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Mysterious Bumps on Maddie

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Do they itch? Are they getting bigger, or just more? Is anything coming out of them? Do they hurt her if you touch them? Does she have a fever?


My DD was prone to Staph infections if she got diaper rash. They started as small bumps that looked like pimples or bug bites, and they kept getting bigger. They built up pressure and hurt with the slightest touch. With heat they would drain a little and the pain would go down. 2-3 infections were MRSA and the rest were just Staph. You have to go to the doctor if that's what it is, she would need antibiotics. She would most likely have a fever, and the bumps will start to hurt, a lot!


Could it be an allergic reaction? I only recently found out that I am apparently allergic to Advil and other similar medications. I broke out into the worst hives and had some asthma type symptoms. I itched like crazy. A paste of oatmeal and cornstarch helped relieve the itching. Again, they started out as little bumps and then spread.


I hope you figure it out.

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She also just had her fisy vaccine, Dt, on Monday. We're not sure if the big one on her hand showed up before or after Monday. She had a really rough three days with severe crankiness, crying, and clumbsiness. Is it possible this was caused by the vaccine?

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Do you go to public/community pools, lakes, blah blah?


There is a benign form of the pox virus that looks very similar. Watch over the next few days. If you get a little pin head to the bump, this is probably what it is. Otherwise, I would consider fleas and spiders. :)


The benign form of pox usually takes a year to go away!

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If she has similar sores in her mouth, I would vote hand, foot, and mouth. It would actually explain all her other symptoms that came after her vaccine. The rash can be the last part to appear. It is very contagious. She might have gotten it at the doctor's office.

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If she has similar sores in her mouth, I would vote hand, foot, and mouth. It would actually explain all her other symptoms that came after her vaccine. The rash can be the last part to appear. It is very contagious. She might have gotten it at the doctor's office.


:iagree: DS also had this one and was super cranky, etc. for a few days first, then broke out in the sores. He only had a couple of spots on his palms and one between two toes, but the mouth sores were AWFUL!! Very painful and just looked horrid.

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We are at the doctor's now. Gotta love a practice with Saturday and Sunday hours. The sore in her throat looks like a large canker sore. Yeah that might explain her crankiness earlier this week. Now we just need to know why she keeps falling. Poor thing has tripped at least a dozen times and skinned her knee 3 or 4 times.

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Our molluscum wasn't usually red like that. Plus they were usually smaller and had a pearlish hue to it. Do they look pearly?


The bumps my boys had were red, usually from itching, and sometimes white. But even the red had a pearly look. It depended on where the molluscum was at. We've been dealing with it for 2 years amoung 2 children.


The only way to know for certain is to have a Dr. look at it. We can't diagnose from a picture.


I hope she feels better. The sore in her mouth is very :(. :grouphug:

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Doctor believes it is hand, foot, and mouth. He thinks that the vaccine probably caused her bad day Monday, and this caused the rest of the bad days. He doesn't know what is causing her to trip and fall so much as neither the vaccine or the hand, foot, and mouth are known to cause excessive clumsiness.

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