWICE! :glare: This is something that almost never happens on my Windows laptop running Firefox. I can have all kinds of difficulties creating a post on the laptop and rarely does the text I have typed vaporize into thin air.


Here is what happened: I wanted to add a link to a page on Amazon's website into the post. So I went to another tab and found the link and copied it into the buffer to be able to paste it into the post. But when I returned to the tab for the post I was creating, the page was completely blank at first and then it reloaded, but without my text included. I was frustrated, but I thought perhaps I had fiddled around too long in the other tab trying to find the page to link. So I retyped the reply and switched to the other tab, grabbed the link and then returned only to find Safari had swallowed my text again! Man that was annoying!!


So imagine that even if I had been using a Bluetooth keyboard, I would have had this same problem. As such, I cannot see using the Safari browser on an iPad to post to this forum for other than very basic posts.


I would be interested to hear if there is some setting in Safari that would allow it to hold more tabs in memory before releasing them or if another browser on iPad would avoid this issue altogether. Any other thoughts?

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I have been using Safari on my iPad for over a year now and have never had an issue posting links. It is a simple copy and paste system. You don't even need to click on the world-chain icon (whatever it is called). It is done automatically.


Try it, it isn't half as hard as you are trying to make it.

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I have been using Safari on my iPad for over a year now and have never had an issue posting links. It is a simple copy and paste system. You don't even need to click on the world-chain icon (whatever it is called). It is done automatically.


Try it, it isn't half as hard as you are trying to make it.


That's not exactly what Reg means. Lately, anytime I switch tabs for any reason (double check a fact, copy a link, etc.), Safari is refreshing when I return to the tab and losing the text in reply boxes.


I feel the frustration. I've lost several long posts here and on other forums and even while typing an email via hotmail. I'm not sure what's changed, as I haven't had this problem in the past either with my iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.

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This is a test reply.


Here is a link to the Logitech Keyboard Case for iPad 2 which I am using to type this reply. This test worked fine.


Now I have turned off the Bluetooth keyboard. Here is the same link created using the split keyboard. This test also worked fine.


So, no problem today. I have *exactly* the same 5 tabs open as last night since I haven't used it since then. I suppose it might depend on how much else is running in the memory of the iPad.


Thanks for the feedback! Still I am leery given that it so easily tossed what I typed last night.

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That's not exactly what Reg means. Lately, anytime I switch tabs for any reason (double check a fact, copy a link, etc.), Safari is refreshing when I return to the tab and losing the text in reply boxes.


I feel the frustration. I've lost several long posts here and on other forums and even while typing an email via hotmail. I'm not sure what's changed, as I haven't had this problem in the past either with my iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.

So it sounds like this behavior may have been introduced in iOS 5 or 5.01. Perhaps when they updated the browser to use tabs they modified it to reduce the memory footprint...with unfortunate side effects.
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That's not exactly what Reg means. Lately, anytime I switch tabs for any reason (double check a fact, copy a link, etc.), Safari is refreshing when I return to the tab and losing the text in reply boxes.


I feel the frustration. I've lost several long posts here and on other forums and even while typing an email via hotmail. I'm not sure what's changed, as I haven't had this problem in the past either with my iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.


Hmm... I haven't lost a post on my iPad yet, and I usually have all of my screens open simply because I'm too lazy to close old ones. I wonder what causes the difference. ???:confused:???


ETA: I haven't upgraded to ios5 yet. That must be the issue. Bummer!

Edited by LibertyH
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I haVen't had this problem with posting on the iPad and I did upgrade to ios5. I always have multiple tabs open. Right now there are 5. I don't have a keyboard yet because I still haven't decided which one to buy so I'm just using the onscreen keyboard. I don't think my tabs are auto refreshing when I return to them. I'm not sure if this is a setting somewhere but you might check.


I have had the problem on my laptop if I get distracted in the middle of a post and take to long to finish my post. I

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I checked my settings for safari and probably don't have the same level of security that you do. I don't do any online shopping from the browser because anything I would buy would come from the app store, an amazon app, etc.


Here are my settings:


Open new tabs in background, always show bookmarks and private browsing are all off. Allow cookies is set to from visited. Fraud warning, java script and block pop-ups are all on.


Other than cookies, I'm not sure what would impact auto refresh So if there's something else I should check let me know.


Before I got distracted in my previous post I was going to say I have lost long replies on my laptop because I get distracted and leave it open too long.

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Thanks for the testing and the settings information!


I did a Google search and it seems clear that this has been a longstanding problem with Safari on iPad and more recent posts indicate it may now impact Safari on other platforms as well.


Here is a representative discussion about this issue on iPads: I hate how safari auto-refreshes.


There are some alternative browser recommendations included in some of the links from Google.


I'm thinking that this may turn out to be one drawback to my recent move to the iPad 1 since it only has half the memory of the iPad 2.

Edited by RegGuheert
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I forgot about your switch to iPad so we weren't comparing apples to apples since I'm on an ipad2. Since dd won't be typing on forums I guess she'll be okay with the ipad1. I'm still holding out hope that they will have the 64gb one after Christmas. Maybe lots of people will get new ipad2's and there will be new refurbished ones available. I just can't talk myself in to paying an extra hundred for the one available now just because it has 3G which we will never use.

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I have been using Safari on my iPad for over a year now and have never had an issue posting links. It is a simple copy and paste system. You don't even need to click on the world-chain icon (whatever it is called). It is done automatically.


Try it, it isn't half as hard as you are trying to make it.


:iagree: I post regularly from my iPad2 with no issues.

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I forgot about your switch to iPad so we weren't comparing apples to apples since I'm on an ipad2. Since dd won't be typing on forums I guess she'll be okay with the ipad1. I'm still holding out hope that they will have the 64gb one after Christmas. Maybe lots of people will get new ipad2's and there will be new refurbished ones available. I just can't talk myself in to paying an extra hundred for the one available now just because it has 3G which we will never use.


Do you remember that sale from last month? Was it $299 for 64GB wifi only? Since Reg bought them all, maybe he can tell us :D.

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I have lost posts in the exact same manner on my phone, and I haven't upgraded to ios5. I think it is more a matter of timing out. It only happens when I am typing a fairly long post with links. I think if I take too long to switch between tabs, then it sort of times out and refreshes.
Agreed now it is not an iOS 5 thing based on the links I've seen.


However, I don't think it is timing out unless the timeout for a tab is less than about 60 seconds. The second time it did it yesterday I was all set up to copy the link location, so I typed the message, switched tabs, grabbed the link and switched back only to see it refreshing. This appears to be a common issue with Safari on iPad based on the web search linked above. Perhaps it is not as bad on the iPad 2.

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