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Do you get very slightly annoyed

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when you're reading a thread and someone says that they PM'd the OP, and it wasn't even a private sort of thread, more of an informative, helpful nature, for example health-related or curriculum-related, etc.?

I know that this sounds rather petty and silly, but I get mildly annoyed. I'm reading a thread and then I see that and I want to say, "Hey, I'd like to know what you have to offer, what you have to say! What am I? Chopped liver :lol:? What's the big secret anyway? Why not share for all of us to see?" I just don't get it ... :confused:

Nothing big has happened recently (only one thread that I can think of). This has just been on my mind for the longest while and I've been meaning to post about this.

Guess, I'm just being too silly and petty this early in the morning. :leaving:

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Yes. Not in an "I'm offended!" sort of way. I'm just nosey.


But I think it has to do with a) not wanting to share one's own personal issues with a broad group or b) not wanting to break board rules.


Though, for the nosey of us, it would be better if one just PMed and didn't say it had been done on the open thread. Because, like a cat, I just HAVE to know what's in the box, on the other side of the closed door, etc. :D

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But (playing devil's advocate here) not everyone will see that she has a pm if her settings aren't set so that she gets a pop-up when one is received. So she may not think to look up and see if anything's in her message box.


Also, I've noticed that there is sometimes a delay here in receiving a pm. A person will send one, but it won't appear for several minutes.


So I could see why the sender might feel that she needed to give the recipient a heads-up.

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I agree with all the previous posters, but what annoys me too... and maybe it is just me this morning (see my Sport Vent thread :P) is when they say "Sent you a PM" in the selling forum in the selling threads. :P Ugh, I think if someone is selling something they will see the PM! :P

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I agree with all the previous posters, but what annoys me too... and maybe it is just me this morning (see my Sport Vent thread :P) is when they say "Sent you a PM" in the selling forum in the selling threads. :P Ugh, I think if someone is selling something they will see the PM! :P


One would think so! ;)


But I've always seen that as more of a message to other posters, not so much to the seller -- "Back off, folks -- I've got dibs on this one!" :lol:

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But (playing devil's advocate here) not everyone will see that she has a pm if her settings aren't set so that she gets a pop-up when one is received. So she may not think to look up and see if anything's in her message box.


Also, I've noticed that there is sometimes a delay here in receiving a pm. A person will send one, but it won't appear for several minutes.


So I could see why the sender might feel that she needed to give the recipient a heads-up.


Yep. And I figure it's PM rather than here because it's either on the personal side or might be on the controversial side or whatever. It never bothers me.

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I think I've announced a PM to another member within an ongoing conversation before. (And yes, it's because I'm trying not to post something that is too personal or boring for the rest of you!) I think it's usually when I'm contacting someone privately for the first time, and I don't want to spook them by just popping into their private space unannounced. That's kind of weird, I know. :lol:


ETA: At the same time, I get curious about the contents of a PM too, hoping I'm not missing out on some helpful information. I definitely see both sides of this one!

Edited by BridgeTea
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I would say more here, but I am very private and can only talk about it privately, in a very private PM that is only meant for you. I'll explain it all in my private PM. ;)



I had a thread awhile ago about musical ability in children. I had a couple of people post, "I'll PM you" and they did. What they said to me privately was nothing that would be TMI or private at all. They had positive experiences and it was short and to the point. I still can't figure out why it had to be private. I always wondered. :001_huh:

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Yes. Not in an "I'm offended!" sort of way.

Me too. Not in an offended way either. Not at all. And it's not even me being nosey, since I really don't need to know every person's business (although the celebrity thread a month or so ago sparked curiosity for sure :D), I just want to learn and share.

I get a tad irritated when it's in a thread that's usually informative - curriculum, health, whatever-related - and I'm trying to learn something. I don't understand why a PM is necessary for something like that. Now, personal-stuff, MIL, family-issues, whatever ... those threads are fine where PMs are often necessary. It's just the more info-based ones that annoy me mildly in that way. I also don't mind if someone PMs about say, the hcg diet. Not everyone feels comfortable broadcasting their interest/experience with a diet/weight loss program, for example. But, curriculum OR general health? I don't get it ... I think overdoing the whole PM thing can be time-consuming and they also don't benefit the board population at large. When I read a thread, I want to learn. When I post, I often want to share.


Yeah, it's like they're whispering and we can't hear.




I would say more here, but I am very private and can only talk about it privately, in a very private PM that is only meant for you. I'll explain it all in my private PM.


So glad you posted :lol: :grouphug:.


What they said to me privately was nothing that would be TMI or private at all. I still can't figure out why it had to be private. I always wondered.


You said it better than I.

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Yes. Not in an "I'm offended!" sort of way. I'm just nosey.


But I think it has to do with a) not wanting to share one's own personal issues with a broad group or b) not wanting to break board rules.


Though, for the nosey of us, it would be better if one just PMed and didn't say it had been done on the open thread. Because, like a cat, I just HAVE to know what's in the box, on the other side of the closed door, etc. :D


:lol: I think I'm nosier than a cat..

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Yes. Not in an "I'm offended!" sort of way. I'm just nosey.


But I think it has to do with a) not wanting to share one's own personal issues with a broad group or b) not wanting to break board rules.


Though, for the nosey of us, it would be better if one just PMed and didn't say it had been done on the open thread. Because, like a cat, I just HAVE to know what's in the box, on the other side of the closed door, etc. :D


Yes. I agree. It's like whispering in someone's ear in the presence of others; rude.

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