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Question for cloth diaper users

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I use cloth. I used to have painful cramps every month, sometimes so bad I would throw up. After about 3 months of using cloth (3 cycles), I no longer have cramps. I just use premie prefolds which are about $1 or so each if you buy them by the dozen. I fold them in thirds on lighter days, in fourths on heavier days, and use two (one folded each way) on heavy nights. Right now I just wash them with the diapers, but once we're done with diapers, I'll wash them once a day. Hydrogen peroxide keeps the stains away. Easy peasy.

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We keep a "Dirty" basket next to the toilet, the same way you'd contain cloth diapers between washes. A wet bag would serve the same purpose, but we just line a basket with an old sheet or towel, and dump the whole thing into the wash.


We wash every day, sometimes every other day - it just depends on the "need" and on whatever else we have going on for any given day (extracurriculars, or extra laundry from camping, etc.) We do keep wet wipes in the bathroom for messy jobs, and we always have paper toilet wipes on hand for guests but for the most part we all use cloth. Our digestion is pretty efficient, and our 'output' reflects that; it's not super messy or anything, the way I've heard some folks deal with (when these discussions come up IRL) LOL. We also have sprayers on our main toilets, which leaves the cloth more for drying than it does true wiping of mess.

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I cloth diapered all 3 of my kids but never used it for myself, I use the DivaCup. It's a menstrual cup that you insert and you empty it throughout the day. They are usually pretty comfortable, they have a stem at the bottom, I had to trim mine as close to the base as possible. There are a lot of cups to choose from, you may want to examine the pictures of them side by side to determine which might be the best fit for you (shorter and wider, more flexible, a bit longer and more narrow, etc) Check them out http://menstrualcups.wordpress.com/category/comparisons/ I still have to wear a backup pad at night the first day as my cycle is super heavy, but I far prefer it to any other things I've tried. I do have endo and some days my cramps are just too horrible (I get pain down there at times with my period on the first day) that I have to use pads that day instead of my cup, but usually I just keep it in my purse and use it every cycle- I've been using it for 6 years. :001_smile:

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Yes. I used to sew a lot. I would even have a friend talk to me on the phone as I was ironing my sewing projects and she would ask what I was ironing...Mamapads :lol: she got such a kick out the fact that I was ironing pads! I've also made my own nursing pads. And yes, I've even done wipes for the toilet, but not everyone in the house was on board for that one.

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I didn't use cloth diapers, but while shopping for cloth training pants online, I found some pads and bought 10. I have used them ever since. They are mainly as a backup as I use flushable tampons on days with any significant flow. So most of the time, I just throw them in the wash as if they were underwear.


Diva cup sounds interesting, but I think I'll just keep looking forward to the day when I don't have to worry about "protection" at all - I'm on the older side already.

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We will be using cloth with the baby and the girls and I use cloth wipes. I also use mama cloth. If mama cloth sounds gross then I would consider the Diva cup. After getting used to washing poopy diapers mama cloth didn't sound too bad. :) When we used cloth diapers I just put my used mama cloth in the diaper pail. I usually washed diapers/wipes/pads 2-3 times a week. We have alot of wipes now and our washer is in the bathroom so I just wash when the washer is getting full since we put wipes straight into it.

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I cloth-diapered for a total of 12+ years total for my kids. I used cloth pads for myself for two years and both of my daughters did for at least a year each. Honestly, the cloth for mamas isn't realistic, at least in my world. If I were to have another baby (not an option, thank goodness!) I would definitely cloth-diaper again, but I'm so glad I don't ever have to!!!


FWIW, I washed the diapers on the highest sanitary cycle (don't use bleach, it breaks down the fibers in the diapers!), with as many extra rinses + extra pre-washes as I could. Throw in vinegar instead of fabric softener (fabric softener repels pee, FYI, but vinegar strips out any extraneous *stuff*). Either hang to dry in the sun or put in the dryer on the hottest setting. BUT, don't put diaper covers in there! They need to be air-dried.

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