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What you WON'T do for homeschooling?


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I don't mind art etc....but crafts where you spend an hour making some awful mess with glitter then look at it and think, "now what on earth am I going to do with THAT?!?" Because of course my kids will want to keep it for the next 8 months on display (as more and more glitter falls off and gets dragged around my house..)



:iagree: I hope when my kids look back on their schooling their are huge gaps where glitter is concerned.

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I think Satan invented them to torture homeschool moms.


:iagree: I hope when my kids look back on their schooling their are huge gaps where glitter is concerned.




I have a sneaky feeling though that my daughter is going to be a girl who loves glitter.

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Drive far for activities. Or, drive much at all, really. I'll take him to nearby places in the city, but I'm not driving into the suburbs. I'm also not driving him places every day.


I don't like driving much. We have one car, so my driving during a weekday means dropping DH off at work then picking him up. We also have a three-week-old baby and a toddler, along with my DS, who I have to get into the car when we go anywhere. It's such a hassle that I'm just not willing to do it.


Thankfully we've got lots of stuff in walking distance.

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This reminds me of a glitter mishap. I did once buy a very large container of glitter. My oldest got a hold of it and made me a "present". I opened the envelope with a letter he wrote (containing the 50 pounds of glitter) over a plate of food I had on the coffee table. I guess you can imagine the rest. I was pretty mad and of course he cried because he was trying to be thoughtful. Ugh..what a mess.


You guys make me think about that Target commercial that's out right now. You know, the one with the cute teacher and the hamsters and at the end of her list she says, "Oh and glitter. So much glitter!" I thought to myself, "If there was ever a reason to send a kid to public school, it would be to keep the glitter contained in one place outside my home.:lol:"

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I won't do co-ops.



I am glad to see that I am not the only one that dislikes co-op's. I tried last year, and really wanted it to work out and provide a social outlet for all of us, but I detested it. Glad to know that I am part of the norm instead of a misfit. :001_smile:


So yeppers add me to list of "Never going to do a co-op" crowd.

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I cannot express how relieved I am to see all of the "co-op" responses. I let the deadline for the co-op here *accidentally* slip by and have been feeling a bit guilty. I'm glad to know they're not really a good fit for a lot of other people too.


I'm really good at signing the kids up for P.E. and music type stuff outside of the home. So (in addition to co-ops) I guess those would be my answers!

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My list


  • No co-ops (but I would do a tutorial where parents pay)
  • No unsupervised field trips
  • No crafty projects just for the sake of being crafty
  • No teen groups
  • No (science) classes held in my house for free where the students are only there because their moms made them and they prevent the other students from actually learning.

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Planning for SOTW1 and ran across the mummified chicken activity. Showed it to my husband and asked if he'd be willing to do it all, from start to finish. He just kept looking at the book, and looking at me. So then I said "Or you could make a pyramid out of sugar cubes or something."


Yeah. A couple weeks in and I already know one thing I won't do. :ack2:

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You know, I thought I was pretty much open to anything except... disecting until I started reading through this thread and realized my list is actually much longer!:tongue_smilie:




Cut and paste or useless projects that you don't know where to store (thankfully DD don't like them either!)


Organized PE (we are starting our own exercise routine this year)


Upper level math or writing (those are being farmed out)

ETA: sewing, musical instruments, art -- this is getting pretty bad!

Edited by Dina in Oklahoma
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Not just homeschool, all around bad, neglectful mom here. I hate play dough. I won't make it, and I give away the store bought stuff. I just don't like it!




:iagree: That has been my deep dark secret for years! Even though my playdough loving DD was only allowed to use it on HER table, it had a way of ending up in the carpet, in her clothes, you name it!!!!

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We actually had our first co-op and I loved it, so did my kids. :)


I will do *some* dissections, but not all. We are big animal lovers. We have dissected some little critters in science classes in the past (at museums), but other than hearts, etc. I will not dissect squid, cats, rats, etc. I had a traumatizing squid dissection experience in Junior High and my kids would cry for months if they saw a dead cat in our house.


Oh, and lapbooking. I tried. I just don't get it.

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This reminds me of a glitter mishap. I did once buy a very large container of glitter. My oldest got a hold of it and made me a "present". I opened the envelope with a letter he wrote (containing the 50 pounds of glitter) over a plate of food I had on the coffee table. I guess you can imagine the rest. I was pretty mad and of course he cried because he was trying to be thoughtful. Ugh..what a mess.


Oh Wendy, I hope you never bought glitter again :tongue_smilie:...Even when I was a child I couldn't stand glitter...

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