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Greek Mythology resources?


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I am creating a course on Greek and Roman Mythology for my children, and will primarily be using D'Aulaires and Guerber's texts. I was hoping to find other resources, such as videos, to supplement. I did notice Greek Mythology for Students, but don't think I want to spend 100 dollars on the series, and Netflix doesn't carry it.


Any ideas, links, would be appreciated!!

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I am creating a course on Greek and Roman Mythology for my children, and will primarily be using D'Aulaires and Guerber's texts. I was hoping to find other resources, such as videos, to supplement. I did notice Greek Mythology for Students, but don't think I want to spend 100 dollars on the series, and Netflix doesn't carry it.


Any ideas, links, would be appreciated!!


I think there are some episodes of Jim Henson's Storyteller that are about Greek myths. My son liked those a lot when he was younger. I don't remember whether we got them from Netflix or the library, though.


He also enjoyed the Horrible Histories Top 10 Greek Legends book.


There's a Teaching Company series on Classical Mythology that I know our library carries, but it might not be especially interesting for younger kids.


Have you considered having them prep for the National Mythology Exam? They have teaching packets available to order with study materials that might be helpful for you.


There's also a Duke TIP independent study course called Growing Up Heroic. But it's intended for gifted middle school students and might be a bit much. It's also not cheap.


My son's doing Greek myths and literature for English next year for what we'll be calling 9th grade. So, I have lists of resources, but mostly for olders.

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FYI/PSA- I was shocked by the content of The History Channel DVDs on the Greek myths and will pre-screen everything from them before allowing my kids to watch! I ASSumed they were safe for kids but there was very graphic s*xual language and blurry "re-enactment' in at least one (I am remembering the Minotaur one in particular :eek:).


For the record- I am very, very, very liberal when it comes to teaching my kids about the human body, answering all questions truthfully, sharing knowledge about reproduction, human s*xuality etc- but I really found these videos offensive and just smarmy- the content was purely for shock value and NOT for intellectual enlightenment.

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I think there are some episodes of Jim Henson's Storyteller that are about Greek myths. My son liked those a lot when he was younger. I don't remember whether we got them from Netflix or the library, though.


Netflix. :) My kiddo has enjoyed these as well.


Our local Redbox also has a DVD that we've enjoyed, though the title escapes me at the moment. Finding it was a big surprise!

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Have you considered having them prep for the National Mythology Exam? They have teaching packets available to order with study materials that might be helpful for you.



Yes, we're prepping for this, and ordered the Teaching Packets. Do you think they're sufficient to build a course around, or are they more "test prep"?



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Yes, we're prepping for this, and ordered the Teaching Packets. Do you think they're sufficient to build a course around, or are they more "test prep"?




I don't know yet, because I just ordered mine, too.


My son will be doing more, but he's also older. He'll be taking the exam mostly for fun.


He's doing the Duke course and a nice batch of additional reading and just using the NME teaching materials to make sure we've covered what will actually be on the test.

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FYI/PSA- I was shocked by the content of The History Channel DVDs on the Greek myths and will pre-screen everything from them before allowing my kids to watch! I ASSumed they were safe for kids but there was very graphic s*xual language and blurry "re-enactment' in at least one (I am remembering the Minotaur one in particular :eek:).


For the record- I am very, very, very liberal when it comes to teaching my kids about the human body, answering all questions truthfully, sharing knowledge about reproduction, human s*xuality etc- but I really found these videos offensive and just smarmy- the content was purely for shock value and NOT for intellectual enlightenment.


I'm not picking on you, but I wonder why you assumed they would be kid friendly? Isn't the History Channel targeted at adults?

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I'm not picking on you, but I wonder why you assumed they would be kid friendly? Isn't the History Channel targeted at adults?


I didn't assume they would be kid friendly, but kid safe. In this case I thought it would be a historical movie perhaps not specifically targeted to kids (this is what kid-friendly means to me), but that there wouldn't be graphic s*xual content in it (and this is one of the things that makes a movie kid safe to me).


At any rate- I've never assumed the History Channel was targeted to adults. If it is, that's news to me and useful information. We've watched plenty of their movies (The Story of Us is one example) as a family.

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I am creating a course on Greek and Roman Mythology for my children, and will primarily be using D'Aulaires and Guerber's texts. I was hoping to find other resources, such as videos, to supplement. I did notice Greek Mythology for Students, but don't think I want to spend 100 dollars on the series, and Netflix doesn't carry it.


Any ideas, links, would be appreciated!!


Do you have a link?:D

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I found the Naxos Junior Classics (I can't get Amazon's address to cut and paste on this stupid hotel computer) Greek Myths, Tale of Troy, and Adventures of Odysseus better than the Jim Wiese recordings.


We are just using Karen Bornemann Spies The Iliad and the Odyssey in Greek Mythology, a book I found at a garage sale and like VERY MUCH. It is not for 6 year olds, and even with my Homer-loving boy, I'm glad I waited until we read the aforementioned Oxford Children's Classics The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer (retold for children by Barbara Leoniie Picard).

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The Greek mythology volume of the World Mythology Series is great if you can find it:




REGION/CULTURE: Greece, Asia Minor, Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Adriatic Sea

TITLE: Gods, Men & Monsters from the Greek Myths

TEXT AUTHOR: Michael Gibson

ILLUSTRATIONS: Giovanni Caselli


STATISTICS: 27 stories, 156 pages, 22 paintings, 50 line drawings

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I found the Naxos Junior Classics (I can't get Amazon's address to cut and paste on this stupid hotel computer) Greek Myths, Tale of Troy, and Adventures of Odysseus better than the Jim Wiese recordings.



These do look nice. Here is the link



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