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My hair is getting so thin! Is there anything that actually helps?

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I have always had very fine, but very thick hair. I could never grow it very long because it is so fine, it breaks off at the ends when it gets down below my shoulders very far. But I've always had LOTS of hair. Like too much.


Over the last couple of years it has been coming out more and more when I wash or brush it. More breakage as well. It is getting to the point where there is a really thin spot in the back and overall I probably have half the amount I used to.


I've had my thyroid checked and my levels are fine.

I'm 37.

I only wash it every 3-4 days and usually use baking soda.

I don't blow dry. I do use a curling iron 1-2x/week at the most. I don't put any products in it at all.


Any good ideas? I'm starting to get a little concerned.




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I hear ya. I'm 36, and after my 4th baby almost 3 yrs ago my hair has thinned tremendously :(

It's really thin on top, and I think it is about 1/3 the thickness it used to be.


I've recently started essential fatty acid oil (EFA's), but I imagine it would have to be pretty long term before hair actually grew back. I've had all sorts of stuff checked, and thank God, my deficiencies are being taken care of via supplements. It still hasn't made the hair grow back, and I've been on decent iron levels for a year now. I'm about to just accept it as a fact of life even though I miss my thicker hair a lot.

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Guest IdahoMtnMom

If you do a little research on telegan effluvium (sp) you might get some answers. I had it occur last winter about 5 months after my body sustained a stressor/trauma... I had to go to a pixie cut... but now it is growing in thicker than ever (I have to have it thinned in spots when trimmed!!!)


Good luck.

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You can use Rogaine. Many women have thinning hair as they age. If it is due to aging, then biotin and whatever wont do a thing.


Rogain mostly helps it stop falling out.


You can get generic at walmart and target. There is one for women and one for men but get the one for men. Even dermatologists tell women to use the one for men.


Don't use it if you are nursing etc of course.


If it has really started to fall out faster than before, you should see a doctor.

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When I upped my vitamin D, mine stayed put better. :001_smile:


Above most other things, stress causes me to lose wads of hair. So even if all your levels of everything you check are in the normal range, it can still be falling out.


If you haven't had a physical in a while (several years), it would probably be a good idea to have one and let your doc do a blood draw to check everything.

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Me too. I am doing Shakeology for 12 weeks. It's a health drink that people use for their fitness but a side effect seems to be thicker hair and nails.


I had a picture taken of me recently and the sun is shining right through a thin patch making me look BALD in one area. So sad.



Where'd ya get it?


Mine is longer than it's been in a long time, but my scalp doesn't seem to like it. I'd like to keep it long through the holidays for pictures and stuff, but I'm going to need some help...

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If all else fails (and trying nutrition, supplements, etc first is a good move, it just wasn't enough for me)... I've been using Nioxin for a few months - at the suggestion of my hair stylist. She also suggested that I wash (and use the Nioxin system) every day rather than every few days - saying that sometimes the scalp can get hard, and then hair loss is more likely to be permanent. I don't know if she's right, but whatever I've been doing for the past few months seems to be helping - less hair coming out by the handful when I wash it.


Hope you find something to help!

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I would get these things checked :




Vitamin D to start with. If all of these things show up fine then who knows?

I'm 35 and before , had a beautiful thick head of hair that grew every two weeks.

Now its thinning out on top, feels brittle yucky. Part of my problem is thyroid.

Strange thing is my hair started thinning out when I started taking my thyorid medicine and hasn't stopped since. All I can say is I feel your pain. I'm 35 and my sister is 34 and my youngest sister is 28 and we all have thinning hair to various degrees.

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I would get these things checked :




Vitamin D to start with. If all of these things show up fine then who knows?

I'm 35 and before , had a beautiful thick head of hair that grew every two weeks.

Now its thinning out on top, feels brittle yucky. Part of my problem is thyroid.

Strange thing is my hair started thinning out when I started taking my thyorid medicine and hasn't stopped since. All I can say is I feel your pain. I'm 35 and my sister is 34 and my youngest sister is 28 and we all have thinning hair to various degrees.


Yes, it's my thyroid as well. I am medicated with a pretty good drug but it can't fix everything :( .

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Gluten makes my hair fall out in handfuls. Same with my daughter. Before I knew I had a problem with gluten, I had switched to JR Liggetts shampoo bars and did my own vinegar rinse. Wow! It really stopped a lot of that awful hair thinning. Apparently, some of the thinning can be due to a certain type of hormone that stops up the hair follicles? Maybe baking soda isn't unclogging your follicles enough. And yes---I have had those pictures taken that I can see my scalp through :001_huh:

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Guest IdahoMtnMom
Thanks for the replies everyone,

My stress level is probably higher than I would like to admit.

Homeschooling 5 kids is no walk in the park.

I have just started taking fish oil daily, I am hoping that will help...

I don't know about my iron levels - I guess I should check that out.


I am not sure if it happens to everyone, but when I was on fish oil it made my face break out SO BAD... I mean worse than any case of childhood acne and I had it on my neck and behind my ears... my scalp was SO oily that keep my poor thinning hair clean, I would have to wash it TWO times a day...

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I am not sure if it happens to everyone, but when I was on fish oil it made my face break out SO BAD... I mean worse than any case of childhood acne and I had it on my neck and behind my ears... my scalp was SO oily that keep my poor thinning hair clean, I would have to wash it TWO times a day...


No, that doesn't happen to everyone. I have been taking it for years and have never had such a thing happen. My kids take it as well and I have never noticed their hair being oil etc.


When my younger son was a toddler I was told to have him take it at a rather large dosage (for a todder) until he smelled 'fishy' and then cut back. It really did happen. I could smell it on him. So, maybe if you cut back on the dosage you were taking you wouldn't have that problem. Or maybe it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted many, many tips on previous threads about this and hope that some of it helps. Chris posted a link to one of those threads.

One of the many reasons that we start to lose hair as we age is impaired circulation. My beautician reminded me of this. I already knew it, but it was a much-needed reminder. She suggested the following and I swear I can tell a difference when I do this regularly.


I massage my scalp for several minutes before shampooing.




Then after rinsing hair with cold water, rub scalp vigorously with fingers. The scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with the heat. It will energize the circulation of blood in the scalp, making the hair grow healthy, and strengthening the hair follicles This should be done for 10-15 minutes until you start to feel hot there. Yes, it takes time, but trust me, it's worth it. :)



Other tips to boost scalp circulation and thereby help with hair loss:


Massage Scalp 1-3 Times a Day

Press the bristles of your brush on your scalp and make several strokes from your hairline to the base of your neck.

Then make small circles over your entire scalp.

Alternate these methods for 90 seconds.


My mom does this and has noticed a difference:

Massage your scalp with a mixture of essential oils daily for at least 7 months. Add 8 drops each of Rosemary, Thyme, and Lavender essential oils to 8 ounces of shampoo. Pour a small amount of the mixture into your hands and rub it into your hair, gently massaging your scalp. Let the mixture sit for three minutes and rinse thoroughly.


Massage the scalp with a mixture of 1 tbsp olive oil and 15 drops of rosemary essential oil. This helps to improve circulation to the scalp and nutrient flow to the hair follicles.


Frederic Fekkai More Nighttime Follicle Boosting Treatment from sephora.com - amazon has it also

The niacin-derived compounds stimulate blood flow and activate cell receptors that influence hair growth. After applying these compounds for 6 months, 69 percent of women with hair loss saw significant increases in fullness.


Some say this - I haven't yet tried it.

Massage almond oil on scalp 2-3 times a day, daily. This will stop further hair loss.

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