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Teachers Lodge 10-17-2011

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Hello, Ladies! Welcome back! Oh, wait, it's me that's back! ;)


What's for lunch/breakfast today? Breakfast here will be bacon and something else. DH cooked bacon last night so he wouldn't have to mess with it this morning.


Lunch? No idea.


What are you all up to today/this week? Today we'll be planning our week (we have 3 field trips) plus housework that needs to be done. So, aside from maybe some math and read alouds, and my dd's science for co-op, I think we'll be taking a break from formal schooling.


Any upcoming vacation plans? I'm going to see if I can't convince dh to take an afternoon off this week for a "breather" to help stem his frustration with his job. Poor guy! :tongue_smilie:


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Welcome back, Scrap!


Breakfast - might include bacon here too. And probably my two eggs.


Lunch- salad with protein, of course


Up to: I'm just coming off of my first non-serious illness of the season (a cold). I'm not sure if I should hit the deck running or if I should continue to coddle myself. Probably a weird mix of both.


Vacation: I don't think so.

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Welcome back! Monday is good, right?


I had cereal for breakfast; the kids had Kashi frozen waffles. Lunch will either be taquitos or leftover beef stew.


This week we're back to the grind... we took a week off last week, though, and went out of town to Great Wolf Lodge. I'm trying to talk DH into a short trip to Branson sometime around Thanksgiving, but I'm not sure if it'll pan out. I think it'll depend on the weather.


Speaking of weather, it's supposed to get chilly where I'm at! Highs in the 60s and lows in the 30s/40s. I don't really want it to happen, but DH is ecstatic.

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What's for lunch/breakfast today? Bfast was cereal and leftover pizza.


Lunch? Probably pasta.


What are you all up to today/this week? Packing up the house to move, cleaning, doing laundry, visiting with friends we're not likely to see again.


Any upcoming vacation plans? If you count our trip across the country to our new home, then yes, big trip next week.

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Hey, Scrap - missed you, and am glad you're back :)!


I had two cups of tea for breakfast, and then an orange mid-morning. I was up late last night and early this morning, so I'm not really hungry. Or cognizant, for that matter.


Lunch today was supposed to be Chipotle, but my nephew stayed home sick from school today so we're going to raid the fridge and see what we can come up with. We were gone over the weekend, and today was our Chipotle-then-grocery-store day. Oh well. I think I'll throw together a veggie stirfry with whatever is left over, and -of course- rice.


This week I have a bunch of work meetings and training to do so we're doing School Lite (math, grammar, reading). Right now I'm doing an online training course that is timed, so ... I'm passing the mandatory time requirement here in a separate window. I love technology!


Vacation plans, always. We're going to San Diego in November and Phoenix in December. I'm going to also try to squeeze in a New York City trip so my kids can see the big Christmas to-do out there but that's not firm. We usually go to San Francisco, so that's our backup if NYC doesn't pan out. We had planned to visit Turks & Caicos in November with some friends, but I'm having trouble scheduling work around that so we may end up post-poning that until January (I really don't want to cancel it :()


Hope you're able to convince the DH to take a 'mental health day' -- I'm a big believer in them, and it sounds like he could use one!

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Good Morning and Happy Monday.


Breakfast this morning for me was granola and non-fat Greek yogurt. I made strawberry gf pancakes for the girls.


Lunch will be Leftovers for me and whatever the girls manage to find for themselves.


Tomorrow is my little dd's birthday. We'd normally take the day off, but it is her day at ps, and they're going on a fantastic field trip. The rest of the week is work and school and after-school activities as usual, although I have to get the girls to quit making movies on the computer this morning and get back to work. I don't know how they got away from me. :auto:


Vacation? What does this word mean? Oh it was like when I went to the beach this summer.. :) No vacation for me until we go to TX for Thanksgiving to visit my sister.

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Hello, Ladies! Welcome back! Oh, wait, it's me that's back! ;) Welcome back!! You were missed! Did you have a good week?


What's for lunch/breakfast today? Breakfast was a hodge podge of cinnamon toast, bagels or pancakes, and fruit...for the kids. I had a pumpkin chocolate chip brownie.


Lunch? The kids had various leftovers--pierogies, hamburger, cheese sticks, apples. I have a ham and cheese quiche in the oven and am planning to eat some as a late lunch.


Dinner? We'll be having breakfast for dinner. I'm thinking of pumpkin pancakes, bacon, hash brown potatoes...maybe add in some cinnamon baked apples.

What are you all up to today/this week? We've done a pretty solid amount of schoolwork already today. DD14 is still finishing up geography, science, and some homework for a dance class. The younger kids are watching a movie. I'm getting caught up on housework and laundry since we were really busy this weekend.


Any upcoming vacation plans? We haven't taken a vacation in over 4 years. In fact, four years ago, we took a 2 night, 3 day weekend trip to the mountains with the kids. Prior to that, it had been about 3 years since we had a vacation (week at the beach). I am starting to feel DESPERATE for a vacation...any kind of vacation. Oh well...enough pity partying. I am thankful that we have jobs and a home and food on the table....in the grand scheme of things, a vacation is not necessary...but sometimes I like to dream about one!

Edited by MamaAkins
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Breakfast: Market leftovers (biscotti, scones, pumpkin muffins)


Lunch: chicken noodle soup (made by ds10)


What we are up to today/ this week: Today, we are getting a bunch of school done (yay!), and I hope to get some writing done while dd13 is at ballet this afternoon. This evening, I need to get my desk organized (we moved almost 3 months ago, and I am just getting to this) and edit and send some pictures to a family I did a mini-shoot for this weekend. The girls will be reading Gilgamesh while the boys chill. I also need to prep to take school on the road later this week when we go to campus to listen to students in the classics department read excerpts from various classic works. We're going to bring a picnic and other school work to do while we listen.


Upcoming vacation plans: We aren't planning on going anywhere any time soon, but we have family coming in December and maybe November. I'm just waiting for everyone to settle on dates so that I can make plans for meals, day trips, getting holiday gifts made and shipped (or keep them here), etc.

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Lets see...breakfast was a chocolate banana peanut butter protein shake. Kids had Cinnamon Raisin English muffins and fruit.


Lunch-hubby called from work and asked me to meet him at a local mexican restaurant, brought the kids something back.


Dinner is done and cooling in the crockpot, chuck roast cut into pieces, simmered with mushrooms, onion and garlic . I'll get it out later, reheat, thicken, and serve over egg noodles.


Plans...remind the kids to get their schoolwork done in a timely fashion.

Work younger horse today. Get daughter on bigger horse and start working them on a lunge line. Then take son to his Fencing lesson.


By the evening I'll be too tired to think, lol.


This weekend we have our annual homeschool fall potluck gathering. I'm bringing our small pony and one of our sheep out for that. They were a big hit last year.

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What's for lunch/breakfast today? The kids had cereal. I had a cup of Target brand dark chocolate hot cocoa. Love the stuff.


Lunch? The kids are having leftover pasta from last night. I was planning on a handful of Wheat Thins and a root beer, but I just realized there is a half of a burrito in the fridge. So lunch just got a whole lot more interesting.


What are you all up to today/this week? Normal chaos...speech (x2), piano, dance (x2), Scouts (x2), coop classes (x3). That kind of stuff.


Any upcoming vacation plans? My dh, the boys and I are planning a "vacation" to hike down into the Grand Canyon in a few weeks. I'm not sure it qualifies as a vacation since I'll be hiking 17 miles total and over 7,000 feet each way. I live at sea level so it should be interesting.

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Since I am temporarily working third shift, 12 hours shifts and got off work at 7 AM, the kids had donuts from the hospital cafeteria (really, quite good). I had coffee and sleep.


Lunch for the kids was sandwiches and I had, more coffee. Dinner tonight is pizza as I am still beat. Also, I got my flu shot before I left the hospital this morning and that has added to my dragginess. Fortunately, the girls have rehearsal this evening so I will get some quiet time then. Ok, I am done whining now.


The girls and I are taking a mini-vacation this week. My brother owns a lovely vacation cabin and we are going there with my Mom for a few days with just the girls. No phones, no computers and the only electronics going along are the ipods (and cell phones). I am so looking forward to it. We plan to do a little hiking, a field trip and listen to some Story of the World. It will be a great time to recharge my batteries. Also, another mini-vacation is coming up the first week in November when we head to St. Louis for Boo-Boo's annual doctor visit with her orthopedist. We are staying an extra day to pack in some extra fun.


For our big excitement this week, after 5 years, we will make the last payment on our credit card debt. We are so excited that we can't even put it into words. What a relief it will be to not have that hanging over our heads any more.

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We spend the day with my mom on Mondays and eat out at the local diner. Big girl had grilled cheese and mixed veggies. Small girl had mac-n-cheese. I had a large garden salad with extra croutons.


Up to this week- my birthday is SATURDAY and the girls are going to an aunt's house for the night!! DH and I are going to The Cheesecake Factory and then Barnes & Noble to putter around. Maybe catch a movie.


No vacation plans....

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Oh my it has been a day. My 9 yr old has always been a drama queen, but today has been especially lively :)


Breakfast: me yogurt w/granola. Girls: cereal and yogurt.


Lunch: leftover spaghetti. Ice cream for dessert :)


Dinner: in the crockpot. Blackbeans and brown rice. Yum.


This week we are playing some catch up. We are trying to wrap up some units in math and English.


DD7 is working on a girl scout project for scouts today that is so adorable and is her science as well. She made a poster, including a report about monarchs.


We start the Civil War in SOTW4 this week, so we shall be reading much about Abe Lincoln from the library. I am sure there is a good project to go with that. I plan on doing something on Friday, but haven't decided what yet. Will update.


No vacations any time soon.

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For our big excitement this week, after 5 years, we will make the last payment on our credit card debt. We are so excited that we can't even put it into words. What a relief it will be to not have that hanging over our heads any more.


Congratulations! :party:

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