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Seriously?? Cat poop coffee?

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Kopi Luwak. Have you heard of this? My dh came home telling me a guy at work wants to try this coffee.


What is there to say?? I mean.....who would even come up with this idea? :001_huh:


I'm not a coffee drinker. If I was....I assure you I wouldn't dream of spending 50 bucks for cup of poo. :ack2:


People in this world are really weird. :rolleyes:

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I thought it was the goat kind in The Bucket List, but I could be crazy.

Pretty sure it was the cat...


Jack Nicholson says something along the lines of, "You're sh!tting me!" and Morgan Freeman says, "Nope, cats beat me to it." or something like that...it was where he crosses off 'laugh until you cry' from his list.


Yup, cat coffee.


WARNING, Language!!


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