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Runners!! I need some advice

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A few years ago I tried to do the Couch to 5K program. I went to a running store and was fitted for shoes, got some running shorts, and started the program. And wound up in the ER with terrible back pain (sciatica, SI joint, IT band). Did PT and tried again after a few months of healing. And wound up back in PT.


For some reason, I want to attempt running again. What can I do to keep from having terrible back pain again? I walk regularly at a good pace already. How do I transition from walking to running? It shouldn't be this hard should it?

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I think the C25k is great, but I also think some people (and I was one of those people) need to go much more slowly then the program does. Take 2 weeks for each week, maybe even 3.


Don't run too fast. When I first started I tried to go a certain speed. Forget speed and go at a slow pace.


Stretch a lot. Do dynamic stretches before you run (walking 5 mins first like the program suggests is good, but you may need more). Look in Runner's World's web site for some dynamic warm ups, especially ones that wake up your hips and glutes. And stretch when you're done. After you run do static stretches. You can search the C25k site, or Runner's World for different post running stretches.


If you are having that much trouble you may want to add a bit of strength training. I know Runner's World has different suggestions. You may need to strengthen your hips is you are having pain in that area (the IT band, sciatica, etc...)


Even though you got fitted for shoes, they may not be the right ones. You may need an insert or maybe you would do better with a more minimalist approach. It's hard to know without knowing your feet or how you run.


I hope it works out for you. Good luck!

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I don't know if you need to lose weight, but sometimes it's better to focus on that first before running. Some overweight people (like myself) don't have issues, but many DO. I think that running has become so popular and it's shown so much (like on Biggest Loser) to be easy when it's NOT for many people.


Sorry if this does not apply, though! The thing that helped me stay injury free was doing 5-10 minutes of warm-up walking, THEN stretches for 5 more minutes--and really look into some good, varied stretches, particularly for any trouble spots you have, not just touch your toes a few times, twist and stretch your arms a bit and then head onto the trail, LOL--and then do 5-10 MORE minutes of warm-up walking! This formula works well for most people.


I agree with Kim about stretching out the weeks in Couch25k. Listen to your body and cut back if you need to. I can't imagine landing in the ER unless you have serious health issues or are pushing yourself way beyond your abilities. Do not worry about how fast other people are doing the program or if a granny is passing you on your walk/run. LOL


If your local running store has a running coach or group for beginners, see if you can join! There are lots of knowledgeable people willing to share their wisdom and being with others who are also starting out can be motivating. :)

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I need to lose 10 lbs. I'd be happy with 5. So, carrying a lot of weight and stressing joints from that, is not a huge issue.


I am strongly considering some core strengthening prior to running to support the back better. I have The Core Program from Peggy Brill, but I've never gotten beyond the 2nd level. There are just some exercises I will just never be able to do. V sits in pilates comes to mind.


Stretching out the C25K sounds like a good plan. So does the shoe approach. My dh has discovered the "toe shoes" and likes that quite a bit. I tried on a nice pair of minimalistic shoes yesterday, but they were almost $120 :eek: If I knew for sure, they were "the ones", I'd buy them, but I'm not in a position to make that kind of financial mistake.


Running, for me, is empowering. I want that feeling of accomplishment and achievement with my body rather than the weight loss aspect of it. I'm just not sure the best way to go about it and not need another CT scan :)

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10 lbs is not so much to lose that I would expect major back pain. I have more weight to lose and do not have back pain when running.


I think you need to improve core strength. I also suggest you consider seeing a chiropractor. You could have some issues with being out of alignment which you have generally learned to live with but which become too painful to ignore when participating in a high impact activity.

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Well I don't actually run, I alternate between jogging and power walking which has helped me lose weight and stay in shape. I lost 15 pounds!! So, I start out power walking for a good 20 minutes and then I jog for about 1-2 minutes to get my heart rate going faster, then I power walk another 5 minutes, then jog a minute and I keep doing this for another 20 minutes. Jogging up hills is fun and I do it with my dog because sometimes he gets more worn out than I do, so watching him run up a hill is so much fun because he wants to keep up with my.


I tried the couch to 5k, I ending up with a lot of pain in my legs and too tight back. Now I love power walking and I find it better than running, but that's my opinion, you are proabably different, so start off really slow and work your way up! Good luck!

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Stretch, and keep your runs short and slow. If you feel pain, STOP until you're pain free. Running isn't something you can just jump into, it's something you have to work into slowly.


I think people who LOVE running tend to be people who like to push themselves- and we don't like to stop when our bodies are telling us to. Listen to your body and don't try to break any records anytime soon. ;)


ETA- I'm not familiar with the C25K program, but when I first started running I think I did 3 min. running/1 min. walking for quite a while before I went to full runs...

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10 lbs is not so much to lose that I would expect major back pain. I have more weight to lose and do not have back pain when running.


I think you need to improve core strength. I also suggest you consider seeing a chiropractor. You could have some issues with being out of alignment which you have generally learned to live with but which become too painful to ignore when participating in a high impact activity.


:iagree: you took my words (as my dd used to say when she was 2)

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Core strengthening is a fabulous idea. Definitely will help your back, if done carefully and correctly.


I have found tremendous variability helpfulness among PTs. My PT is himself a serious runner and triathlete. He did traditional pt stuff, plus lots of coaching on my running form, etc. I think that coaching is more vital to my long term health in running than anything else.


If i were you, I would start a carefully chosen core strength program and also start c25k, doing it slowly, repeating weeks, as someone else suggested. I love, love, love good yoga classes for core strength.


If you can find a good yoga place, how about take yoga 2 or 3 times a week for a couple months first, to get a jump start on healthy overall strenghtening. A month into it, you could start c 25k, repeating the each week twice. After a couple months of frequent yoga, you could probably back down to one class a week and do your favorite moves on your own at home a couple other times each week.


I believe that human bodies are designed to run. You can do it! It just might take a few months to get your overall strength up so your body can handle it. Be gentle with yourself. Run very slowly. Stretch carefully AFTER your run, but not before. Warm up with brisk walking, some kne high steps and butt kicks, but no stretching.


Do it. If you stake 9 months to get through c25k instead of nine weeks, who cares?


Do it!!


And, if you need a dr or pt, be sure to choose one who is a runner. Really, truly, important.

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Did you say you were in PT for your SI joint? I did PT for my SI joint for 3 months. I was finally released in July and am still working up to 5k. My PT told me it will take time, but that I REALLY need to cross train, work on my core, and stretch, stretch, stretch. I started swimming 2 weeks ago and it makes a WORLD of difference in terms of my pain. Have you tried alternating between running, biking and swimming? I would start there. Then, work up to running more often. I really can't run more than 2-3 times a week without pain.




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If you can find a good yoga place, how about take yoga 2 or 3 times a week for a couple months first, to get a jump start on healthy overall strenghtening. A month into it, you could start c 25k, repeating the each week twice. After a couple months of frequent yoga, you could probably back down to one class a week and do your favorite moves on your own at home a couple other times each week.


:iagree: with this. I do about 15 minutes of ashtanga yoga after I run, and it has made a gigantic difference in all those little niggling issues with hips, knees, etc. Best of luck!

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What a fabulous thread! I'm doing the C25K program as well. I'm having loads of back pain and have shin splints. I'm one of those people though, that can't stop. If I do, I will never go back. I have talked to a lot of runners and am getting tips to fix the shin splints. Not the back pain though...not many people go through that. I need to look into strengthening my core. No Yoga classes to go to, unfortunately. I'm trying to talk myself into a run now. I'm in Week 3 but am having trouble moving on.

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I love all the advice!! I am going today to get different shoes. Also, I totally agree about core strength training. I noticed when I ice skated this weekend that I had to pay more attention to my core than my glide.


Biking is my first love, and I do intend to alternate biking with running. Swimming was also a major joy. But, we moved and no longer have access to a pool :(

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i have tried the c25k program too. i am actually trying it again right now. i too have had A LOT of injuries when i try...shin splints, swelling in one ankle, plantar fasciatis (sp?), IT band issues, torn achilles, etc. i am with the person who said for those that aren't runners to take more than one week to do the plan. i am thinking this time around 3 weeks per week. i have a friend that is a running coach and she has given me lots of advice along the way. she also gave me a foam roller and showed me how to use it. get one. especially for IT band issues. you roll your IT bands on it and also you can roll your back, legs, etc. it feels good and loosens tight muscles. the green inserts helped my faciaitis right away too.


good luck! i am starting week 1 again this week, hoping for no injuries! and i agree, my core is so not strong, that will help with back pain, yoga too!

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I finished the C25k in August and am now working my way through the Bridge to 10k.


I'm still a newbie BUT it took me two YEARS to finish the C25k. Now, I had breaks in there, obviously, but I spent months on a week until I could do it well three times in one week.


Good shoes, stretching after the run and taking it slow are key, imo. And I do mean slow. I run a mean 13:30 mile. :rolleyes:


Good luck--don't give up.

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