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It's taken me a long time but I'm becoming one of "them"

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I used to say that I was allergic to exercise. Then I did it because I had to and it was an exercise in willpower more than body. But last night as we finished our Wed. night swim I realized that I now like it. I'm starting to play with my exercise - Zumba on some nights, swimming on others. The swimming has morphed from grudgingly doing my required number of laps to chasing the kids around the pool playing shark and actually going down the slide! A friend at the Y just invited me to join kick boxing and I'm thinking "Ooh. That's sounds like fun!" I don't know what happened to me but I think it's good!

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Me, too!


I only took 1 year of PE in high school. I found every possible way to get out of it and would only run when chased. Just in the past couple of years, I've started loving exercising. I have like 20 different exercise videos, I bike, I used to run (my knees have me stalled) until a couple months ago, etc. My 16 year old self would be shocked!

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When I was in highschool I didn't end up on the field hockey team or the softball team (and I was good at softball, and had friends on it) because I hated to run. The coach for both required running, lots of running and other exercise. I hated to sweat, I hated to run, and I hated to feel any exertion.


I'm currently training for my second Half Marathon. I love running. I would be depressed if I had to give it up. I also like kettlebell (super fun, I recommend it!) and yoga.


I can't believe it took me so long to find out that it can be fun, and that I need it, and I'm happier for it.

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Me, too!


I loathed running and sweating until I had my third kid. By then, the thought of actually, physically running away sounded so nice that I started running :). By the time I would get back, I was ready to be home. It definitely saved my sanity.


Now that I've just had #4, I am SO EXCITED to get back to running. Only a couple more weeks and I'll start back up :)



So glad you are enjoying yourself!

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I only like exercise when it's fun. For me that equal DANCE. Pretty much any form will do but, as some of you know, ballet is my passion. I can.not.stand.aerobics. Bores the tears out of me. And joining a gym? Forget it. But give me music and a hardwood floor and I'm good! :^)


On that note, I do walk with my dd almost every night because we both need it but I don't always enjoy that physical exercise. It's not nearly as much fun as dance!

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I used to say that I was allergic to exercise. Then I did it because I had to and it was an exercise in willpower more than body. But last night as we finished our Wed. night swim I realized that I now like it. I'm starting to play with my exercise - Zumba on some nights, swimming on others. The swimming has morphed from grudgingly doing my required number of laps to chasing the kids around the pool playing shark and actually going down the slide! A friend at the Y just invited me to join kick boxing and I'm thinking "Ooh. That's sounds like fun!" I don't know what happened to me but I think it's good!


That is wonderful! How long did it take you to get to that point? I really want to get in better shape, but that is as far as I've gotten...wanting to:glare:

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That is wonderful! How long did it take you to get to that point? I really want to get in better shape, but that is as far as I've gotten...wanting to:glare:


It's probably taken 3 years at least. At first I was doing DVDs at home and was suffering through them. All I thought about every minute of doing it was getting to the end! Then we signed up at the Y. I saw the Zumba class and that looked like fun to me. It about did me in at first but it was fun to do it as a group even if it was a tiny bit embarrassing too. What kept me going was that I made a few friends and for a homeschooling mom it was priceless to have a kid free time with friends. Lately though I've started to let loose a bit and just play. And now it is like it is with my kids when they are playing and you call them in and they say "already?"! I've decided to stop taking this so seriously and to just start to play:001_smile: When I'm done playing I'm dripping with sweat and I'm tired so I think I'm working out enough.;)

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It's probably taken 3 years at least. At first I was doing DVDs at home and was suffering through them. All I thought about every minute of doing it was getting to the end! Then we signed up at the Y. I saw the Zumba class and that looked like fun to me. It about did me in at first but it was fun to do it as a group even if it was a tiny bit embarrassing too. What kept me going was that I made a few friends and for a homeschooling mom it was priceless to have a kid free time with friends. Lately though I've started to let loose a bit and just play. And now it is like it is with my kids when they are playing and you call them in and they say "already?"! I've decided to stop taking this so seriously and to just start to play:001_smile: When I'm done playing I'm dripping with sweat and I'm tired so I think I'm working out enough.;)


3 years, I am not sure theee is hope for me. :lol: We have been thinking of joining the y.

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