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"Here, have a belt!"

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This made me laugh so hard but I'm a little sad over it, too.


We see this everywhere in our city. Even at school where uniforms are required. I don't quite understand it because you can tell they have trouble walking. They have to walk with their legs wider spread so their knees will keep their pants from falling lower.


It's also weird when there is a police chase at school (when I attended) or outside and you see them running slowly with their pants below their behinds. Don't they realize it'll be easier to run if your pants are above your behind? :confused:

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The elementary school I taught at used to collect graduation gowns and hand them out to kids who were dressed in ways that didn't meet the dress code (saggy pants, too short of skirts, bare midriff). It worked well...Until Harry Potter became big :). Apparently graduation gowns make great wizard robes!

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I survived some "fashion" weirdness growing up. I don't get why anyone would make such a huge issue about this.


I think showing your underwear goes beyond "weirdness" and is more "inappropriate." If a grown-up was going around with his boxers exposed to under his cheeks (saw this at hs all the time) around little kids, would he not be arrested for indecent exposure? How is that different from this?

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I survived some "fashion" weirdness growing up. I don't get why anyone would make such a huge issue about this.


Usually I'm pretty laid back about fashion weirdness. I had the mall bangs. My butt cheeks occasionally peeked out the back of my Dolphin shorts. But I've seen guys walking around with their pants literally below their butt cheeks. It's really beautiful when their boxers start sliding down too and you get a little crack with your cotton.


I think people are more sensitive to the saggy pants thing because it's related to drug/gang/prison culture. Related is the hoodie pulled up and around the face in the middle of summer. Remember back in the...late 80's or early 90's? when certain colors or football teams were banned at certain public schools because if their gang connections? Same idea.



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I'm asking honestly. Is it that it is related to that culture or to some people in certain racial and socioeconomic cultures?


I live in a very white with a good percentage of hispanics mixed in city and it really has nothing to do with race or economics. The wealthiest school in the district is just up the road from us and where my kids would go and where their friends do go and it was every bit as prevalent at that school as at the purely hispanic school in another poorer part of town. It is all about "cool" though my understanding is it originated with gangs and prison and such. Every single boy we saw used to do it but it seems to have kind of run its course in some groups and I don't see it much around here except in poorer neighborhoods where it is still somewhat popular.

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Prison fashion statement, according to snopes.




ETA it was derived from rap artists glorifying the baggy prison uniforms.


That's what I'd always heard (based on baggy pants in prison because of a lack of belts). That's my main objection to this fashion statement. We want to glorify prison garb? Really???

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The whole thing is ridiculous. I don't want to see your underwear, your crack, or anything else in that region. When my nephews come over with their underwear showing, I occasionally yank their pants down. Your parents may let you dress that way at home and in public, but you won't when you come to my house. :D

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To all you guys who "sag" your pants and show your butt and underwear....did you know it originated in prison? It was a signal to the other MEN that you are "available". So if you wanna keep going around looking like your "available" for another dude to "tap that"... then keep thinking your cool !!! BTW they call it PBS (Prison $itch Syndrome)


My dad worked in a prison and this is very common and inmates even say that is what it is for. I would never let my sons advertise this even if they don't know what it means.




This is such a pet peeve of mine People say it is disgusting to nurse your baby in public yet this is OK? I don't want see your chest because your shirt is too low and I don't want to see you a$$ because you don't know how to pull up your pants.

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I live in a very white with a good percentage of hispanics mixed in city and it really has nothing to do with race or economics. The wealthiest school in the district is just up the road from us and where my kids would go and where their friends do go and it was every bit as prevalent at that school as at the purely hispanic school in another poorer part of town. It is all about "cool" though my understanding is it originated with gangs and prison and such. Every single boy we saw used to do it but it seems to have kind of run its course in some groups and I don't see it much around here except in poorer neighborhoods where it is still somewhat popular.


It's like how everyone on facebook, even cute little 6th grade girls used to throw gang symbols in their photos. Really, cute little 6th grader? :lol:

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In my area, race and/or socioeconomic standing don't seem to play a role.


I always heard that not only was it prison-related, but it meant they were "available".


I was so sick and tired of walking up jam-packed stairs (school of 2000+) with someone's boxers in my face. There was no way I could not see it. It was embarrassing to me and completely inappropriate.

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This made me laugh so hard but I'm a little sad over it, too.



This senator has been fighting to get that law in place for some time now. His handing out belts was on the local news a few nights ago.


I have to say I'm surprised that baggy pants are still in style.

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