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Has anyone seen the "new" Footloose movie?

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We went to see the movie, and it really pushes that PG-13 rating.


It was alright, but it didn't elicit the same emotion as the original. Because of the lack of emotion from the audience the ending just didn't have the same impact.


OTOH- I had a good time and I'm glad that we saw it.


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Speaking in a very small voice.....


I love the original and I liked the remake.;)



My only problem was that I started relating to the adults in the movie... Scary!


Me too!!! I didn't even mind the re-mix of some of the songs (they didn't mess with the original Footloose song), and the depth of the movie is not at all lost in translation for me. At 13 I lived and breathed Footloose, I knew every lyric to every song on the soundtrack and my dd15 has watched it multiple times.



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I shall pretend the movie doesn't exist. How dare they remake Footloose! :blink:


~(stands up as a child of the 80s) How Dare they try to recast the Kevin Bacon role! How dare they take over our prom! John Lithgow is OUR grieving moral center. Lori Singer is OUR girl who wears red boots and causes mischief. Those were OUR tractor races.


Next they'll be wanting to remake something like 21 Jump Street. Wait....they're doing that too. :svengo: Come on, Twilight's not good enough for youth of today? :tongue_smilie::lol:



I read Ebert's review. He didn't like it at all.


Apparently it even uses the same script and music. Well, what's the point of remaking it if you don't update it to make it more relevant to kids today?


I'm sort of meh on the original but I won't be seeing the remake at all.

The same script, music and costume??? What on earth is the point?? I figured they'd make it all new music and clothes etc, what are they thinking? Ug, the lack of creativity is astounding.


Did you say they are remaking DIRTY DANCING???????




Just tell me that Justin Bieber nor Zac Effron will be in any of these "remakes"

:iagree: I'm in shock. They can't do it, they just can't. Talk about tromping on my youth!

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This thread makes me happy. I turn 40 in a couple of weeks, and it's nice to know I'm not the only one old enough to get cranky over remakes of 80s movies. But maybe getting cranky over the remaking of 80s movies is the sign of being old? Maybe that's the threshhold between youth and umm ... maturity? Do I see a looming midlife crisis?


And remaking 21 Jump Street? And Dirty Dancing? No no no!


Still, I might take dd to see Footloose. Shame on me.

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HOLY GAGA............Freddie Mercury would be rolling in his grave.


The remake of Dirty Dancing is just wrong wrong wrong!! Who could possibly replace Patrick Swayze and WHY do they think its necessary to try??


I don't have any desire to see the new footloose.


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  • 2 months later...
We went to see the movie, and it really pushes that PG-13 rating.



It was PG, not PG-13, I think.


My older dc and I went to see it last night. I really, really liked it! I actually liked it better than the original. It is not the same script; there were some really good, if small, changes. I liked both main actors better than Kevin Bacon and Lori Singer, and I thought it was cleaner than the original. One like I didn't like was casting Andie McDowell as the preacher's wife - something I never pictured her being!

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I shall pretend the movie doesn't exist. How dare they remake Footloose! :blink:


~(stands up as a child of the 80s) How Dare they try to recast the Kevin Bacon role! How dare they take over our prom! John Lithgow is OUR grieving moral center. Lori Singer is OUR girl who wears red boots and causes mischief. Those were OUR tractor races.


Next they'll be wanting to remake something like 21 Jump Street. Wait....they're doing that too. :svengo: Come on, Twilight's not good enough for youth of today? :tongue_smilie::lol:


What she said.:D

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I looked it up, and it was PG-13. The theater website where we went to see it last night just said PG. That said, I don't agree that it was pushing PG-13. Nothing was shown, not s*x, not drug use, no nudity, even the dancing wasn't worse than what we regularly see on Dancing with the Stars. The language wasn't too bad (and I hate a lot of cursing).

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  • 2 months later...

Yes, I am posting to a very old thread.


Cause I have to confess I just watched the remake which I said I'd never do.


Worse yet....


I liked it a lot. It always bugged me that there were only white people in the first movie. It was a dance movie. Secondly I liked the updates yet they kept the core of the story. I adore the kid that played Willard - and I loved Chris Penn in the original. The casting was pretty darn good.


Some of the dance scenes could be construed as suggestive - as was the implied scene of Ariel and Chuck 'interacting' but I have no trouble letting my 15 yr old watch it.


So I'm eating crow and remembering why I tell the boys not to ever say they WON'T do something.:tongue_smilie:

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Yes, I am posting to a very old thread.


Cause I have to confess I just watched the remake which I said I'd never do.


Worse yet....


I liked it a lot. It always bugged me that there were only white people in the first movie. It was a dance movie. Secondly I liked the updates yet they kept the core of the story. I adore the kid that played Willard - and I loved Chris Penn in the original. The casting was pretty darn good.


Some of the dance scenes could be construed as suggestive - as was the implied scene of Ariel and Chuck 'interacting' but I have no trouble letting my 15 yr old watch it.


So I'm eating crow and remembering why I tell the boys not to ever say they WON'T do something.:tongue_smilie:


I was thinking about this thread the other day, when I saw the trailer for the DVD. :lol: How funny. I'm still not watching, at least for a while. :lol:

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And just from the pictures I saw on the cover, I don't believe the wardrobe is the same. I don't remember Ariel ever dancing up close and personal with Ren in Daisy Dukes.


Footloose is definitely a classic of my generation. I really don't see why they had to go and mess with perfection.


FWIW, I bought my daughter a slew of 80's hits on DVD a few years ago. Footloose was among them, as was The Breakfast Club, and Pretty in Pink. There are more I need to add to the collection, but I knew my daughter would love these, and she definitely did.

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I didn't want to see the new one either, this whole remake thing is out of control. :tongue_smilie:

But I have teenage girls, lol.

I enjoyed it very much. Though the kid can't act as well as Kevin Bacon.

They were pretty faithful to the original.


I liked the uncle much better in this one. I think the biggest difference was that the population was more diverse and the characters were a bit better well developed. The story didn't vary much at all. I did like the way they gave us more of Ariel's POV - I didn't 'get' her in the original I just thought she was a jerk.


The kid can't act at all but he didn't have to do too much of it. :lol:

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