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Socialization for adults

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I had something to do every single day this week, and I got out of something last night (dh went with the kids).

A friend is also playing with his band at a fun club tonight, so we could do the kid thing (friend's haunted house), drop the kids off home, and then go listen to music with nice people.

Do other people have as much trouble 'gettng ready' as I do? Am I getting old? ;)

Admittedly, I had something to do every single day this week. Driving kids all over, a party, two field trips, book club, and last weekend, a fundraiser. And while I had a great time, getting ready is the worst part and I don't know why.

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If you have something to do every single day during the week, then you just sound tired, not old! For you, running around and listening to half a dozen conversations at once is part of your job. For many people, other than the actual commute, they are holed up in an office and getting out is different and relaxing. I diagnosis "homeschool mom syndrome".;)


Perhaps let your kids dress you up?

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The getting dressed isn't the part I consider hard work. It is the socializing with people. LOL. I work all day long and being around people is just one more thing to HAVE to do.


I'd rather be at home curled up on the couch with a good book.


However, my entire family would prefer I get excited about going out. :glare:


I feel for you.

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Sounds like you had a busy week! That can be totally draining.


About the hair –*I currently have waist-length hair and am still growing it. How often do you wash yours? I used to wash my hair often when it was shorter, but have now gone to washing and blow drying once a week. It is not dirty.


Shorter hair may take less time to dry, but may require much more elaborate styling.

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I pretend winter doesn't exist, so I do not prepare for it, clothing-wise. It makes it that much more difficult to go out when the weather turns.



:lol: That is how I feel about Sunday mornings! I pretend like I have no need to ever wear a dress or anything dressier than jeans, so when Sunday rolls around and it's time to go to church I am floored at my lack of appropriate clothing :D

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I do feel so done with socializing!! Esp this week. But dh was away on biz from Sunday-F morn. He says he will go with the kids tonight, and he brought them out alone last night, but I feel guilty and lazy. I know when I get there, i will be OK.


Of course, I am still sitting here in yoga pants and dh's old college sweat shirt. It's cold out there!! Taking a shower and dealing with the hair means more cold.


Oh man, dh just said he would go out and get a new heating bulb for the bathroom, which burned out last spring. I know he wants me to go.

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I TOTALLY understand. I thought I was the weird one. (Well, maybe we're both weird! :lol:) I love going to parties and getting together with friends, but I HATE getting ready. We have two parties to attend tonight and I love the people we'll see. But, I don't want to get ready. And I should start to think about it as I have to do my dd's hair as Belle!


I also hate winter, and it smells like snow.




Here is where we differ (and you're wrong, by the way! :D). I LOVE winter. Well, until February anyway!). The snow is SO pretty!!! I can't wait for snow.


I'm sitting here at the computer, having just worked out. So, I'm gross. I get to shower and get myself ready, and get baby girl ready. Can I hire someone to do that part of it for me????

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Can I hire someone to do that part of it for me????


We went to the Pompeii exhibit, and while they mostly died ;), before that, the women got to go to the baths daily-- get oil massaged, and slipped on nice loose tunics afterwards, piled their hair on top of their heads with pretty pins and went out into the balmy Italian air (before the ash cloud, of course).

Even slaves got to go to the bathhouses.


Wait...the bathhouse would have been social events, right? Maybe forget that fantasy.

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I used to feel bad that I'm not a go go go person. But I tend to be more of an introvert and I have 4 kids that "pull me out of my shell" ALL DAY LONG. We've spent the day lounging on the couch watching Halloween shows and doing nothing. It's been perfect. We have to get dressed now to take the kids to a fall festival we promised we'd take them to and I'm a little bummed. :) I took the kids to soccer and co-op and we had people over last night. That's enough social interaction for me for the week.

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I can't answer all 3 parts but I've noticed in general since I am now homeschooling with 4 kids and one on the way, I am WAY more introverted now. My time is precious and not about socializing as much any more. I socialize all day at home with my kids on the computer or phone sometime,s and that is just if we stay home.


I don't like parties as much anymore. even small groups wear me out. the interesting thing is my DH and I have switched roles since getting married and having lots of kids. I am the one who wants to stay home all the time. i think it is a season but also getting a little older and having new priorities. :grouphug:

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I am right there with you. I have gotten to where I rarely want to go anywhere. If it is early in the day, school doesn't get done. If it is evening, well, that is family/chilling out time. I hate returning home to either a mess that we left because we were rushing to get everything done and get out the door early or if it is a later outing then we get home late and have to deal with getting everyone ready for bed while everyone is tired and cranky.


I have gotten so bad that we have dropped most of our activities...and I like it this way. I like eating at home most nights. I like having days that we are home all day. I like it A LOT!


All of that said, when I do go through the effort to attend a social event, I enjoy it once I get there. I just hate the getting ready and returning home parts.

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I. What is enough/too much for you?



I love to socialize. Can't get enough -as long as it is with people with whom I have something to talk to. (Weekly homeschool playgroup does NOT count.)


II. When you finally get yourself together (matching clothing and hair that is not a mess) you almost always have a good time.


Can't think of a time I did not have a good time. Getting ready is no big deal - takes a few minutes.


III. When you stay home you feel guilty, because what's keeping you home is your own lazy butt and hating to 'get ready'.


Has never ever happened to me.


I have to leave the house nicely dressed every single day for work, so "getting ready" is a quick and painless routine (I have fifteen minutes max from breakfast in pajamas to showered, hair washed, dressed for work and out the door. )

I LOVE going out to parties or concerts. Don't have the chance nearly enough. Usually I end up throwing the party and having the gatherings at my house because otherwise not much is happening.


What is it about getting ready that bothers you? I just can't warp my mind around it.


ETA: I should add: I am not much of a clothes person. I don't need a new outfit for every social function. I socialize with people who don't care one little bit how i am dressed.

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That sounds like me when I'm just done. I'm an introvert, so going to socialize with a group of people (whether I enjoy them or not) is just tiring. If I'm already wrung out for whatever reason? Yeah, I can't find something to wear. Because that leads directly to being "on" which, at that point, makes me want to hide under the covers.


When I'm not wrung out from overactivity, I have no trouble at all dressing myself. I honestly don't put that much thought into it. ;) I think your wardrobe issue is a symptom. At least, that's how it works in my world.

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That sounds like me when I'm just done. I'm an introvert, so going to socialize with a group of people (whether I enjoy them or not) is just tiring. If I'm already wrung out for whatever reason? Yeah, I can't find something to wear. Because that leads directly to being "on" which, at that point, makes me want to hide under the covers.


When I'm not wrung out from overactivity, I have no trouble at all dressing myself. I honestly don't put that much thought into it. ;) I think your wardrobe issue is a symptom. At least, that's how it works in my world.





My sister was over today and said I should always have a couple of coordinated things in my closst for when I think I can't manage to get it together for an event I know will be nice. I think she is right.



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I am not a clothes person at all! (ot at least a good/spendy one lol) I think that is part of my problem. I need to have a couple of coordinated cold weather things that I can just slap on (that are not yoga pants and sweatshirts) for all the events I need to attend. I have some sensory issues. ;) I can't wear jeans, for instance.


OK, I get the idea.

In that case, I really think the solution could be to have a couple of outfits to fall back on that you feel comfortable in and that look good on you. You could, for instance, decide that whatever you wore today works fine and make that your "going-out-to-socialize" outfit. Throw on a different scarf and it looks different. If your friends don't care, just wear your favorite dress every single time (that's so what I would do, LOL)

Can you wash your hair first thing in the morning so it's not an issue for going out in the pm? (I wash mine before work and keep it short, so I can be finished in a few minutes)


Good luck finding a solution.

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I am right there with you. I have gotten to where I rarely want to go anywhere. If it is early in the day, school doesn't get done. If it is evening, well, that is family/chilling out time. I hate returning home to either a mess that we left because we were rushing to get everything done and get out the door early or if it is a later outing then we get home late and have to deal with getting everyone ready for bed while everyone is tired and cranky.


I have gotten so bad that we have dropped most of our activities...and I like it this way. I like eating at home most nights. I like having days that we are home all day. I like it A LOT!


All of that said, when I do go through the effort to attend a social event, I enjoy it once I get there. I just hate the getting ready and returning home parts.


Oh my word-this is ME! I read it to my husband and he said "Which board did you post that on??" LOL! It really does sound exactly like me!

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I detest winter. I do NOT like being cold. At all. I live for summer. Unlike you, however, I love my jeans. If I could just wear my jeans, shirts and hair in a ponytail, I would be SO happy. I do not wear make-up unless it is a special date. I just do not like putting on make up. My dh adores me, so that is great.


I love being home. Totally. I don't like going places. I blame genetics. My grandmothers were both this way. I do go out... I would just rather stay home. Makes me a dud when it comes to parenting teens... sigh... I make myself go out when it comes to the family, though... occasionally. But, I totally LOVE the days I just stay home. Goodness... I am SOOOO much like my grandmothers!

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I don't really do glamming myself up. If I'm showered and my clothes are clean, comfortable and cover my body decently, I'm good to go. I'm not into socializing with people who don't approve if I'm insufficiently color co-ordinated. To steal an old quote, those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter.

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