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The Help - The Movie

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Has anybody posted this yet? I saw in yesterday's paper that the movie is due out soon and has gotten rave reviews. Anybody planning to go see it?


I also noted in the article that the author submitted her manuscript to sixty (!) publishers before it was accepted!

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I saw it on Sunday with 6 others for a "Mom's Night Out." I have not read the book, but I really enjoyed the movie. One of the ladies who had read it told us what some of the changes were, but she said it definitely captured the spirit of it in her opinion. I laughed a lot and cried a bit and will definitely be buying it when it comes out on DVD.

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I saw it on Sunday with 6 others for a "Mom's Night Out." I have not read the book, but I really enjoyed the movie. One of the ladies who had read it told us what some of the changes were, but she said it definitely captured the spirit of it in her opinion. I laughed a lot and cried a bit and will definitely be buying it when it comes out on DVD.


Wow! The article in the paper said it was "coming out" - not already out! Glad to hear the good review. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and am leaning towards seeing the movie . . .


I loved the book and hope to see the movie but am a bit worried they will mess it up.


This has been my concern as well . . .

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My 15 y.o. and I saw it yesterday. The book was awesome and so was the movie.:001_smile:


So good to hear this! I am looking forward to seeing it, as I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I've been watching the movie ads in our local paper - of the three features, two changed today, but no *Help* yet . . .

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I loved the book and hope to see the movie but am a bit worried they will mess it up.


I didn't think they messed it up at all. A few things were a bit condensed, but nothing that changed the intent of the book.


I thought they did an excellent job casting Abilene and Minnie!

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I saw it last Sunday. My family didn't want to go...after some thought I decided that I wanted to see it so badly that I would go alone, and go with them to see it again if they wanted to. They decided to join me after all.


It was wonderful.


At the end I told my DD that it was great and that the book was even better. Her response? "How?" (as in, how could it be better than that outstanding movie?) DH loved it, too. Now they both want to read the book, which I have read about 4 times.


I would be interested in reading the oral narratives that are referenced in the back of the book, as well.


Do not miss this one!

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I also noted in the article that the author submitted her manuscript to sixty (!) publishers before it was accepted!


My book club read the book last year, and I have to tell you I wasn't a huge fan. Story was interesting enough to keep me reading, but I did not think it was very well written and I thought parts of the story did not work well.


We (book club members) went to see the movie last week. I thought the movie was WAY better than the book. I've been telling people to not worry about the book, just see the movie. Very well cast, and they left out the parts of the book I didn't especially care for.

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My cousin and her ds are in the movie!!!!! I am number 3 in line for the book at the library, so I can't comment on that. But, they are the cutest people in the movie!!!!


Wow, that is incredible!! Who were they? I don't know if I'm giving stuff away or not so this is just a fair warning if you haven't read the book or seen the movie.








I enjoyed both the book and the movie. I don't know that I would have understood the extent of whats-her-name's white trashiness if I hadn't read the book. Her outfits were supposed to be outrageous (and compared to everyone else's they were) but they still looked like typical Hollywood outfits. Maybe that's a clue that current Hollywood dresses trashy. :D


I also thought it was significant that Constantine's dd was a white-skinned negro and how she dealt with that. The movie didn't deal with that at all although I guess they had to include that scene with the daughter to explain what happened to Constantine.


Hilly was so perfectly awful. Her part was very well done as were Abilene's and Minnie's. But I really fell in love with what's her name's character. The white trash girl. I cannot remember her name. She was so likeable and sincere and naive. I love how she refused to eat separately from her maid. I love how she didn't even realize the society of the day expected it. She just loved everybody and didn't understand why people didn't like her back. She was my favorite. Why can't I remember her name? :tongue_smilie:

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I also thought it was significant that Constantine's dd was a white-skinned negro and how she dealt with that. The movie didn't deal with that at all although I guess they had to include that scene with the daughter to explain what happened to Constantine.


:iagree: I think they completely changed Constantine's story line by leaving this out, but then I think staying true to the book would have been a bit more controversial.


The book is better, but the movie made the funny parts of the book extra funny.

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The book was awesome and of course better than the movie. However I was SO happy with all of the really wonderful acting in the movie - it saves any parts that are cheesy:) When I lived in Atlanta I was in B&N and thought I recognized this woman I passed in the travel section. Then in the children's section this older lady was going on and on proudly about her daughter who is a writer and said she wrote The Help and I realized who the tiny woman who looked like she was hiding in the travel section was:D

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:iagree: I think they completely changed Constantine's story line by leaving this out, but then I think staying true to the book would have been a bit more controversial.




The thing they changed the most was the author's mother. They made her far less racist in the movie than in the book. I thought that it weakened the accuracy of the piece as a whole.


I didn't have the view that they were trying to less the controversial nature of the book by taking out the white child, but rather that it would have been too complex to convey without taking waaaaay too long.

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I didn't have the view that they were trying to less the controversial nature of the book by taking out the white child, but rather that it would have been too complex to convey without taking waaaaay too long.


:iagree: My SIL and I came to this conclusion after we saw the movie. It was already 2 hours and 17 mins long. While it didn't drag on, I don't think making the movie longer would have made it better.

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Wow, that is incredible!! Who were they? I don't know if I'm giving stuff away or not so this is just a fair warning if you haven't read the book or seen the movie.








I enjoyed both the book and the movie. I don't know that I would have understood the extent of whats-her-name's white trashiness if I hadn't read the book. Her outfits were supposed to be outrageous (and compared to everyone else's they were) but they still looked like typical Hollywood outfits. Maybe that's a clue that current Hollywood dresses trashy. :D


I also thought it was significant that Constantine's dd was a white-skinned negro and how she dealt with that. The movie didn't deal with that at all although I guess they had to include that scene with the daughter to explain what happened to Constantine.


Hilly was so perfectly awful. Her part was very well done as were Abilene's and Minnie's. But I really fell in love with what's her name's character. The white trash girl. I cannot remember her name. She was so likeable and sincere and naive. I love how she refused to eat separately from her maid. I love how she didn't even realize the society of the day expected it. She just loved everybody and didn't understand why people didn't like her back. She was my favorite. Why can't I remember her name? :tongue_smilie:


Just saw the movie.


Celia was her name.



I did not like not like they condensed her story line. I thought it was much better in the book but that the actress did a good job of conveying the part with what she was given to work with.


Other than that I like the movie a lot. Very well done.




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I'm getting just a teensy bit *jealous* of all of you who have had the opportunity to see the movie! Your positive reviews are intensifying my desire to see it! Our little local theatre hasn't advertised it yet, and I want to see this movie! It is rare (RARE, I say) for me to want to see a movie this much. I have been checking the theatre ads everyday, even though I know they change weekly. Ho-hum - patience IS a virtue, they say . . . Maybe they will bring the movie in before year's end . . . :glare:

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I'm getting just a teensy bit *jealous* of all of you who have had the opportunity to see the movie! Your positive reviews are intensifying my desire to see it! Our little local theatre hasn't advertised it yet, and I want to see this movie! It is rare (RARE, I say) for me to want to see a movie this much. I have been checking the theatre ads everyday, even though I know they change weekly. Ho-hum - patience IS a virtue, they say . . . Maybe they will bring the movie in before year's end . . . :glare:



How many movies show at a time in your theater? I love having lots of choices where I live but this sounds quaint and small townish in a cool way.

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How many movies show at a time in your theater? I love having lots of choices where I live but this sounds quaint and small townish in a cool way.


Three movies at a time. It IS a small town - quite nice. There is a city about an hour from us that has only one theatre with three offerings at a time as well. Their prices are higher because of the area's reputation. The next nearest city that has theatres (plural) that show many movies at once is just under two hours from here, and the prices reflect their city status! When our theatre finally brings in this movie, I'll go during the matinee-price times (usually Saturday afternoon and Tuesday evening). I DO hope it's soon!

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