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Some of you have LOTS of pets.

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And I think everyone else in the world is more creative than we are when it comes to picking pet names!


If you have LOTS of pets (say, 4 or more furry ones that aren't in a cage), do you live in the country?


I'm asking because I know one of the covenants of our subdivision states you can have no more than 2 pets (and no livestock). That's alright with us, because basically, that's the kind of family we are. We used to have a dog and a cat. Now we have 2 dogs.


The neighborhood is older, so I don't think anyone would enforce it . . . unless someone complained, I guess, that your pets were a nuisance.


So, if you have 4 dogs and 4 cats or whatever, do they all get along with each other? Do they come in the house? I guess because I'm so "citified," I don't know how to "mix" animals or how to manage them when they outnumber us! :confused:


My df's dad lived on several acres WAY OUT and had 14 cats -- all spayed and neutered. Some were in and some were out, and I guess the aggressive ones had enough room to stay away from each other. Cat fights can be vicious!

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We have 3 cats and a dog and I just learned that our town requires a kennnel permit if you have over 4 animals, which is rediculous.


We live in a subdivision on @ 3/4 an acre. All of our animals are both indoor and out and they all get along fine. The cats rule and the dog just obeys them LOL

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I think we have a lot! Not a record, but a lot...


We have two doves in a large, well built and protected cage outside in the back yard. They sound lovely in the evenings. Inside we have two parakeets in a cage and a sun conure parrot that spends a lot of time outside the cage, he is very friendly and likes all of us - his name is Starburst. Also out back are 3 dogs... a lovely australian herder type named Blue, a datsun (dont know the correct sp) that is black with some white named Frodo, and a lovely, but hyper terrier nama Momos.


The dogs all get along great, but like to try to get to the doves sometimes. My son wants a turtle, but we'll see... I wish I could have named the dogs - I could think of many other names I'd like more or would be more creative... but, it's fine... the dogs were for the boys and they are very loved.



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We live in the country. We had 3 dogs and a snake when we lived in town. I'm allergic to cats, so I can't have them indoors. We've never really had a problem with the dogs getting along in regular sized yard or even in the house. We now have a goat in the dog pen and she thinks she's a dog. (I forgot to list her in the other thread! I'll have to go back and fix it.) The cats sometimes fight, but they have plenty of room to roam.


When we lived in town, we lived in an older neighborhood that was not a subdivision. Someone nearby had a rooster and we knew someone else who had several chickens and a goat. Someone not far off had horses under a grandfather clause because when they first built their house it was outside of city limits. They must have been older folks since that area had been within city limits for quite a long time. They had a very large yard for a city lot and for that neighborhood. Another guy raised and sold rabbits. He may have had as many as 100. There were restrictions on the number and kinds of pets you could have, but mostly it only mattered if neighbors complained.

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We live in the country, and we have quite a few pets. They do get along well. None of the cats and dogs are full time house pets, but we sometimes have a few of the cats hanging out in the house. Sometimes they get into a scuff--inside and outside, but they do very well for the most part.:)


Here is what we have;


4 ducks

9 ducklings

2 dogs (one stays tied up because she roams too much)

5 cats

5 free range chickens

35 chicks in two chicken tractors

1 pony

1 milk cow (as of Saturday)

1 rabbit (in the house)

2 gerbils (in the house)


They pretty much just get along nicely :) Well, except when the cats eat the gerbils or slap the bunny. :glare:

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We have 4 cats and a dog and live in a subdivision. Thankfully we do not live in Cary which does place limits on how many pets you can have. :glare:


Our cats get along pretty well. Twink, our Siamese, is affectionately known as Brat Boy. He likes to get into the face of the two older cats, basically saying "I'm not touching you!" and they hiss and spit and make fools of themselves - because he's NOT touching them, LOL. It's so funny. He and my other younger cat play together pretty well.


My dog is such a sissy, he was afraid of our cats (mostly Twink) for about 6 months. He doesn't bother the cats, and now he and Twink even play together. The other cats pay no attention to him at all.


We could not have a cat-aggressive dog. When we got him, he came from a rescue and they knew we had cats so they matched us with a dog who would get along with them.


Honestly, I wish we didn't have a dog. Our house is not really big enough for a big dog, and I have learned since getting him that I am not a dog person. I love dogs, but do not wish to own one. And, although I ADORE my cats and would not part with any of them, 4 is too many for this house because we don't have anywhere to put enough litterboxes. Ah well, live and learn. They all get along fine, though.

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We have two dogs and a cat living in the house, and two cats in the barn (life used to be sooo haard). One of the barn cats wants to be a house cat, but I can't let one more animal move in. The is also a barn rabbit and lots of barn chickens.


We live in on a small 'farm' in sort of 'the country'.


We have been very lucky with our animals getting along. I do have to keep chicks away from cats (the dogs are fine), but once the chicks are past a certain size, no problem.

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We live in a suburban neighborhood. We have 5 pets: 4 cats and 1 small breed dog. I won't count the 2 rats in a cage. :)


The cats are indoor only. The dog is mostly indoors and only goes out to potty. They have their little tifts every now and then but for the most part they've learned to live and let live.

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Why aren't horses counted as pets? You aren't the first person on here to say something like that, so I'm wondering. Is it because they do work?


Well, we live on a cattle ranch, but I guess the horses really shouldn't be counted as pets, and of course the steers aren't. I guess if we still had a milk cow we'd count that as a pet.
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We have 7 strictly indoor cats and 1 cat that goes out most of the day and comes home when he's hungry or it gets too cold/hot out. We also have a dog.


We have very strict convenants in our neighborhood.... but to be honest, I can't remember if there was a limit on animals - I suppose I should look that up! But really, I'm not too concerned because most people don't know we have so many cats.


My cats always got along with my greyhound when we had her, in fact she was afraid of the cats! LOL! We now have a puppy (greyhound passed away in October) and so far this has been interesting, but she seems okay with the cats though she wants to play with them and they aren't too happy about that!

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We have a lab who sleeps on my bed all day under the fan. He has a wireless fence in the backyard but rarely stays out for long.


We have a litter-box trained rabbit in our learning room and 7 Bearded Dragons in a variety of cages. We also have 6 guinea pigs that stay in our garage with a fan always blowing in the summer.


We also have a couple of betta fish that the dc's take care of. We just hatched 21 baby quail but they went to a farm for release.

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I live in the city with two dogs and a cat (and a hamster, and turtles). They're all in the house, except the turtles.


I could never live in a subdivision with rules. I want to be able to plant sunflowers in my front yard and be as tacky as all get-out. Not that I do, but I want to be able to. :D

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Why aren't horses counted as pets? You aren't the first person on here to say something like that, so I'm wondering. Is it because they do work?


I'm guessing because they don't come in the house. Oh, wait, yes they do! I remember a picture Remudamom posted on her blog of a horse in the house! :lol:

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