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Netflix has listen to its customers

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I guess I don't really get why everyone was so mad. I feel like I get hit with price increases in things all the time. The cost of doing business is going up and up. I get a letter from my insurance carrier that my prices are increasing. Do I get to call and whine and complain and tell them how loyal I've been? They don't seem to care at. all. This is true with all kinds of other products and services.


Maybe I'm by myself here, but I feel that Netflix has provided a unique and very high quality service and product to me for many years. I left my local video store in the dust a long, long time ago. The only real competition I have seen is Redbox, and even that is a joke in the content department.


I like Netflix and I will keep my business with them.


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Does anyone else have Netflix and no cable?


Yes, but we just cancelled satellite, so we're very new to watching tv this way. We really weren't watching many dvd's from Netflix so I dropped to streaming only. We have 2 Roku boxes, and use Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Amazon (we're Prime members anyway) to watch tv. We also have an antenna. We're still getting used to watching tv this way, but so far I like it (dh is more of a tv addict than I am, and is having more trouble adjusting).

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We haven't had cable for almost 2 years because we are happy with Netflix and Hulu. If we ever have cable again it would be an interesting adjustment. We're so used to watching something on our time table that we might have to record shows to watch later. DD6 watched a movie at grandma's and was surprised that she couldn't see it again right away. :)

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I didn't like the idea because I hated the name "Qwikster." Seriously? You go from a cool name like Netflix to Qwikster?????


I sent them a letter and told them that I didn't think they made a mistake raising their prices (which is what the CEO said in his letter) - I had thought that Netflix was underpriced for quite some time and had been expecting a price increase. I told him that they were about to make a huge mistake separating the services and renaming the DVD service, though! Apparently they listened to me. :lol:


Netflix is PERFECT for us. Dh does the streaming; I get the DVDs. We live rurally, so there's no Redbox option, and I like obscure things anyway that Redbox wouldn't have. I love that there's NO stress about returning them like with the library.

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When Netflix first got started, programmers sold them their content for cheap. Nobody thought they would get big and threaten their main source of income - subscription revenues they get from cable/satellite customers. Now programmers are hiking up the fees a lot and Netflix really doesn't have much choice but to raise prices. Interestingly they are negotiating international agreements, so hopefully they can keep prices relatively reasonable and make up in volume internationally. I don't blame them for rising rates. I expected it. It's still a better deal than cable especially if you watch very little TV.

I don't know how a company who has managed to emerge from obscurity into a real threat to billion dollar media empires managed to mess up its image in a matter of moths. I think what they did with this splitting the company up is a major fiasco. It looks like they want to get rid of DVD rental business altogether and associated shipping costs, but they way they got around it is just dumb. I think as long as their streaming business is limited (it still is, I think), they won't be able to dumpt the DVD business.

I am still their fan, but I am shaking my head in disbelief over their recent decisions.

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We live on a very strict budget, so no cable or satelite in our home.


We have Netflix unlimited streaming only for $ 7.99 a month and I think it is an awesome BARGAIN !!


What more could I want ? I have all the great tv shows I love as well as tons of movies and documentaries streamed right into our television set.


Netflix streaming has Frasier, Dr. Who, Lie to Me, Thirtysomething, Jericho, The Office and so many other different shows and movies that my tv nights are very full !


That doesn't even touch how much I use Netflix for all our homeschooling documentaries and educational shows. Netflix has really benefited our homeschoolilng days !


Since we are on a very tight budget, we don't get any "date nights out" so Netflix creates our "date nights at home" for my husband and I when the children go to bed. I just pop up some popcorn in my air popper machine and we have a wonderful cozy night of movies at home for cheap !


If I want a dvd that isn't available on Netflix streaming, I hit the library (we have an awesome library with a great inner library loan) and I get the dvds I want FREE.


Shhh....don't tell Netflix, but I would happily pay double the unlimited streaming only payment of $ 7.99 a month and not complain a bit.


I feel I am getting a bargain compared to so many who get cable and satelite tv for so much more and still can't find "anything good to watch" on tv. We never have that problem in our house ! :lol:


Because Netflix has so many awesome shows to watch on streaming, I was able to sell many of our tv dvd sets to Amazon trade in and I got enough money back to help offset some bills, groceries and give the kids a nice Christmas :001_smile:


I really can't complain at all, Netflix has been good to our family and I really appreciate all that it offers.


Disclaimer... ......No, I do not work for Netflix nor do I profit from any of their sales (but oh....how I wish I did ) :lol:

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I love Netflix. I don't care that they raised their prices. We watch so much together as a family most evenings, that the price increase still puts it in a wonderful category of value for family together stuff. Also, I'm still spending less than I would have during the Blockbuster days. Rentals were so expensive. If they went to $30 a month for streaming and 3 DVD's I'd still pay it. A dollar a day for the fun we have is a bargain.


:iagree: We're in a semi-rural area - there is a Blockbuster here, but I rarely find anything that I want to bring home (of course, I rarely go, so there's that). Our library is open a mere 3 days a week, and DVDs cost $2/week to rent, so Netflix is a fantastic option for us. I also just installed the Netflix streaming apps on our Droid phones, and the apps for the iPhone/iPod/iPad is already on our iDevices. When I'm in a larger metro area, streaming on the phones over 3G/4G network alone delivers an excellent video, which was handy when then-6yo dd went shopping with me last year and she was bored while I tried on clothes.


I do also have Amazon Prime, but I don't currently have a unit to stream Amazon movies to our TV. My Prime membership, though, is more about quick package delivery - Costco, Target, and most other big stores are ~1 hour from here, and it's a lot cheaper to pay the annual Prime fee than it is to drive down the mountain just to pick up something I need sooner than later.


I received the Netflix email this morning; I'm glad they're keeping the services together: Quikster was a silly name, and it would have been a big hassle to deal with two sites. My monthly fee didn't increase by much, but even so, I still think it's a good deal. I do hope the company has learned a few things from a CS/PR POV, though.

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Sometimes procrastination pays off. I don't recall receiving an email about streaming and mailed videos being put on different sites....I did notice the price went up to $17.95 and I've been trying to decide what to do about my cable/netflix/homephone issue...We pay way too much for those combined servies.


So now everything is back to the way it was except for the price increase stays increased?


Does anyone else have Netflix and no cable?


We have Netflix and no cable. It's been about four years since we cut off cable. At first it really hurt and we were tempted to get it back sometimes. But now with Netflix streaming, its not even a consideration. For us, the price increase on Netflix was just not a huge deal, compared to the $$$ we used to spend on cable.


:iagree:We more than get our money's worth, even with the price increase. If it weren't for football, I could give up cable with what I can find on Netflix. Dh won't give up cable as he HAS to have his pro-football. Thankfully, he really doesn't need to do that...


Football & baseball were the biggest things we missed not having cable. But now that we are able to get the "basic" cable channels for free (in HD no less!), we don't even miss out on most local games.


I find the email a little annoying. It would be harder for *all* of their customers to manage 2 websites that don't talk to each other versus one website.

Well, not for the streaming only or the DVD only customers. But nevertheless, as a combo customer myself, I am relieved they have done away with this silly plan to split the company.

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