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School Room Photos

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I'm looking for a thread where everyone has posted or can post their school room photos. I typed a search for "school room" and 500 posts came up, but they were not all about school rooms. They were about various subjects. Maybe I'm not good at searches yet. Can anyone help? I have some photos I want to share, but they are not posted on the web, so I can't figure out how to show them here.


I want to paint our room and make it cute, but I need some ideas.



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I don't have a school room :( BUT I will take a picture tomorrow of my "teaching" space tomorrow (too lazy tonight) It likely won't help you much but maybe someone else who has no set room for school will get some ideas (plus I love just seeing and sharing pics of learning spaces)

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This is our current room, it is already packed and dismantled for the most part. It is a parsonage's formal living room converted into what we call the learning room. Once we move (mid-June) and get settled, I'll update the post. http://triviumacademy.blogspot.com/2008/04/learning-room-revamp.html


It is a major hub in our house. If the kids aren't in here doing something, they are outside or in the den watching tv. I'm going to miss this room a lot although it took me 4 years to figure out how to configure it.

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Here's a link to a pic of my 'school pantry'. :D


I don't know that I'd like a school room, per se, but I'd like a play room. ::sigh:: With some tables or somesuch in it.


As it is, we all work at the kitchen table. Since the goal is to be done by lunchtime, anyway...it works as a good incentive. ;) (Big kids can finish working in their room if they haven't completely finished.)

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Scroll down to the end of the page to see the room makeover.




Gee, been a while since I've logged on here or my blog! Life must have gotten the better of me!




Sorry I'm hijacking this but I had to say I followed the link to see your pictures and read about your new citizenship system instead, it sounds great! I'm gonna try it out. I've been looking for a way to get rid of the bad attitudes with some kind of reward/discipline system and this seems to be just the ticket! Thanks!

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I don't know that I'd like a school room, per se, but I'd like a play room.


:iagree: I've had a school room and a play room, I'd rather do school in the never-used formal dining room (current arrangement) and have my dear, wonderful huge playroom back.

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