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Shower tile for a white board??

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I need a big white board for my wall. I got by last year with a little one from costco but I want a bigger one. I have heard of using a shower tile for a white board and went to Home Depot but I must not be looking at the right thing because they are ridiculiously expensive!


So if you use a shower tile as a white board where did you purchase it and how much did you pay??



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Check out my blog post on our shower tile white board. I LOVE IT! It was no more than 40 for the whole thing with all the bells and whistles (we framed it and use rain gutters to hold dry erase crayons and cleaning wipes).


I highly recommend a shower tile board if you can get it home somehow (we had to strap it to the top of our car). You don't have to spend 40 on it either- the actual board was only 12.00.



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Check out my blog post on our shower tile white board. I LOVE IT! It was no more than 40 for the whole thing with all the bells and whistles (we framed it and use rain gutters to hold dry erase crayons and cleaning wipes).


I highly recommend a shower tile board if you can get it home somehow (we had to strap it to the top of our car). You don't have to spend 40 on it either- the actual board was only 12.00.




That's not tile, though. Neat idea, though. I may have to steal it. :001_smile:

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It's not actually tile, it's like a "plasticy" board. Just tell them you are a teacher and you are using it for a white board and they should know what you want.


If you are getting one big piece, they should cut it for you.


One year I bought enough for 80 individual white boards (as a classroom teacher) and the total bill was $52. It should be pretty cheap.

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We weren't that pleased with the performance of the Masonite board. There has been a lot of permanent clouding and some spots where writing was stay.


A friend ofone took a picture frame with glass and just pit white paper in it. I'm planning to do that with a largish frame when we revamp our playroom into a school room this fall.

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Check out my blog post on our shower tile white board. I LOVE IT! It was no more than 40 for the whole thing with all the bells and whistles (we framed it and use rain gutters to hold dry erase crayons and cleaning wipes).


I highly recommend a shower tile board if you can get it home somehow (we had to strap it to the top of our car). You don't have to spend 40 on it either- the actual board was only 12.00.




Well thanks but now I want your school room too! SO jealous! :D

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Check out my blog post on our shower tile white board. I LOVE IT! It was no more than 40 for the whole thing with all the bells and whistles (we framed it and use rain gutters to hold dry erase crayons and cleaning wipes).


I highly recommend a shower tile board if you can get it home somehow (we had to strap it to the top of our car). You don't have to spend 40 on it either- the actual board was only 12.00.




Absolutely beautiful school room!! Drooling over here!

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  • 10 months later...
Check out my blog post on our shower tile white board. I LOVE IT! It was no more than 40 for the whole thing with all the bells and whistles (we framed it and use rain gutters to hold dry erase crayons and cleaning wipes).


I highly recommend a shower tile board if you can get it home somehow (we had to strap it to the top of our car). You don't have to spend 40 on it either- the actual board was only 12.00.





I'm looking to put a shower/dry erase board up too. How has yours held up??



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I've tried the "Shower board" thing and noticed not all of them come with the shiny surface, which could by why many are having bad ghosting problems. I can say that when I went to Lowe's they had the shower board but also had some true marker board in the store too. The marker board was a smaller piece (I think 2x4 ft) but had a much nicer surface to write on and was over by the wainscoting type panel.

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We made one last year with the shower board from Lowe's. I thought I had pictures, but I can't find any. It looks terrific though. It does shadow badly with some markers, but cleans well with white board cleaner. I used baseboard as trim around it and another shape as a marker tray at the bottom.


Love it!

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I feel a project coming on! I installed a wall mural/map of the world on one wall a couple years ago and want to do a big white board on another of the long walls. Anyone have plans/material lists for this? Would it work to use plexiglass with white contact paper to make the writing visible? Or even black plexiglass with opaque/neon dry erase markers?

Edited by Sneezyone
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We made one a couple months ago. The actual marker surface was called melamine board at our Home Depot and was something like $11. One of the employees had no clue what we were looking for, and another knew just what we wanted as soon as I said I was making a dry erase board.


We glued it to plywood with liquid nails and then coated it with car wax, and mounted it to wall studs with screws. Total cost was around $25-$30. Didn't bother with a border, so it's a little rough around the edges.


I find some marker colors only come clean with a damp cloth, but it comes very clean that way. We don't leave marks up there for long at all, though. (No schedules or check-lists or anything.)

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We weren't that pleased with the performance of the Masonite board. There has been a lot of permanent clouding and some spots where writing was stay.


A friend ofone took a picture frame with glass and just pit white paper in it. I'm planning to do that with a largish frame when we revamp our playroom into a school room this fall.


Have you used rubbing alcohol to clean it? I've had mine up for over 6 years and when it gets cloudy I just clean it up with rubbing alcohol. We paid under $10 for ours when we got it.

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At Lowe's it is called marker board. You can look it up online if you want to know what to look for at your local store. It is very inexpensive.
It's called Tile Board at our Lowe's and I paid $11 for a 4'x8' piece 4 years ago.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm looking to put a shower/dry erase board up too. How has yours held up??




I can't quite figure out how to multi-quote this but it was in regards to my post about our shower board. It has held up well for a year. I did find out you are supposed to wipe it down really well with Turtle Wax prior to using it, and that gives it a nicer writing surface. As with the previous poster, I also think it's not as nice a surface as the smaller ones that are available, but the turtle wax really gave it what it needed to make it a great whiteboard. Also- I don't know how this is with the other people who made their own boards, but we cannot use dry erase markers on ours without ghosting. We can use either WET erase or dry erase CRAYONS but the dry erase markers are a pain to erase if you leave them up overnight-you can, but your arms muscles won't thank you for it. Our system is to use dry erase crayons and we have a spray bottle of water and a rag to wipe it off easily when we are done. I don't recommend the dry erase crayon eraser. It doesn't work so we just use a spray bottle with a rag and be done with it.


Overall, we still LOVE it and it still is the best one thing we've purchased in regards to homeschool. It's so big so we can really use it- and there are so many things you use it for that you wouldn't think of before you had it. Every time my daughter doesn't understand something that board gets completely marked up with me trying to draw her a mental picture of it until she gets it. Also, a lot of the spelling curriculums are amazingly easy to do with a big whiteboard. We had a 4x8, and we still have it, but the bigger one is just so nice.

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