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Ds14's friends are now texting me.

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The latest text exchange was a "no". His friend wanted me to ok a game rated M. He took it well:) I'm getting the impression that for this group of kids, that I'm the only mom who actively cares and researches what the kids are doing.


It's also funny. When these boys are over here, they seem to end up in whatever room I'm working in at the time. Not the stereotype of teens trying to push the adults away!

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That's awesome! I want to be the go-to mom... can I use you as my example? Because clearly you've done something right :)


I couldn't tell you one thing I've done. Other than perhaps to say "hi" to the boys and to talk to them when they talk to me! But I wouldn't think that is so unusual. I think perhaps ds has done more to pave the way for me because he obviously respects me and wants to include me.

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So cute!


I have a neighborhood friend whose son's friends, the summer after they graduated from high school, started telling her if they wouldn't be staying the night. She pretended not to be amused.


Isn't it great when you like your kids' friends? So much better than the other way around!



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