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Oh my, I did the dumbest thing this am!

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We were walking out the door to take dd to school this morning--she asked me which car (mine or her dad's) and I said we'd take mine. I ran back in because I'd left my keys on the table. I jumped into the car, pulled out, and drove out to the road. I was chatting away but not hearing any response.



You know where this is going, don't you?;)



I turned around and realized she was not in the car.



So I turn the car around and drive back home, to find her standing in the driveway with tears in her eyes. She thought I said we were taking her dad's car, and that I was just moving mine, then I drove off and didn't come back!


Poor baby. What a way to start the day.



I had her laughing by the time school started, tho. :001_smile:

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Haha, that story will haunt you forever!


I left dd in the house once. I have three kids, and I don't usually check to see if everyone is in the van, because I am usually last out the door after checking the lights, doors, stove and so on before walking out. Well dd had headphones on and did not hear that we were leaving. About 5 minutes down the road my youngest told me that sister was not in van. Oops! She did not even realize we left her lol. She reminds me of it often.:glare:

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The "Mom Forgot Me" stories are funny forever. We left dd in the driveway on the way to dinner once. Fortunately her aunt and uncle hadn't left yet. But the part I love best is that you were talking to her! lol


:iagree:You realize that she will never, never let you live this down, right? ;)


:grouphug: Poor Mommy.

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The "Mom Forgot Me" stories are funny forever. We left dd in the driveway on the way to dinner once. Fortunately her aunt and uncle hadn't left yet. But the part I love best is that you were talking to her! lol


:iagree: too. When I was in kindergarten, my mom once dropped me off at school in the morning in the pouring rain. She was late for work, so she dropped me and left. I ran to the doors to go in...and they were locked. There was no school that day, and neither of us knew it. I remember standing in the rain for a few minutes, then walking to my great-aunt's house several blocks away. My aunt promptly called and reamed my mom!


I still pull that one out occasionally if she apologizes to me for something small and silly: "It's ok, mom. It's not like I was standing in the pouring rain outside a locked building or anything!" :D

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:lol::lol::lol:I'm sorry but this made me LOL.


I left younger son at church once. Dh took the girls home, older ds and I were in a meeting, and I just left when the meeting was done, forgetting that younger son was with us. We got ALL THE WAY HOME (only 5 miles, but still! We drove all the way home without him!) and when my cell phone rang as we approached my driveway, I immediately knew why they were calling. It was the church secretary. Ds was about 11 or 12 at the time. Anyway, I said "What is the concept Church Family all about anyway? He doesn't have to come home with THIS family every week, does he?":lol::lol::lol:

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I still remember my parents leaving my brother at church. He was probably about 7 or so. Mom and Dad drove separately for some reason and each thought the other had him. Dad drove back up to the church, but my brother wasn't there. He was walking home, completely unfazed by the whole experience. :)


I did hear once about a large family (8 or so kids) that left one of their kids at a gas station bathroom while on vacation. That takes the cake. :)

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