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Looking for a denomination

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I have attended charismatic churches nearly all of my life, and I have never attended one that believed speaking in tongues was necessary as evidence of baptism in the holy spirit. IME most teach that different people are given different fruits of the spirit. Not everyone faith heals, why should everyone speak in tongues?


Granted, very few of them are Calvinist or non-dispensationalist. I am not really a dispensationalist, but it isn't a deal-breaker for me.


What network of churches is yours?


And to the OP--if you find what you're looking for, please pass along the type of church so I can find it near me. Except I also have to add in that the church has to be open to my being part of a prayer group that is made up of Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians. I've looked at a LOT of church websites and have seen over and over that I am heretical to fellowship with Christians from other denominations.

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When you aren't on your phone, please explain the long answer in proper English. :D


I asked dh. He just flat out said, "they wouldn't."


Now, I will try to explain what I was trying to say earlier. Please know, this is not a belief I am near as enmeshed with today. Thankfully, Orthodoxy allows for much Mystery in regards to these things (not a flat out "the Holy Spirit does not move that way anymore") while at the same time not making it the foundation of their spirituality.


The only way a Pastor would be assured that someone was not faking it, would take time and observation. The "intial physical evidence" would be the speaking in tongues, but it would need to be followed by other evidences of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. An increase in the fruits of the Spirit would be a good place to start.


So, it would be speaking in tongues followed by further evidence. Just speaking in tongues to fit in would not be followed by any change in the individual, but being filled with the Holy Spirit should result in many changes. IT is just the first physical change that needs to be speaking in tongues.


Clear as mud? :D

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You might consider the Acts29 network of churches, they're often Reformed soteriologically but credobaptist. I don't think they have a particular eschatology, but tend to major on the majors.


Yeah, I am a big fan of Acts 29 as well, but unfortunately they don't have anything in CO Springs yet. :(


Does Calvary Chapel or Christian Missionary Alliance fit your description?


We attended a CC for a while, but they are actually anti-Calvinist. Not sure about CMA, I will check more into them.


What network of churches is yours?


And to the OP--if you find what you're looking for, please pass along the type of church so I can find it near me. Except I also have to add in that the church has to be open to my being part of a prayer group that is made up of Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians. I've looked at a LOT of church websites and have seen over and over that I am heretical to fellowship with Christians from other denominations.


Haha, will do!


This thread is a huge lesson. Wow. I'm walking away from the computer way smarter than I was before :D


Several of the items on the list aren't things we even discuss in our church. Hmm......


Glad to play my little part in that!

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I asked dh. He just flat out said, "they wouldn't."


Now, I will try to explain what I was trying to say earlier. Please know, this is not a belief I am near as enmeshed with today. Thankfully, Orthodoxy allows for much Mystery in regards to these things (not a flat out "the Holy Spirit does not move that way anymore") while at the same time not making it the foundation of their spirituality.


The only way a Pastor would be assured that someone was not faking it, would take time and observation. The "intial physical evidence" would be the speaking in tongues, but it would need to be followed by other evidences of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. An increase in the fruits of the Spirit would be a good place to start.


So, it would be speaking in tongues followed by further evidence. Just speaking in tongues to fit in would not be followed by any change in the individual, but being filled with the Holy Spirit should result in many changes. IT is just the first physical change that needs to be speaking in tongues.


Clear as mud? :D

Okay. Thanks. I think I have it. My cynical side is talking, but I won't derail the thread anymore. Thank for the explanation.

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We attended a CC for a while, but they are actually anti-Calvinist.


Well, they are not anti-Calvinist, as they hold two of the Calvin beliefs, but they are definitely dispensationalist.


Great thread. I thought pentecostal and charismatic were interchangeable words. What is the difference?


Tony, my thought when I read your post earlier today is that even if you find a church that meets all or most of these requirements, there might be something else that's a total deal-breaker.


A year ago, I would have said I would never go to a reformed church. I'm very comfortable with my Calvary Chapel beliefs, but we left our local CC for other reasons. God dragged us kicking and screaming to a Sovereign Grace Church. I'm still learning, and for us, this has included a lot of bending that's probably just beginning. It's not all black and white, even though I wish it were. (I might just have to sit out when we hit Revelation though . . . haha.)

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I think you sound mostly Reformed Baptist. I mentioned my church's beliefs that are core/characteristic/charity in nature in the other thread. Meaning there are certain key doctrines you can look at that are deal breakers, then there are the ones that characterize your denomination and how it structures itself, and then there are all the fun things we can agree to disagree on.


My church is a 9Marks church, but I agree that if you could find an Acts 29 or Sovereign Grace that would be good too.


Wishing you the best of luck! And if you don't find one right now, keep looking. You know the Young, Restless and Reformed are a growing segment!! There is an Acts 29 church plant coming to my area and I am watching how they do. Our church is praying for them too.

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Well, I was kinda turned off by a book they sold at the church called "The dark side of Calvinism" which included a foreword or something by Chuck Smith.


Yeah, I read some of that book online somewhere. Chuck is extremely anti-Calvinist, under the guise of saying he is neutral. There is no such thing as neutral.


Actually, it was this I read:



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I think you sound mostly Reformed Baptist. I mentioned my church's beliefs that are core/characteristic/charity in nature in the other thread. Meaning there are certain key doctrines you can look at that are deal breakers, then there are the ones that characterize your denomination and how it structures itself, and then there are all the fun things we can agree to disagree on.


My church is a 9Marks church, but I agree that if you could find an Acts 29 or Sovereign Grace that would be good too.


Wishing you the best of luck! And if you don't find one right now, keep looking. You know the Young, Restless and Reformed are a growing segment!! There is an Acts 29 church plant coming to my area and I am watching how they do. Our church is praying for them too.


Appreciate it!

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This kind of sums up our church. We are non-denominational Reformed. Not in Hawaii or Colorado, though, sorry. I would think that a Reformed Baptist or Reformed non-denominational church might be a good fit.


We are a FIRE church and would meet your requirements, but we are in Ga.


Are you familiar with Federeation of Independent Reformed Evangelicals- FIRE


I know they fit the first 2 of your requirements. I can't really speak to the last two. It's something to look into maybe.

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How do you reconcile Calvinism with "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved... " ?

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How do you reconcile Calvinism with "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved... " ?



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I would agree with Sovereign Grace (though they are less charismatic now than in the beginning). Also maybe Evangelical Free Church? I think they meet all these requirements (though I don't think you'll ever hear tongues in a service they are not officially cessationalist.)


That's fine with me, regarding cessationalism. I am pretty sure EV-Free Churches are dispensationalist though.

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What network of churches is yours?


And to the OP--if you find what you're looking for, please pass along the type of church so I can find it near me. Except I also have to add in that the church has to be open to my being part of a prayer group that is made up of Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians. I've looked at a LOT of church websites and have seen over and over that I am heretical to fellowship with Christians from other denominations.


To the bolded: :glare: Really, that is so sad!


I, too, learn so much from these threads. I grew up in the UMC and was married in and currently attend a RCC. Our kids are being raised RC.


I really had no idea of the exclusionary practices of some of these denominations until I started reading this board (well, actually, the old boards).

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Cumberland Presbyterian. They are reformed, not dispensationalist, and non-cessionist but not one of the churches that requires speaking in tongues. The only hang up is baptism, I think. They do both infant and non-infant, I think. We attended one in NM for three years. I remember sermons against dispensationilism because I had to look it up when I got home. I later got out a book with all three views being argued by proponents who would give opposing views on the other sides. I didn't get through the book before I had to return it to the library. I know it was a series and now I think I would like to get the series for some self education.


Anyway, they were the Presbyterians who were the most into spiritual gifts of any of the denominations. Really, the others never really get into it and I suspect that some of them are probably cessasionists at least for some of the gifts. I remember in the the new member class, we had to take a long survey to determine our spiritual gifts.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest infinitelink

Look up "ARBCA" and "Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals". The former is in theory (from what I have read) more strict about confessionalism (uses the 1698 London Baptist Confession), the latter permits Churches using either that or the earlier Confession by the same folks and Churches, and permits differences in views on "Eschatology": I go to a F.I.R.E. church where Dispensationalism is mistaken as simply an eschatological question not worth dividing over, albeit otherwise a Reformed Baptist Church. It is not ideal, but the only one I can go to under present circumstances, and I am thankful for Christian if imperfect, and some times troubled, fellowship and corporate worship being available at all to me: I hope I can learn how to walk carefully between faithfulness to the Scriptures, speaking truth in love, and even expressing disagreements without stepping on pastoral toes, that is, if asked by someone about it, or faced with a situation of conscience. And to do all that in a context of mutual Christian love and affection, that is, if I can provide anything to their needs, and if it's there to receive (I haven't been there long).


F.I.R.E. seems to exist because (1) ARBCA is likely not tolerant of permitting dispensational views in its association and (2) requires member churches give to a central entity; it is more hierarchical (at least on paper), and the Churches that have associated into or come from F.I.R.E. don't like compulsion, and so leave cooperative efforts, funds, etc. as voluntary matters. The latter therefore have churches with various degrees of flexibility and with regards participation in the face of differences orders things thus: if a church of certain views undertakes an effort and other Churches or people from them want to give aid, they fall under the authority of that particular sponsoring/lead Church. I have been in one other F.I.R.E. Church that used the 1689 with Spurgeon's revisions in a stricter vein of confessionalism, while expressing some reservations and deviations (e.g. due to dispensational/MacArthurian influence, about the pope being the antichrist). So it should not surprise, I think, that there are both Covenant and New Covenant types within.


I cannot say too much about ARBCA beyond what has been said, though recently an ARBCA pastor preached at our Church as a guest (he married a woman who was from this fellowship). Unfortunately this is metro (though the Southern end) Denver, not Colorado Springs, but even being inside the Metro, I drive about an hour just to get to the fellowship I do, and some people drive from quite near to Colorado Springs: from the Springs, the ARBCA fellowship whence this visiting pastor came is probably not farther, only more West (in Lakewood). At least I am assuming it is an ARBCA fellowship for mention of its approximate location in Lakewood, and the fact that it's the only other doctrinally Reformed Baptist Church I have been able to locate in that part of the Denver Metro (the other being in Boulder, CO). I assume from his visit, at least about the local ARBCA fellowships, that they are not sectarian or overbearing.


There is also the PCA, but these days whether or not confessionalism matters despite their claiming to have a confessional standard depends from Church to Church: ones like Redeemer in New York (whose pastor is the famous Tim Keller) are sexually egalitarian with ordinated women, and full of all kinds of idolatry (see http://www.baylyblog.com'>http://www.baylyblog.com for PCA pators fighting the good fight in their denomination), while some in the nation strive to be faithful, sound, keep their first love, do works of charity, love one another, and discipline such errors to bring people to repentance and conformity to Christ, and permit credobaptists in fellowship as long as the pastors are aware of the reservations and agreements are made not to cause strife over the disagreements (http://www.baylyblog.com has a lot on this yet again). I know of one regular visitor to that blog, a lady, who agrees with and discusses things with them a lot, and goes to a PCA Church in Colorado, but do not know which.

Edited by infinitelink
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