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Do you ever scream at your spouse in public??

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Um, no. Though it is possible that in summer, when everyone has the windows open, my neighbors have heard a very pointed "are you being deliberately obstuse?"


I have also been known to bend over very close to the face of an unruly child and stage whisper "do NOT make me peel off my human face in this store."


I make it a point to not scream at people in public. And I'm a yeller.


Okay now, that's just genius. I'm totally stealing that one! :D


Crud. I forgot about giving birth. :o I have indeed screamed at a roomful of people -- including dh -- in public.


I don't know that I'd consider a hospital room (or birthing center, or whatever) public. And I think most people would excuse the extenuating circumstances!


I can't even imagine screaming at dh period, much less doing so in public.

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Our neighbors used to. :glare: I was never so happy to see someone move away. A year or two ago we went out on one of those rare nights for a family dinner at Outback, and because it's a 45 minute drive it was late when we got home. I had finally gotten all the kids and the baby asleep and had gone to bed when my DH woke me up because the police were outside my bedroom door (literally). My DH had been out in the garage when the police arrived after a call had been placed about their latest fight, because there weren't lights on anywhere else the police assumed it was us and insisted on making sure I was "ok".

Edited by melmichigan
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