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What should I charge to take care of a baby?

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I would say $100 a week at least. Infant care around my area not far from NC goes from 100-150 a week. And that's the drop off at 7:30 pick up by 6:00 hours.

In home care doesn't run cheaper by much. My neighbor pays that for someone to come in and take care of her kid and pick up the other two after school

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Make sure it's worth it to YOU. Babies shake things up and taking care of someone else's child is hard. Don't let someone try to make you daycare rates.


ITA. I don't know what you should charge but be sure that you are willing to lose out on schooling time for the baby and that the cost is worth it to you. Schooling with a baby is not all that easy and the times when I've had a little one, (older than 4 mos and before they are crawling/walking) have been the absolute hardest for homeschooling. It's so hard to get things done while taking care of a baby. Be sure you are ready for that and that whatever she is willing to pay you is going to make it worth your while.

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Well, others may disagree, but I'd say you should charge Nanny rates, not home daycare rates. $13-15/hour. Home daycares watch more than one child, and so can charge $100-150 a week.


You can look up what the typical nanny charges in your area for ideas. I'd get a contract, if possible, and MAKE SURE THEY PAY TAXES. If they offer to pay cash, RUN. It's illegal for them to not pay the nanny tax.

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Well, others may disagree, but I'd say you should charge Nanny rates, not home daycare rates. $13-15/hour. Home daycares watch more than one child, and so can charge $100-150 a week.



But if the OP is watching her own children while caring for the baby, it really is more of a daycare situation than a Nanny. I would expect a Nanny to be watching my child, and only my child, full time and not be distracted by, or even schooling, her own children.


I would check for going daycare rates in your area. This varies widely and depends on your specific location.

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I disagree somewhat. I think of it as a benefit that you can watch your own kids, too--That's why I cut the nanny rate a bit--around here, it's $15-25! (Unless you are live-in, then it's in the range I said.) So, I still think it's reasonable. BUT, you do have to guarantee you will not be schooling very much during the time the baby is awake--so I agree that the priority needs to be the care of the baby, not school.


(Some will say, "But that's ridiculous! What if you only make minimum wage? How do you afford childcare?" Ah Ha!! Exactly. That's what daycare is for, not one-on-one care.)

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I agree with the Nanny sentiment above. The OP has two 8yo boys? That's lots of attention for that baby. And again it's not a daycare situation where taking care of the babies is the only thing that has to get done. Life, schooling, housework, etc have to get done on top of taking care of the baby. I would make sure it's WELL worth my time to take on that responsibility. And honestly I wouldn't do it unless we were desperate for money. I have a 7 month old and it's plain HARD to get school done right now. She always needs something or other. A lot of people want one on one care for their babies but want to pay daycare rates. Been there, done that. Never again! :)

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But if the OP is watching her own children while caring for the baby, it really is more of a daycare situation than a Nanny. I would expect a Nanny to be watching my child, and only my child, full time and not be distracted by, or even schooling, her own children.


I would check for going daycare rates in your area. This varies widely and depends on your specific location.



Agreed. A Nanny comes to your home and only cares for your child.


Here in Virginia a week of daycare runs between $100 and $125 per week.

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It's a friend of a friend of a friend. . . who is going back to work full time. The mom needs to leave her baby in someone's home, but doesn't want "day care."


So the baby would be the only child -- other than my own.


I'm in North Carolina.






I'm in NC also and provide child care in my home. I charge $40/day (I provide the food, but they provide diapers,etc).

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I would have a contract and a back up plan. What if baby gets sick and then gets your family sick? I did daycare once and mom got upset when I got sick (from her child) and had to cancel a day. For her it worked better to have a daycare where she didn't have to worry about her sole provider being sick.


What are the regulations in NC? I know they vary from state to state.

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