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About My2sons

  • Birthday 05/07/1974
  1. We just moved to SLC and I'm wanting to plan some field trips for my ds - 7 & almost 4. All suggestions would be welcomed!
  2. I really like using the apprentice organizer from Staples. Staples also carries another smaller one. I like the larger one because I can keep everything in it that ds needs. My ds does much better when there is a place for everything to go! Amy http://www.staples.com/office/supplies/p17_Plastic-Desktop-Organizers_130525_0_Business_Supplies_10051_true_SC2:CG22:DP1203:CL161539
  3. I just went to a baby shower and we played a game we all enjoyed. There were two columns of names listed alphabetically and then there were a list of tv shows. Match the kids (character names) to the shows. Shows included: Little House, Waltons, Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, Eight is Enough, Full House, Growing Pains, The Wonder Years, Family Ties, Cosby, Different Strokes. The favors were the small lotions from Bath & Body wrapped in toile.
  4. I use it to keep my teacher's guides, daily supplies and my ds daily folders. Enough room for my preschooler's crayons and workbooks so everyone is happy. http://www.staples.com/office/supplies/p17_Plastic-Desktop-Organizers_130525_0_Business_Supplies_10051_true_SC2:CG22:DP1203:CL161539
  5. I'm a huge planner and just need to not let my "schedule" take over. My ds is really looking forward to this coming school year. I will try to just roll with it the changes. ~ Amy
  6. I'm new to hs and was wondering about sick days. We just finished kindergarten in the ps and my ds missed 8 days because of illness. Obviously he didn't make these days up. Does the same hold true to hs? Our goals would stay the same and we'd just cover more material to catch up. Is this what is typically done? ~ Amy
  7. We are moving the end of the month. I just started packing and have counted 43 boxes. I have many many to go! This is our 9th move in 14 years. I sort of have it down. When are you moving? ~Amy
  8. consists of an Excel spreadsheet that I have the coursework plotted over 180 days (our state mandated # of days). I have one binder for my ds daily worksheets, etc. for the 1st 45 days. The front sheet for each day I have listed is reading lesson, books to pull for week or check out at library, art supplies needed. And I then have handwriting sheets, math worksheets, journal sheets with history reading assignments, journal sheets with science reading assignment, spanish lesson. On the journal sheets I have written at top name of book with pages that we are reading. In the front of my binder I have the qtr goals and the year goals and tenative daily schedule. I am going to have ds keep journal pages and certain math worksheets by subject in binder for record of 1st grade. I plan on setting up 2nd qtr during the break we have between 1st & 2nd qtr. I can then adjust daily work as needed. This is my first year hs and I think this is a good start, but am sure I'll tweak it as the year goes on. Amy PS on a side note like Jessica we are in the process of packing up and moving. 3 weeks till launch! So not only am I hs for the 1st time, but moving to a new state. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for taking this on, but we really feel led to HS. ~ DS 7 (starting 1st in July) and DS 3 1/2 (preschool)
  9. I'm so proud of all the work I've gotten done this weekend. I have my ds 1st qtr work ready to go. I have a binder with dividers for 45 days and for each day I have all the work he needs to accomplish that day - handwriting page, math worksheets, phonics worksheets, spanish work, Bible verse and scripture to read, and reference to which Science or Social Studies lesson. So my lesson plan is built in and if we don't finish I can just move the material to the next day. I'm ready to go which is great since we're moving in 4 weeks. Hope this made sense and not just me rambling on! :) Amy
  10. I'm so proud of all the work I've gotten done this weekend. I have my ds 1st qtr work ready to go. I have a binder with dividers for 45 days and for each day I have all the work he needs to accomplish that day - handwriting page, math worksheets, phonics worksheets, spanish work, Bible verse and scripture to read, and reference to which Science or Social Studies lesson. So my lesson plan is built in and if we don't finish I can just move the material to the next day. I'm ready to go which is great since we're moving in 4 weeks. Hope this made sense and not just me rambling on! :) Amy
  11. Where did you get the children's adjustable work table? That is exactly what I've been looking for. Thanks, Amy Starting hs July 2008 - 1st grade ds, preschool ds
  12. He had no interest in reading in preK and I just worked on letter sounds whenever I get keep him interested. It's just been the end of this school year (k) that he's wanted to read. He does get frustrated easily. I don't let him struggle helplessly with hard words. And, I've begun skimming stories and then covering hard words prior to him reading. I have just started using Reading Naturally which is a reading system that comes with cd/tape. He really likes trying to beat his time in reading. There are many levels. Our ps uses them to help children with fluency and to build confidence, etc.
  13. that really makes a lot of sense. I also really like how you organize everything Calming Tea. I think I may have to use many of your methods! Thanks Ladies! I'm inspired and think I will actually get some planning done.
  14. Since being married we've lived in: Kansas Tennessee Ohio Texas (3 times - 2 cities) Washington and soon to be moving again this summer I loved the NW and would love to summer there and perhaps find some nice sunny spot for winters!
  15. I'm looking into schooling under an umbrella school. The cost is very affordable and I would not have to then register with the school district. I would submit quarterly reports and yearly attendance. Standardized testing would begin in 3rd grade. We're just starting 1st. I can only see this has a positive. Is there something that I'm overlooking or should ask? Amy
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