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seriously? police are under funded so they don't go to the scene of an accident.....

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because nobody is hurt and the cars can still be driven, even if there's substantial damage? :svengo:


Ds19 was in an accident yesterday. Of course it's HIS car that sustained substantial damage. The other car did not. The driver of the other car ran a red light. Nobody was hurt.


I almost didn't believe my son when he told me the police wouldn't show up because nobody was hurt and the cars could be driven away from the scene. They told him they are underfunded and they couldn't go to his accident, this in the most populated city in NH. The insurance company said it does happen, and that next time tell them he's feeling hurt. Then when police arrive, tell them he's feeling better.:confused:


It's scary out there.... it really is.

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It has been the policy here for as long as I've been a driver, so 25 years? Property damage only does not get police involvement. They can make a statement to something they didn't witness so, unless there's injury or they need to direct traffic... And it has nothing to do with funding but that there just isn't the staffing to show up for every fender bender.


It stinks that your son was in an accident, though.

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It is like that here too. There was a big uproar a year or two ago when the police department said they would not investigate home burglaries anymore. I believe there was an online form to fill out. Not sure if that is still true.




ETA: This was in the papers when the city was facing budget cuts. I couldn't find anything after a quick search and don't have the time to dig deeper. Hopefully they didn't implement this policy.

Edited by SJ.
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Unavailability reminds me of the old story.....


"Round like a shot... Going to bed the other night, I noticed people in my shed stealing things. I phoned the police but was told there was no one in the area to help. The policeman said they would send someone over as soon as possible. I hung up.

A minute later I rang again. 'Hello', I said, 'I called you a minute ago because there were people in my shed. You don't have to hurry now, because I've shot them.' Within five minutes there were half a dozen police cars in the area, plus helicopters and an armed response unit. They caught the burglars red-handed.

One of the officers said: 'I thought you said you'd shot them.' To which I replied: 'I thought you said there was no one available.'"

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Apparently standard for this city, too - I hadn't had an accident in years but was involved in one last year (other drivers fault, no one hurt, cars loosely drivable). When I called to report it they told me I needed to contact a call center for taking accident reports and get the other drivers info then just pick up the police report at a later date. She said I "could" have the police come out, but that it would likely take several hours for them to get around to us. Since I had 2 young'uns and 1 old'un in the car I decided to call it in!

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Unavailability reminds me of the old story.....


"Round like a shot... Going to bed the other night, I noticed people in my shed stealing things. I phoned the police but was told there was no one in the area to help. The policeman said they would send someone over as soon as possible. I hung up.

A minute later I rang again. 'Hello', I said, 'I called you a minute ago because there were people in my shed. You don't have to hurry now, because I've shot them.' Within five minutes there were half a dozen police cars in the area, plus helicopters and an armed response unit. They caught the burglars red-handed.

One of the officers said: 'I thought you said you'd shot them.' To which I replied: 'I thought you said there was no one available.'"



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It has been the policy here for as long as I've been a driver, so 25 years? Property damage only does not get police involvement. They can make a statement to something they didn't witness so, unless there's injury or they need to direct traffic... And it has nothing to do with funding but that there just isn't the staffing to show up for every fender bender.


It stinks that your son was in an accident, though.


Been that policy in CA for as long as I can recall since I began driving decades ago. 911 dispatcher determines who gets called out -- police or ambulance. Reason for swapping info/insurance info with driver's and then reporting it to your insurance company. Call the tow truck if needed. Sorry to hear OP's son was in an accident.

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If the other driver ran a red light, shouldn't the police show up to cite him/her? I'm confused (and I'm blaming it on the hour of night if this otherwise should make sense). I guess I thought that the person who caused the accident by doing something against the law (like running a red light) would cause the police to show in order to properly cite the driver.


Sorry about your ds and his car. :( Having been there at about the same age (woman ran a red light and took out the passenger side of my car; thankfully no one was hurt and the police did show and cite her), it was a very disconcerting experience.

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See this is where I think priorities in this country are messed up. Professional ball players, while they do work hard, make millions. Yet officers and soldiers put their lives on the lines every day that they go to work, and most can barely do much more than pay the bills.



Actually police officers are frequently not paid badly.


Further, pro sports players enable their teams to make hundreds of millions, they certainly deserve whatever the owners will pay for their services. Until we decide that we will not pay pay $50 to watch a baseball game and that we will not shell out an extra $15 for a shirt that has some athletes name on the back then they will continue to make huge amounts of money and justly so.


Priorities have always been askew in the attention we pay to the Hollywood crowd and pro athletes, this is not new and is a sad indictment on society but this has been true throughout history.

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Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to see what the laws are in our state. I was always taught, accident, call the police to file a report. I was told that it would be needed for any insurance.


Now, :toetap05: I want to make ds has the correct information for when he starts driving.

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It's like that here too. You are just supposed to exchange insurance information BUT you can request they come if you are injured, feel unsafe in the situation (as I did when I got rearended), have children present, etc. They just don't want to come out for a little fender bender when they have more pressing work to do. That said, it sounds like your son's accident was more than a fender bender!

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Another CA driver here and agreeing with the others.


We have 10 days to get down to the police station and file a report. I think that's the law anyway.


I just looked it up. The report eventually goes to DMV and you have to file if damages exceeded $750.

Edited by Daisy
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