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I CAN'T TEACH HER! (rant...obviously)

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I simply cannot teach my 14yo dd anymore! Her attitude constantly gets in the way. Algebra is going to be the death of me (or her!). I CAN (as in I am able/capable) teach Algebra but I cannot teach this child Algebra! She refuses to listen. She refuses to try. All I get is "I can't. I don't understand." This is after I have worked the problems with her...many, many problems. She is doing Saxon Alg. 1 (should be in Alg. 2 but I refused to pass her b/c she wasn't "getting" it". I'm at my wits end! We both end up in tears after just 15 minutes! Problems that she has seen and done perfectly just a day before she looks at like she's never seen it before! I don't know what to do! We do NOT have the money to switch to another curriculum. I can't even afford the DIVE CD for this or another video teacher. We have looked at Khan academy. Her eyes glaze over. The issues, as I see them are this: ATTITUDE PROBLEMS (the child has put up a mental block when it comes to Algebra). She is capable b/c I have SEEN her do the problems. I cannot steer a parked car and that is what she is. How do I get this child to understand that this is HER future, not mine? I'm about to put her back in public school...which means she will have to start at the beginning (gr. 9) b/c PA will not accept homeschool credits). Neither one of us really want that. Please help?

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If you can at all, I would try another book. Lial's older versions can be extremely inexpensive and someone here can probably post ISBN numbers to look for. Saxon is not an easy book to teach from or grasp Alg from for many students. She's not alone in that. Also, if she's got a mental block, she's not likely to overcome it. Could the Saxon book be sold to pay for the other?


Then, is there any chance you can find a peer to work with her - or anyone else outside of your family? Sometimes kids actually do learn better from peers. Sometimes not. It's worth a shot. I know my son sometimes assists others (for free) at church or youth group.


It might be a mental block or it might be real. This section of the brain is still developing in many students, so you might want to give her the benefit of the doubt for your sanity. If she's more right brained (artsy) math tends to come even harder or later. Ditto that with some who are high in verbal skills.


Just some thoughts...

Edited by creekland
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I'll ditto what Creekland said. (Except I think the left brain is mathy and the right brain artsy?) I think the student tutoring is a great idea!


:grouphug: I hope you find a solution.


You're correct! My brain is evidently all fried after proctoring this morning's PSAT (good thing I wasn't taking it!).


I edited mine to fix it.

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If you can at all, I would try another book. Lial's older versions can be extremely inexpensive and someone here can probably post ISBN numbers to look for. Saxon is not an easy book to teach from or grasp Alg from for many students. She's not alone in that. Also, if she's got a mental block, she's not likely to overcome it. Could the Saxon book be sold to pay for the other?


Then, is there any chance you can find a peer to work with her - or anyone else outside of your family? Sometimes kids actually do learn better from peers. Sometimes not. It's worth a shot. I know my son sometimes assists others (for free) at church or youth group.


It might be a mental block or it might be real. This section of the brain is still developing in many students, so you might want to give her the benefit of the doubt for your sanity. If she's more right brained (artsy) math tends to come even harder or later. Ditto that with some who are high in verbal skills.


Just some thoughts...


:iagree: I cannot stand Saxon, Lial's is the book that I am using and it is amazing, along with the fact that Jann in TX is teaching me I know I can successfully pass algebra 2 this year and actually UNDERSTAND it. I am not the best in math either, but Creekland has a point, not everyone can learn from Saxon. I highly suggest switching to either Lials' or TT, this would probably help her more.

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What about getting her into an outside math class so you aren't the teacher? If she doesn't like Khan Academy what about using Kinetic Books, Jan in TX, a local tutor. Anything to get you out of the picture until she takes back the responsibility.


My whole families eyes glaze when we look at anything Saxon, but right now it sounds like attitude is more of a problem than materials. Switch if it will get her on board, but I think getting yourself out of it sounds like the most important part at the moment.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Mine will be taking from Jann in TX when the time comes! It will work out. We had a problem with math in general last year so we backed up a bit let her brain mature a little more.

Jann helped me to understand that not all children's brains mature at the same rate. Now my 12 dd actually likes math. I encourge you to switch to Lial's, let her gain some confidence, and then move forward (perhaphs with a different instructor.)

Best Wishes,


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I have been where you are with my dd as well. I honestly would try a different curriculum. We used Lial's Introductory Algebra and she did great. I never tried Saxon with her because it would have killed her. That jumping all over the place would have driven her crazy. If I were you, I would sit down with her and explain the consequences of not learning Algebra. If she ever wants to graduate from high school then she needs to put forth a good effort and do it. Does she have aspirations to attend college after high school? If so maybe talking with her about what is required for admission.


I have an extra copy of Lial's Introductory Algebra that is in great shape that I would give you. The solutions manual (ISBN# 0321091051) can be found for under $1.00 on amazon. This curriculum has made a world of difference for my dd.



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We were in your shoes two years ago. Dd could NOT get algebra from Saxon. On Jann's advice, we switched to Lial's ($8 on Amazon) and she did fine with that. Also, for Alg. 2, she took Jann's online class, using Lial's alg. 2 book, which was a wonderful way for dd and I to get a break from each other. I can't say enough good things about Jann, or about Lial's algebra books. :)

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It might not be attitude! I had a huge math block in school. I just couldn't understand it. When someone would try to explain math to me, my mind would shut down.


Could you keep trying different math approaches? The Singapore method made intuitive sense to me; the western approach did not.

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Saxon chops concepts up into tiny pieces. My son was incapable of putting those tiny pieces back together again. Some people just aren't. It might be the curriculum. She might be a late bloomer where math is concerned. Or she might not be mathy (my very intelligent mother did not understand algebra until she was using it in the lab doing cancer research). Or she might just plain not want to right now and be young enough that she is still capable of hoping, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, that math will just magically vanish in the near future, never to be heard of again. Or she might be concentrating all her new teen frustration into that one subject, trying to be good about lots of other things and just losing it over that one. Or it might be hormones keeping her from being able to think hard. But being that it is Saxon that is causing the upset, I would try a different curriculum before I panicked over any other possible causes.



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In the near future, if at all possible I would highly reccommend you contact Jann and ask her about her classes, she does a wonderful job of teaching (I am in her algebra 2 class now and love it so much) and makes you want to learn math, I don't dread math anymore knowing I have a teacher who can teach me. I feel like everything is clicking, and Lial's and Jann together are a life saver, I now am actually liking math again. So relax, as she is only 14 and will mature at her own pace.:grouphug:

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You're correct! My brain is evidently all fried after proctoring this morning's PSAT (good thing I wasn't taking it!).


I edited mine to fix it.


That is totally understandable!!! I am so glad test taking days are behind me too! :lol:


This board is truly amazing! Sue what a wonderful gift you're getting from

Chris, even if she did make you cry. :001_smile: I hope it makes all the difference

for your daughter. :)

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You've gotten great advice about the math, so I'll just add that 14 year old girls are a nightmare. I've survived a handful and have one right around that age now. She drives me crazy. The irritating nature of teen girls seems to peak around 14 or 15 in our household, but boys---neh--- they just start getting annoying at 14 and peak around 16 or 17. Relief is headed your way soon. Buy some dark chocolate to feed her on days like this :grouphug:

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My ds had the same exact issues until we found Lial's and Jann in TX. We have tried MCP, Saxon, TT, and Khan Academy. Nothing worked. He would cry, act like he had never seen a problem we had done 10 times the day before, stare at me blankly, tune me out completely, call himself names. He is now in 10th grade trying to complete Algebra 1 and Geometry together. So far so good. Part of the success is maturity the other is performing for someone not Mom!!!! He now completes all of his homework, arrives at virtual class on time, and comes to me for clarification or help!!!!

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My ds had the same exact issues until we found Lial's and Jann in TX. We have tried MCP, Saxon, TT, and Khan Academy. Nothing worked. He would cry, act like he had never seen a problem we had done 10 times the day before, stare at me blankly, tune me out completely, call himself names. He is now in 10th grade trying to complete Algebra 1 and Geometry together. So far so good. Part of the success is maturity the other is performing for someone not Mom!!!! He now completes all of his homework, arrives at virtual class on time, and comes to me for clarification or help!!!!


Yup Jann is amazing, I don't know how else I would have survived algebra 2!!:)

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I simply cannot teach my 14yo dd anymore! Her attitude constantly gets in the way. Please help?


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Mine will be taking from Jann in TX when the time comes!

Best Wishes,





If my ds stays home for high school, I plan to have him take Jann in TX's math courses. We like Lials' far better than Saxon.


However, I'm also going to say that I had a lot of trouble with my dd at 14 & 15 and ended up putting her in ps, which in our case was the best thing we could have done for the entire family. Not that you're at that point, of course, but I wanted to add that. Dd was doing okay at math & was doing Algebra 2 with a 1965 Dolciani Structures & Methods book, which is a great program for her. She didn't like it better than Lials, but it I did (in part because I did that kind of math in school; I learned about it from Jane in NC.)

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