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10yo says he doesn't want to wear a costume

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First, I haven't said anything--just listened. He says he thinks he's outgrown it, isn't really too interested. Kinda makes me sad, except--well, I've pretty much outgrown it, too, so who's to judge?


But he says it would be fun if there were a contest. :lol: And then it occurred to me--you're not planning on going trick or treating or anything like that? (Don't know what our plans are because of impending baby.)


He looked surprised. You don't HAVE to get dressed up to trick-or-treat, do you?


Well, YEAH. That's the point. That's the "prize" for the candy-givers.


So I guess my question is--did yours outgrow it this young? Is he just having trouble this year because I didn't help brainstorm something he'd like, like I usually love to do. (I'm scared to suggest something he'd get excited about this year, for fear of trying to find it. I think he'd be over-the-moon if I said, "Buster Keaton.")

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My dc have always liked to dress up but I do think kids hit a self conscience stage and want the perfect costume. You do have the costume for candy thing on your side. Maybe you'll all get lucky and he can carry the baby and wear the "Big Brother" tee shirt. :D

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We have the opposite problem.


Diva is turning 13, and shows absolutely no inclination to give up trick or treating, dressing up, etc.


Then again...Wolf and I usually dress up for Hallowe'en too :blushing:


My SIL missed her first Halloween due to a university exam taking place that day. With the drive back home afterwards she missed it.

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16 yod still goes . . . still dresses up . . . of course the "excuse" is she supervises her autistic brother and younger sister . . . so she may as well go to the door if they are handing out treats . . . :lol:


Fine with me. I get to stay home and hand out treats! :D

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My dc have always liked to dress up but I do think kids hit a self conscience stage and want the perfect costume. You do have the costume for candy thing on your side. Maybe you'll all get lucky and he can carry the baby and wear the "Big Brother" tee shirt. :D


I picked up stuff for the 4 of them at the Goodwill on 1/2 price day. 3yo was easy--he was dead set on being a giraffe, & although the giraffe costume was a smidge on the small side, he didn't care. Unicorn for 4yo, who has since realized that it's not a unicorn costume, but a unicorn RIDER & is all up in arms about that. But they had little in the bigs' sizes. 8yo worked out, because she really just wanted stuff out of the dress-up bucket.


I got 10yo a brown explorer coat & vest. Old western sheriff or Indiana Jones or something like that. I told him to use his imagination. He scowled as politely as a body can scowl. :lol:


I'd get him something else if he cared, but...


Anyway, this is a kid who tends toward self-consciousness, & I try to find that delicate balance of pushing w/out pushing too hard. :tongue_smilie:

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I think kids in my family gave it up around that age as well. Seems normal to me.


Now in high school, my friends and I picked it back up, with a twist. We'd dress in silly costumes, take our band instruments with us, and serenade the people. :lol: One year we were trumpeting Christmas trees. Another year, a couple of us were carrots and one was a rabbit. We had a lot of fun making our costumes and thinking of what to play. :D

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My last year of trick-or-treating was as a sophomore in HS.


I actually think it's perfectly fine for teenagers - or even college students in a silly mood - to trick-or-treat as long as they are in costume, behave respectfully, and keep the truly scary costumes for after 8 pm. Adults, dress up if you want, but get a job and buy your own candy. :D


Thinking one is too old for a costume but not too old to trick or treat? No. :P If you are going to trick-or-treat you wear a costume.

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We have the opposite problem.


Diva is turning 13, and shows absolutely no inclination to give up trick or treating, dressing up, etc.


Then again...Wolf and I usually dress up for Hallowe'en too :blushing:


Are you the ones who buy "sexy banana" costumes? Melissa is wondering (me too!). Oh, and pics would be good if you are. :tongue_smilie:

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My oldest (17 yo) still dresses up- big time! Lol. But, if my others did not want to dress up, I would not l let them Trick or Treat. To Trick or Treat you must dress up. I don't like it when kids come to Trick or Treat not dressed up. I don't mind older teens as long as they put the effort into the costume :D. But then again, dh and I dress up most years so they don't see it as "little kid".

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(I'm scared to suggest something he'd get excited about this year, for fear of trying to find it. I think he'd be over-the-moon if I said, "Buster Keaton.")


I'm the mom who bribes her kids to skip trick or treating by offering to buy them all the candy they can eat! :tongue_smilie: It's so much less expensive and so much less trouble than digging up costumes for 5 kids! (Oops. I think I just outed myself as a terrible mother.)

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