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S/O Christmas list-time limited expensive items?

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My DD has been consistent since she first saw Kanani that she wanted her. However, I'm not sure that she really NEEDS another AG doll-she has Kaya, and if she has a friend over to play who doesn't have one, they can use my Molly. Furthermore, DD really isn't up to keeping up with the hair herself yet. Kaya and Molly both have their hair braided about 98% of the time for that reason, and I think one reason she wants Kanani is that beautiful, long hair-which I fear won't stay beautiful for long unless I insist on Kanani's hair staying in braids as well.


I'd be inclined to skip the AG doll this year (or, actually, to encourage grandma to do so-because it would be my mother, who LOVES all things American Girl, doing the buying), but Kanani is a doll of the year, and she'll vanish from the store/website in January (and past dolls of the year seem to go pretty high on Ebay and the like).


So, do I let grandma buy Kanani, or wait? I think DD would get more play value out of a few more outfits and accessories for Kaya (and there's no reason why Kaya can't wear a hula skirt) than the second doll, but she's been asking for the doll for her birthday or Christmas for about 10 months now.

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I've always been willing, to a certain point, to indulge these kinds of wishes for Christmas. (We do different things for birthdays.) It sounds like she's been wanting this for a long time and like there is a limited window for getting it. In my house, if one of my kids had his or her heart set on something like that, and I could afford it, I would probably go ahead, knowing that said child would be sad and remember forever missing out on it.


Of course, not all kids would take it so big, but my 16-year-old daughter is still mad that my husband and I didn't take her with us to see Chicago on Broadway when she was three. So, there you go.


I don't have a problem with Christmas gifts not being practical. And Americal Girl dolls are good toys.

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I'm a big sucker for dolls - especially since I only have 1 girl and she is growing up quick.


If she has wanted it for 10 months I would buy it for her. I don't see why she wouldn't get play value from it - my DD has more then one doll and plays with all of them a lot.


I think Kaya would like to have a friend :D

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My concern is that it's SUCH an expensive doll-and there are enough reviews saying that the hair is hard to manage to make me concerned about a young 7 yr old who still struggles to brush her own hair managing it. And Kaya already has a lot of friends-just that most of them are stuffed animals (she's the caretaker of DD's stuffed "river serpents" )

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I'm sort of in the same boat. DD has been asking for Kanani on and off since March. One month she'll want her for Christmas....the next she's hesitant. I'm afraid that she will regret not getting her since she won't be available after this year. But then, I'd hate to drop $100 on something she won't use.

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There's the third option of getting the doll and saving it for when she is a little bit older after you've given her plenty of hair care lessons with her other doll...which I would start doing immediately. Then you two get to spend quality time together and she gets to learn a much needed skill and be able to have the doll sooner. Win-win. :-)

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Kanani IS really pretty. :) If DD didn't already have a couple, she'd be asking for Kanani.


I'd probably go ahead and get her the doll (or have Grandma get it for her). If she's been asking for her for that long, and Grandma is okay with the price, I'd probably err on the side of doing rather than wishing I'd done it.


I hear you on the hair. DD got Kirsten right before they discontinued her, and she has a lot of hair. It's not quite as nice as it was originally, but I'd rather that than not have DD play with her. There are a lot of hints online about how to make the hair nice again, so if it gets really bad, we can try those; if it gets really, horribly messed up, I'll consider the doll hospital treatment. My only rule about the hair is that if DD takes her out of the house, the hair ought to be braided (because wind and such will mess it up so fast), and that's not been a problem.


A compromise might be to get some of Kanani's accessories and have Kaya play the role. But that's not really going to work if it's the hair that your daughter likes.

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I would definitely get her the doll, since she has asked for it for so long, especially since she is a limited edition. It's for Christmas. A Christmas gift should be what the receiver wants, as much as possible. :) Show her how to take care of the hair, and either let it go, or tell her that the hair must be kept nice, or it goes back into braids. Simple.

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I've always been willing, to a certain point, to indulge these kinds of wishes for Christmas. (We do different things for birthdays.) It sounds like she's been wanting this for a long time and like there is a limited window for getting it. In my house, if one of my kids had his or her heart set on something like that, and I could afford it, I would probably go ahead, knowing that said child would be sad and remember forever missing out on it.


Of course, not all kids would take it so big, but my 16-year-old daughter is still mad that my husband and I didn't take her with us to see Chicago on Broadway when she was three. So, there you go.


I don't have a problem with Christmas gifts not being practical. And Americal Girl dolls are good toys.

:iagree: Frog keyboard, age 6.....

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