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I'd like to file a complaint.

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and they are working hard to remedy the situation. As soon as they get the clouds and cold fronts moved out of your location and back to the North where they belong, your forecast will be clear and sunny.




P.S. I'm putting in an early request with the Weather Service not to send us another hot, sultry summer. I'd like one to replicate a summer in Minnesota, minus the mosquitos. :) They assure me I'm somewhere on the list!

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So pretty up there! I'm in the high desert area north of Los Angeles, and we had pouring rain this morning. Considering it was over 100 degrees just four days ago, it's been a pretty wacky weather month.


For us, June will bring the start of a looooong, hot summer.

Michelle T

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It is late MAY.


I am in Southern California.


There is snow on the ground.


That is all. :glare:


I know, right?! (With due apologies to the moms who hate that phrase...it just seemed so appropriate with your being in So Cal and all)


Here in Phoenix it was COLD this morning and never got out of the low 60's all day. Bizarre.



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It is late MAY.


I am in Southern California.


There is snow on the ground.


That is all. :glare:


Send it up north to the fires!! (I wish you could!!) ((sigh)) Just read a lengthy e-mail from my mom with updates from the current director of the camp my great aunt and uncle started... The fire has burned on three sides of the camp yet, but not the camp property itself. I hope they got all of the historic "stuff", pictures, etc... out...


But back to what your post is about, I feel your pain... though it's to be expected here in Canada!

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and they are working hard to remedy the situation. As soon as they get the clouds and cold fronts moved out of your location and back to the North where they belong, your forecast will be clear and sunny.



Uhhhhmmmm... The North doesn't want it back! I specfically requested that all inclement weather be sent south! I have plans this weekend :001_smile:

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So pretty up there! I'm in the high desert area north of Los Angeles, and we had pouring rain this morning. Considering it was over 100 degrees just four days ago, it's been a pretty wacky weather month.


For us, June will bring the start of a looooong, hot summer.

Michelle T


I'm in the Phoenix area. On Tuesday, ds and went swimming. It was 108 degrees. Yesterday and today, it is cloudy, high around 70, and rainy. A difference of 30 degrees in a couple of days!



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So pretty up there! I'm in the high desert area north of Los Angeles, and we had pouring rain this morning. Considering it was over 100 degrees just four days ago, it's been a pretty wacky weather month.


For us, June will bring the start of a looooong, hot summer.

Michelle T



We are closer to Lake Arrowhead.


Just 3 days ago I was wearing a tank top and sunning myself on my deck. This stinks.

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We are closer to Lake Arrowhead.


Just 3 days ago I was wearing a tank top and sunning myself on my deck. This stinks.


My hubby grew up down there. :D It was 117 the day he was born... and now we live in Canada and we seem to get the first snow of the season on his birthday quite frequently!

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That's just it... we just traded. Monday we were told to be very careful because too many people were using their air conditioners and it was over 100 (106 to be exact). A group from our church camped last weekend in 120 degree heat. And yes, it snowed yesterday. We are just not used to it. (But if you are from the Inland Empire you know it is because the Orange Show opened this weekend).

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This is the weirdest spring! I live on the central Oregon coast, which always keeps the temp down, even in the summer...it is like having the refrigerator door always open in your kitchen! Anyway, last week it was 92 on the beach! My daughter went in the water and then sunbathed on the beach! We can't usually even do that in the summer...it is just usually so cold and windy. Well, it was back to the 50's this week and I even had my heat on which I never do in May. Yes, so let me add my name to the complaint! Reesegirl

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I was just fussing that it's been cooler than normal in Atl this month. The pool is freezing! Well, I spoke too soon. It's rather warm and GA sticky after the T-storms last night. Looks like we will be getting our first run of upper 80's to low 90's. I don't mind the heat, it's the humidity I have always suffered with. Maybe it's a sign our drought is coming to an end. :001_huh:

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We are closer to Lake Arrowhead.


Just 3 days ago I was wearing a tank top and sunning myself on my deck. This stinks.



We are vacationing in Yellowstone/Jackson Hole...I guess you sent the snow our way :tongue_smilie:. Sun Mon & Tues it was beautiful, almost HOT. Then Wed it started snowing. Yes, SNOWING. The temps dropped about 40 degrees overnight. UGH UGH and now it's raining. We did get a burst of sun yesterday morning, til it started RAINING again around 1:00.

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You know, I may just be the culprit in bringing this bizarre weather to our area. Confession is good for the soul, right?! Here goes....


Two weeks ago I said "Good thing it doesn't rain in May!" Yep. Just like that I jinxed the whole area!


The reason for my careless outburst? My kids are in a production of Peter Pan, last weekend and this. The sets are huge (the Nursery, Hook's ship, Neverland) and the wings of the stage very small, so during the show half the sets have to be kept outside. I made that comment that it was a good thing we wouldn't have to worry about the rain, and sure enough, there was a frantic scramble yesterday afternoon for tarps to cover the sets. It poured and poured while we were at the theater for last night's performance!!


Mea culpa! I'm really sorry!!

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