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Ugh... weddings...

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If you're getting married the next day, you need to let go of the fact that you didn't get around to tying cute little matching ribbons on the cake knives and sewing little beads on your headband, right? RIGHT?


[insert a million other little wedding vents here]


And have I mentioned that I hate weddings?:glare:


I love family, I just don't like how family is at weddings.

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If you're getting married the next day, you need to let go of the fact that you didn't get around to tying cute little matching ribbons on the cake knives and sewing little beads on your headband, right? RIGHT?


[insert a million other little wedding vents here]


And have I mentioned that I hate weddings?:glare:


I love family, I just don't like how family is at weddings.


I will insert these:


you need to get over the fact that you didn't get ALL of the little bunches of baby's breath hot glued to the pew bows (really, no one is going to notice -- and in the great big scheme of things - unimnportant);


Learning that the Mother of the Groom forgot the slip she wanted to wear under her dress should not be followed by a middle of the night phone call to the bride that begins with: 'We have a huge problem."


you need to get over the fact that it is the end of july and the temps are 112 degrees without the heat index and having a wedding in the rose garden at Princeton is not a good idea -- and you should graciously accept the Banquet Manager's 'suggestion' that the ceremony be moved indoors to ANY of the rooms in the amazingly gorgeous Prospect House (OR go ahead, have it outside and watch your guests faint away);


That was fun!:)

Edited by MariannNOVA
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Weddings, the epitome of narcicissim!!!!


1. If you are a bridesmaid, don't pitch a fit because your friend, THE BRIDE, doesn't have time to do your hair for you!!!!!!


2. If you are a groomsman from out-of-state, don't lie about your tux size because you labor under the mistaken notion that your buddy will not notice how much weight you've gained nor the fact that you are about to split your pants open or that your vest keeps rolling up like a scene from Looney Tunes!


3. If you are the bride's cousin who wasn't supposed to be in the bridal party to begin with but overbearing, drama queen grandma who still adheres to the Victorian notion of swooning made such a fit that the bride included you, don't then go around trying to change all of the reception decorations to your taste!


4. If you are in the bridal party, do not call the bride at 2:30 a.m. and ask her to pick up a number of things in town the next morning while she is having her hair done as this would make her late for her own wedding and frankly, SHE AT THIS POINT WISHES SHE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A BRIDAL PARTY!


5. If you are the cake decorator, do not decide to show up at the reception hall with a different cake than what was ordered, because you decided to indulge your personal preference. Also do not expect the bride's parents to pay for it.


6. If you are the $%^^&&** chauvenistic pastor whom the couple did not want to officiate the service to begin with but through a huge cosmic collision of circumstances the poor couple got stuck with AND YOU KNOW HOW THEY FEEL, do not attempt to insert offensive mini-sermonettes and "extra" vows into the ceremony such that the groom attempts to take your microphone away and the maid of honor says VERY LOUDLY AND CAPTURED MAGNIFICENTLY ON VIDEOTAPE, "What the h&ll!"



There, I think I feel better now.


I hate weddings. I despise weddings. I am determined that I will beat all of the narcissistic people with tire irons when my own children get married so they can have some peace and joy.



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Make sure that the wedding photographer who is a friend of the groom but not of the groom's family takes at least one picture of the groom's parents in addition to the zillions of pictures of the groom and bride and mutual friends. (Yes, we don't have a picture of ourselves w/ our ds and his bride).

Edited by Merry
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Thank you for the invite. I love you dearly. I wish you the happiest life together. I hope you love the gift, which was chosen and sent with pleasure. I am sorry I won't be able to make it to (chose one: Aspen, NYC, Paris, your desert island refuge) on (chose one: Labor Day weekend, Christmas Eve (I am not kidding), the 4th of July or New Years Eve at midnight) (chose one: with or without my five children). Please don't take it personally. I barely attended my own wedding ("elopement" on the beach with strangers as witnesses and followed by a swim).

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Please don't spend the next 20 years reminding her of this transgression. That's happened to me and I'd seriously like the offended party to MOVE ON. In our case, it was not intentional, merely a (thoughtless) oversight on my part. Apologies have not helped the person to stop bringing it up.

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Well, I survived. I had no idea being the mother of the ring bearers entailed somehow running the set up for the reception, sewing things, changing and dressing the couple's 10 mo. old, and trying to talk the bride out of making more little crafts upstairs in the bridal suite when the wedding was already running late and she still wasn't dressed!


But don't worry, I vent and move on. Everyone deals with stress in their own way. And once the ceremony finally happened, my sil chilled out and danced with everyone and was clearly thrilled. Plus, my kids looked sooooo cute in tiny tuxes and one of my ds got to keep the ring pillow, which was clearly a highlight of his life thus far. He literally rubbed his whole face in it when the bride said he could have it.

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Oh wow! That sounds like an interesting day!! My SIL got married yesterday too and my girls were flower girls and my son was the ring bearer. It was INSANE. But I'm glad my only job was to get the kids dressed and down the aisle. I'm almost didn't get MYSELF dressed since everyone was rushing around getting things done and I had no one to hold the baby. My husband was outside seating people so he wasn't an option. I finally broke down and asked one of the bridesmaids to hold the baby so I could get dressed. 5 minutes later I was ushering my kids down the front steps to head down the aisle. Once the ceremony was over it was a fun night. My 3yo would NOT SIT STILL during the ceremony and was trying her best to wreck her hair-do so I didn't catch any of the vows. But it was still a fun night.

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6. If you are the $%^^&&** chauvenistic pastor whom the couple did not want to officiate the service to begin with but through a huge cosmic collision of circumstances the poor couple got stuck with AND YOU KNOW HOW THEY FEEL, do not attempt to insert offensive mini-sermonettes and "extra" vows into the ceremony such that the groom attempts to take your microphone away and the maid of honor says VERY LOUDLY AND CAPTURED MAGNIFICENTLY ON VIDEOTAPE, "What the h&ll!"



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This must have been the weekend for weddings!! My SIL got married on Friday and thankfully it was wonderful. All four of our kids were in the wedding, I was a bridesmaid (3 weeks postpartum - yikes!) and DH was saying the opening prayer. Getting all the kids ready and keeping them out of trouble while we attended our own duties was crazy, but the wedding was beautiful and my SIL (whom I adore) looked radiant.


Glad we were all in the wedding, MORE glad we will never all be in one again :D

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6. If you are the $%^^&&** chauvenistic pastor whom the couple did not want to officiate the service to begin with but through a huge cosmic collision of circumstances the poor couple got stuck with AND YOU KNOW HOW THEY FEEL, do not attempt to insert offensive mini-sermonettes and "extra" vows into the ceremony such that the groom attempts to take your microphone away and the maid of honor says VERY LOUDLY AND CAPTURED MAGNIFICENTLY ON VIDEOTAPE, "What the h&ll!"



THAT must have been quite the wedding! (I hope it wasn't yours.)


LOL, literally!:lol::lol::lol:

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Oh, and then there was the rehearsal dinner. MIL paid for it. FIL (a very picky eater) remarked when we returned to dh's house, "That was the best chicken ever." I said, "Thank you very much for it."


He looked shocked, took his wife down the hall to a bedroom and started berating her for paying for it. :001_huh:

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Oh, and then there was the rehearsal dinner. MIL paid for it. FIL (a very picky eater) remarked when we returned to dh's house, "That was the best chicken ever." I said, "Thank you very much for it."


He looked shocked, took his wife down the hall to a bedroom and started berating her for paying for it. :001_huh:


Isn't it customary for the groom's family to pay for the rehearsal dinner??

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Isn't it customary for the groom's family to pay for the rehearsal dinner??

Yes, he may have responded the same way at my husband's first wedding, or perhaps he just didn't want to pay for the second one. I don't know.


This is the same guy who gave his wife two presents in her entire life -- a bag of clothespins and a box of chocolates (that he ate). :lol:

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Oh, and then there was the rehearsal dinner. MIL paid for it. FIL (a very picky eater) remarked when we returned to dh's house, "That was the best chicken ever." I said, "Thank you very much for it."


He looked shocked, took his wife down the hall to a bedroom and started berating her for paying for it. :001_huh:


At least he came. My FIL and MIL didn't come to my son's rehearsal dinner which we hosted because my FIL doesn't like lasagna. :tongue_smilie:They drove 4 hours and spent the evening in their hotel room.


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At least he came. My FIL and MIL didn't come to my son's rehearsal dinner which we hosted because my FIL doesn't like lasagna. :tongue_smilie:They drove 4 hours and spent the evening in their hotel room.



Weird. Some people are just weird! :glare:


BTW -- FIL never liked lasagna either, and no one ever "made" him eat it. I served it the last time they visited. He said, "This is the best lasagna I've ever had." He went on and on about how great it was all weekend. LOL


Prior to that, he never said one nice thing about my cooking!

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My ds got married last April. I plan to offer my next child who is a dd any amount of money to just elope. :D



My little sister just got married 2 weeks ago, and on our (17 hour) drive home, my mom said to me, "I think I'm going to start putting away money into a monthly saving account to save up for [16 year old sister]'s wedding so that I can just pay someone to do it all."

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Family member who-shall-not-be-named decided to have her wedding on Dec 3rd, outside, in the mountains.... and then was ridiculously upset when they had to move the wedding inside because it had started snowing....... I mean - really upset ('day ruined', makes her mom upset, anyone who tried ot make her feel better gets screamed at, and the venue basically gets blamed for the weather - even though they had kinda warned her, etc....)


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