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Something's Wrong With Our Cat - Advice Please

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Hi all,


This morning my dh told me our normally very affectionate cat hissed at him when he approached him. I haven't seen him all day which is odd because he's as social as our dog. We were watching TV and heard him crying and found him under our bed. He usually shoves himself into our laps in the evening. We went to get him out from under the bed and he went berzerk, yowling, hissing, scratching. We got him on the bed and cooed and petted him and he calmed right down and seemed happy. But he wouldn't jump off the bed so I lifted him off and he hissed at me. Then he limped across the floor and his tail was completely limp. He gobbled up some food my dh gave him then slunk off to the corner.


I can tell he's in pain, my poor baby. :001_huh: Any ideas what could be going on? Should I just leave him be in his corner? I'm near to tears here and would appreciate any ideas or input.

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I don't want to scare you, but I urge you to take him to the vet as soon as you can. Our old cat started acting very grumpy and staying hidden a few days before we took him in and found out he had a large cancerous liver mass. He was very affectionate with me and my husband, even at the end, but there was a considerable difference in his tolerance of our girls and other pets. He was hurting. Sounds like your kitty is too. :grouphug:

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I don't want to scare you, but I urge you to take him to the vet as soon as you can. Our old cat started acting very grumpy and staying hidden a few days before we took him in and found out he had a large cancerous liver mass. He was very affectionate with me and my husband, even at the end, but there was a considerable difference in his tolerance of our girls and other pets. He was hurting. Sounds like your kitty is too. :grouphug:


Did the vet give him any pain meds or was it just "so sorry, Fluffy's got two weeks to live." I hate seeing him like this.

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Did the vet give him any pain meds or was it just "so sorry, Fluffy's got two weeks to live." I hate seeing him like this.



I hate to even tell you, but Quincy's cancer was very advanced and very aggressive. We noticed he wasn't acting right on Monday, took him to the vet on Wednesday for lab work, back on Thursday for x-rays and received the diagnosis, took him home for one more night on pain meds, and had him euthanized on Friday. He was miserable. It was so hard. We got him right before we got married, so he had always been with us. He's been gone since May. We miss him everyday.


I hope you can get your kitty into the vet soon, and he has something treatable and minor.



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I hope you can get your kitty into the vet soon, and he has something treatable and minor.




Thanks. Dh is taking the afternoon off tomorrow so hopefully the Vet can give us good news. We got Cricket two months after we were married and he's been our baby now for 11 years. I really hope this is just nasty gas a bruised leg or something simple. Wishful thinking.

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No advice but :grouphug: We have a cat at the vet now. We thought she was dead. She kinda acted like yours, couldn't find her for 24 hours, she was hissing (NEVER) hissed. But when we found her she was stiff. I mean, I thought rigor. She was having tremors I guess you would call them. They hooked her up to IV antibiotics and fluids and is looking MUCH better today! She was brought yesterday. We might get her home tomorrow.



Get your cat looked at! Its hard. This cat is my SN son's cat. I can not imagine what he would have done if she would have died :001_huh:

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I have a young kitty (he's not quite a year and a half) and a few months ago, he hissed at me and was clearly in pain. I took him to the vet and the vet seemed to think it was an infection starting to set in (I've had cats who have had abscesses, so I think that may have been the concern). He was started on antibiotics and was fine after a course of those.


What you described would be even more worrisome, but even so, I hope it's nothing serious.


:grouphug: for you and your kitty!

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Thanks for all the advice and well wishes everyone. Dh called the vet first thing this morning and made an appointment. The person he talked to said, that without having seen him, it sounds like it could be a broken tail.:confused: I'm actually hoping it is, as awful as that sounds. A broken appendage seems much easier to handle than cancer or kidney stones or anything internal like that.


He crept out just now and demanded some loving, so I'm hoping that it really is something that pain meds and bed rest will cure. We'll see what the vet says.

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Thanks for all the advice and well wishes everyone. Dh called the vet first thing this morning and made an appointment. The person he talked to said, that without having seen him, it sounds like it could be a broken tail.:confused: I'm actually hoping it is, as awful as that sounds. A broken appendage seems much easier to handle than cancer or kidney stones or anything internal like that.


He crept out just now and demanded some loving, so I'm hoping that it really is something that pain meds and bed rest will cure. We'll see what the vet says.


Keep us posted please! Broken tails heal fast---we accidentally slammed our 15yo cat's tail in the front door when he was a kitten and it healed really fast ;)

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Thanks for all the advice and well wishes everyone. Dh called the vet first thing this morning and made an appointment. The person he talked to said, that without having seen him, it sounds like it could be a broken tail.:confused: I'm actually hoping it is, as awful as that sounds. A broken appendage seems much easier to handle than cancer or kidney stones or anything internal like that.


He crept out just now and demanded some loving, so I'm hoping that it really is something that pain meds and bed rest will cure. We'll see what the vet says.


Any updates on Kitty?

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My dh took Cricket to the vet. She checked him all over and observed his behavior, he's started leaping up and down onto things again. She didn't seem overly concerned about him, she gave us some pain meds and told us to come back in a week unless he stopped eating, drinking, using the litter box, etc. I guess he was very friendly to the staff and curled up in the sink like he was bored with the world. He has been growling a bit when he gets up, but he's been much more social and affectionate and while he seems to be in some pain, it's not to the extent it was last night.


Thanks everyone for putting up with my panicked neediness last night. I realize in the grand scheme of things, it's just a cat. But it's so hard to see something helpless in pain. You are all so sweet!:D

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My dh took Cricket to the vet. She checked him all over and observed his behavior, he's started leaping up and down onto things again. She didn't seem overly concerned about him, she gave us some pain meds and told us to come back in a week unless he stopped eating, drinking, using the litter box, etc. I guess he was very friendly to the staff and curled up in the sink like he was bored with the world. He has been growling a bit when he gets up, but he's been much more social and affectionate and while he seems to be in some pain, it's not to the extent it was last night.


Thanks everyone for putting up with my panicked neediness last night. I realize in the grand scheme of things, it's just a cat. But it's so hard to see something helpless in pain. You are all so sweet!:D


I am so glad to hear he's okay!!! And it's not just a cat, honey! It's your furbaby. I know how much you love him!!

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My dh took Cricket to the vet. She checked him all over and observed his behavior, he's started leaping up and down onto things again. She didn't seem overly concerned about him, she gave us some pain meds and told us to come back in a week unless he stopped eating, drinking, using the litter box, etc. I guess he was very friendly to the staff and curled up in the sink like he was bored with the world. He has been growling a bit when he gets up, but he's been much more social and affectionate and while he seems to be in some pain, it's not to the extent it was last night.


Thanks everyone for putting up with my panicked neediness last night. I realize in the grand scheme of things, it's just a cat. But it's so hard to see something helpless in pain. You are all so sweet!:D


Naughty kitty! :001_huh: And like others have said---they are 'Furbaby's' NOT 'just' a pet ;) We're still crying over losing our crazy dog Mojo in Feb....

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