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Is it rude to leave a fitness class?

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We had a substitute in Zumba tonight. It was soooooo slow. And believe me, Zumba is not supposed to be slow! I lasted about 20 min. before I left. 3 people left with me. About 7 people at least left about 10 min. after me. Were we rude? None of us said anything, we just walked out of the gym between songs and went up to use the cardio machines. This was at the Y. I figure at least 20 people stayed until the end.


My reasoning is that this time is my only time to really exercise without the kids. I want to make it count. My friend who stayed, said that she only got about 70% of her normal Zumba workout by staying. By going to the cardio machines I felt like I got a good workout even though I was a bit bummed because I really love Zumba.

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I've wondered that too--I've left a few classes when the instructor was *really* bad. One didn't have us cool down after cardio and went straight into resistance training--my heart was racing so fast I was actually afraid of bursting a blood vessel or something. Other times I'll leave if the instructor can't keep a relatively consistent rhythm, or if I can't keep up. I always try to say thank you if I can catch the instructor's eye.

Edited by Rosy
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I am a die hard Zumba fan and workout at our local Y. We have had some bad subs before and people have walked out. I have always been too chicken to walk out because I didn't ever want to hurt anyones feelings. I give you credit for putting your needs first and getting some cardio in. I don't think it was rude. You pay for membership there so you can get in a workout and weren't getting one.


Was this her first time subbing?

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I've heard fitness instructors react in different ways.

The more professional they are, the more likely they are to recognize people are looking for something specific in their workout and don't get bothered if

someone leaves.

Otoh, I've heard some instructors get downright nasty during a class when they see people leave.

I don't go back to their classes even if they are good.:glare:

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If you're taking a class that seems too easy, the key, as I heard a teacher explain once, is to "find the work". So you can work on your technique, make sure you're using the right muscles, pay attention to how you are breathing, and so on. It makes all the difference.


Worst class I ever had was one gym class where the instructor had no clue how movement went with music, and counted to ten despite music in 8's. Ugh!!!

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If you're taking a class that seems too easy, the key, as I heard a teacher explain once, is to "find the work". So you can work on your technique, make sure you're using the right muscles, pay attention to how you are breathing, and so on. It makes all the difference.


Worst class I ever had was one gym class where the instructor had no clue how movement went with music, and counted to ten despite music in 8's. Ugh!!!


Well, I was sort of doing that by following the very peppy and very talented teen who was 2 people down from me. But the instructor kept leaving the songs midsong to get some water and we were left sort of hopping from one foot to another unless it happened to be a song where we knew the choreography. It was so frustrating! Then the teen left and I had no one good to follow. So the very next song is when I left.

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But the instructor kept leaving the songs midsong to get some water and we were left sort of hopping from one foot to another unless it happened to be a song where we knew the choreography.


That's pretty unprofessional of the instructor! I think I'd mention it up the line, so you don't end up with that sub again.

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I have a cousin who teaches fitness classes. She ranted on FB about how rude it was for people to walk out of her class early (She said something to the effect of "I wouldn't walk out of your exectutive business meeting- so please don't walk out of my aerobics class"). I have walked out of a class once when the instructor had me so confused that I just couldn't keep up...my friend left too for the same reason. Time is precious and if the class isn't working for you- then I say go:D!

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I really don't like going to a sub class! It bugs the crud out of me. I do stay because I'm there. A not -stellar workout is better than no workout. I do my best to compensate. I lift my legs higher, make my arms movements bigger etc. If I walked out, I'd lose the whole hour. I don't have time for that.


If you did a substitute workout that worked better for you, I wouldn't feel the least bit bad.

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I like to think I'm generally polite, but no I wouldn't worry about it. As pp said if you try to make it harder and it is still horrid, you already give it one chance. My time is precious. I went to go to a workout class last night. I had called ahead to ask about the schedule even, when I get there it was a different teacher doing a different class. I left right then, she did make a comment about hey I could stay, I just told her- I don't like kickboxing. I refuse to do workouts I don't like!

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Your time and your money. There were 20 people left in the class so it wasn't like she was left dancing with herself. Good for you for putting your health and time as a priority!


:iagree: I used to teach fitness classes, it happens...class may be too hard, too easy or it may be instructor style, transitions, skill, voice, ability to motivate, etc. - but you are there for you and have to make the most of your time. I don't think it's rude at all. From instructor perspective...if they take it personal...that is really their own issue not yours.

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When I am paying, I think I have the right to leave. As long as you don't create a scene, I don't see why that would be rude. At some point in our lives, and I like to think at my age now, we get to be the adults and decide what we do with our time. If she wasn't performing her role adequately I believe you have every right to make the best use of your time.


I remember how shocked I was the first time I saw someone leave a college class when their was a substitute professor. Then, I realized how cool it was when I realized the choice was up to the individual and this individual chose to go study in the library with their time instead. That is just the freedom we have as adults. I wouldn't feel bad at all.

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:iagree: I used to teach fitness classes, it happens...class may be too hard, too easy or it may be instructor style, transitions, skill, voice, ability to motivate, etc. - but you are there for you and have to make the most of your time. I don't think it's rude at all. From instructor perspective...if they take it personal...that is really their own issue not yours.


:iagree: The vast majority of my co-workers that teach group-ex classes expect that people will leave the class if they need to. And they do. The only concern I've ever heard is when someone leaves abruptly - in he middle of a segment, for instance - and looks unwell.


But I would definitely offer feedback to the Program Director (or Wellness Director). Classes are offered based on numbers and they want a consistently positive experience. To that end, they can either work with the sub so the class remains fairly level challenge-wise, or find another sub.

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I think you should be able to leave whenever you want to, but I agree that you should offer feedback to either the sub or the director/manager (in a nice way) so that perhaps the sub can gain insight from that and improve instead of just having people walk out and perhaps never know why.

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