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Sudden allergy to salad?!?

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All of a sudden, whenever I eat salad I am terribly sick. Cramps, running to the bathroom... you get the idea. Can you suddenly develop a food allergy you didn't have before? I don't think it is food poisoning b/c this happens with any salad, home or at a restaurant. I have enjoyed them just fine my whole life. What in the world could this be? Am I really going to have to live life without salad? :(

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What ingredients are common to both salads? I've never heard of a lettuce allergy..but anything is possible.


Hmmm... lettuce! Tonight was lettuce, tomato, avocado, cheese. Panera was an Asian Chicken Salad. I think the only common ingredient is lettuce, maybe tomato. Can't remember if the Panera one had it. Off to google...

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I had a friend just tell me she had this from certain salads at certain restaurants. It was something about chemicals found in some lettuces... certain restaurants affected her like that and not others...


Now that you say that, someone recently told me that they have this issue as well. They have to make sure that their salads are rinsed extremely well before using the lettuce or they a mild reaction.

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Fresh food is very easy to get sick from as you don't have the chance to kill the bacteria by cooking. If you're feeling adventurous, try just eating lettuce. If that gives you intestinal catastrophe, there's your culprit, but I would not assume allergy.

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I know someone that is allergic to lettuce and other leafy greens. If they are cooked (such as spinach in a casserole), the allergen is destroyed by heat. (This does not work for many other allergens, so nuts in baked goods will still have the allergen present.)


It's not unheard of to be allergic to tomato, either. I've also had slight itching when eating certain cheeses. I'm not allergic to cheese or dairy; it's due to my mold allergy. My allergies weren't diagnosed until I was in my mid-20's. It started with just noticing symptoms of oral allergy syndrome. Eventually, I had anaphylactic reactions and was diagnosed with severe allergies to several things.


What you are experiencing may or may not be allergies. During my first serious allergic reaction, itching was not the issue -- I was in pain! Best wishes in figuring out what is wrong!

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