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So what are your can't miss eateries at WDW??

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I know the food's not much at WDW in general, but what are some of your FAVE places to dine? We've got this free meal package, and though I don't know how I'll be able to actually tolerate sitting down for a table service meal while there are rides to be ridden, I will have to figure it out!


Is it worth it to leave the parks and head to the Whispering Canyon Cafe in the Wilderness Lodge to eat a meal? I've gotten some good feedback from folks on this one, but I don't know if I should leave Epcot, go there to eat and return for Illuminations or not?!?


Also, what about things to see other than rides. Which ones of those do you recommend not missing out on? We will ride just about everything, if not everything, but I don't know what other things I should be sure to see/do.


Input anyone??

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The Boulangerie Patisserie in Epcot is my favorite but that's the food I really miss from living in Europe. If you want to eat at any of the full-service restaurants you need to book them well in advance.


and I must edit to add that in a lot of WDW the food is actually excellent. The counter-service restaurants aren't the best of course but even those aren't awful. They have different food at different restaurants. There is definitely more available than hot dogs and burgers like at most theme parks.


You can see current menus for the various dining locations here:


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We just returned from a week in WDW....our best meal of the week was at Boma's in Animal Kingdom Lodge. It is a buffet, but the food was unique, healthy, creative and actually delicious. Boma's is themed as an African marketplace with the staff in African garb and it was very enjoyable. The lodge is a neat place as well. If you don't have a car you'd have to hop on an AKL bus from one of the parks. You definitely want to eat at "sit down" restaurants as much as you can as the food is a whole level above counter service. And trust me, you'll be glad to give your feet a break! They do a great job at moving people in and out of restaurants quickly if you desire that. The Sci-Fi Theatre restaurant at Hollywood Studios is fun as you sit in convertibles in a drive-in movie setting.


My biggest complaint about WDW food....we did 3 character breakfasts and 3 character dinners/lunches and they tend to serve the same food at those. I was sick of the platter of "flank steak with red wine sauce/roasted chicken/herbed salmon/garlic mashed potatoes" and the platter of "wet gooey scrambled eggs/undercooked bacon/greasy sausage" by the end of the week. When you go to a character meal know that you're going for the characters and not the food as much.


And for those who can afford it, the Deluxe Dining Plan is wonderful. All of your meals can be at sit-down places if you desire plus each person gets 2 snacks a day. The snacks are very substantial and also offers healthy options which can be shared by 2 people easily. Or, it can be a hot fudge sundae if you want a treat!

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Beef: Le Cellier

Fun: Sci Fi Dine In

Buffet: Boma (Breakfast or Dinner)

Grilled meat and Vegetables: Ohana

Sinful Fries: Figaro Fries at Pinocchio Village Haus in MK


I haven't eaten there yet because it is new, but Teppan Edo in Japan gets raves. I did not have a good experience at Whispering Canyon, but others have so maybe I should give it another go.


Where are you staying?

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Thirding Boma...actually my husband's favorite restaurant anywhere, not just at WDW. And it gets mixed reviews, but we really like 'Ohana, too.


As far as non-ride stuff to see...definitely the Lion King show. Let's see, we really enjoyed the bird show at AK, too. how old are your kids?

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How long will you be there? Do you have any days you aren't going to the parks?


We LOVED Whispering Canyon. My kids thought it was AWESOME! But, I don't think I'd want to leave the parks to go if you are going for a short trip. We took two days off from the parks and did our out of park dining those nights and it worked really well.


If you can get reservations, eat at LeCellier at Epcot late. Then, you can just walk outside and have a PERFECT view of Illuminations. But, reservations are hard to get there. We LOVED our meal there.


Other places we liked: Coral Reef (I think this was my fave meal), and the dinner shows - Hoop De Doo and the Hawaiian one (I forget the name). My boys liked both, but the Hawaiian one has a guy with FIRE!!! That really got their attention!!!


When we go back in Sept we're eating at Boma, Cinderella's castle (dd and me!), O'hanas, Marakesh and Whispering Canyon (the one place my kids asked for specifically!).


Non-ride not to be missed: Lion King - AMAZING!!! My 2 yo still talks about it!! My kids LOVED the Star Wars show (one of my kids got called up on stage to fight with Darth Vader!). My dd loved the Beauty and the Beast (the boys saw the Lights Motors Action at the same time - LOVED IT!!!). The bird show at Epcot was really cool. If you can't get a seat up front, sit in the front of the back section. The birds will fly and land right beside you (scared me to DEATH!). My kids liked the Honey I Shrunk the Audience (Epcot) and the Bug Show at Animal Kingdom. I'm sure there's more. Definately ride all the rides. There are so many good ones it's hard to pick!!!


Have fun and enjoy!!!!

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Well, we are not huge foodies at Disney. Because we stay off-site (ILs are generous with timeshare condo points) and therefore can't do the meal plan, and because we tend to want to maximize our ride time :D, we stick to the counter service restaurants.


Having said that, here are some places we enjoyed on our trip two years ago:


In Animal Kingdom, we liked the Flame Tree Barbecue. The food is good and the shaded seating is right on the water.


We got caught in a rain storm at lunch in the Magic Kingdom, so we ate at Columbia Harbor House because it had indoor seating. The food was good.


Epcot is great for food. I would not leave Epcot to go eat somewhere else. We've liked the Boulangerie (quiches, sandwiches, tarts) and the bakery in Norway (get the schoolbread--pastry filled with cream and topped with frosting). DH enjoys the fish and chips in the UK, and older son liked the Japanese food.


We still haven't found a good place to eat at Disney Studios.


We did the Winnie the Pooh breakfast at Crystal Palace one morning. It's buffet style and I thought the food was very good.


We're going in November, and I want to try dinner at Chef Mickey's on the day we arrive. I also want to book a sit-down meal in Morocco in Epcot.

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Character meals

I think that Crystal Palace has the best breakfast buffet food, but the best organized, least stressful character breakfasts were the Princess Storybook in Norway at Epcot and the Supercalifragistic! Breakfast at the Grand Floridian. As for Chef Mickeys - we have found it to be overcrowded, stressful, and the food was just all right. Donald's breakfast was tasty but not a great experience for us, as we knew that we would have to rush to Expedition Everest right after our meal.


We had the best character dinner at the Grand Floridian with Cinderella and her family. The food was very good and the Stepsisters were, well...it was the best character interaction we've ever had! The Liberty Tree Tavern is my children's favorite. The food is good but I think a lot depends on the service - some waiters are just better than others! The Garden Grill had better food, I think, but overall it is very similar to LTT.


Eating at the castle is awesome, but counts as two meals now on the Dining Plan and I am not sure that it is worth it!


Sit-down meals

Le Cellier and The Rose and Crown are our favorites at Epcot. At the R&C we have been able to see the fireworks from our table on teh terrace three times - just wonderful! We have also had great meals at the Biergarten and Les Chefs de France


In MGM, the only sit-down meal we have tried is the Prime Time. We like the fried chicken and the milkshakes!


We had a wonderful lunch at the Plaza in the MK. Tony's is not bad (and the desserts are quite good) but the service has been lousy whenever we have eaten there.


We have not had a sitdown meal at the AK - we are usually on a mission to ride EE as often as possible and then fit in the shows!


Other food

For counter service, Sunshine Seasons in Epcot FW is very good - a big selection for breakfast and lunch. The desserts in France are very good but my favorite dessert is in Norway - a sweet pretzel covered with icing and slivered almonds - yum!


Our favorite cs in the MK is Cosmic Rays. They have a wide variety of food and the *floor show* is hysterical in a very goofy way - maybe it is just our family senses of humor, though. Pinnochios is my personal favorite.


At MGM we like the Backlot Express and the ABC commissary. The decor at the Backlot is really cool. The last time we were there they had some Lost memorabilia in glass cases at the ABC - my daughters were beside themselves with joy!


We always seem to go to Pizzafari at the AK, where the food is ok and the wall murals are amazing!

Resort restaurants

Since we have stayed at the Caribbean Beach twice we have eaten at Shutters a few times. I have read terrible reviews but we have found the food to be fabulous every time.


I love Kona at the Poly - absolutely delicious. The Whispering Canyon was fun, but not great enough to take time from the MK, if that makes sense.


I guess that is it!


Oh - the extra things. We all enjoyed the Family Magic Tour, but I think it was because our youngest was 5 and he got really into it, so we all got really into it.


Ok - sorry this is so long! Hope it helped.

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Character meals

We had the best character dinner at the Grand Floridian with Cinderella and her family. The food was very good and the Stepsisters were, well...it was the best character interaction we've ever had!


I agree, love the Stepsisters, they are hysterical.

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Leave EPCOT to eat? That's crazy talk! I would eat every meal there if I could. I don't know of any 'bad' restaraunt there, but we really enjoyed the Italian one. The kids can watch them make the pasta while your'e waiting to be seated, and the service is great. I've always wanted to eat at the Mexican place in the Mayan temple, but have never planned far enough ahead to get in. We had a delicious and fun meal at Prime Time at MGM and friends said their meal at Brown Derby there was outstanding. Oh, and our dc love Rain Forest Cafe, so a meal there at Animal Kingdom was a must. The portions are huge, so depending on the age of your dc, you may be able to split meals for them (it might be cheaper to buy one adult meal than 2 kid's). I only remember eating one meal at Magic Kingdom, and that was Lady and the Tramp place. The food was unmemorable, but we had a great seat for the parade!

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I could just camp in this place. If I still ate animal products, I would live here!


When my dad worked for Disney and we lived in Kissimmee in the 80's, we would go over to EPCOT at least once a week in the evening for some sort of pastry/sweet.


It's about the only restaurant in the parks that makes me want to cry as I pass it by. sniff sniff :crying:



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Man. I just wrote a really long post detailing every sit-down restaurant where we've eaten in WDW -- and my computer crashed! Ack!


Maybe I'll try again later.


For now, I'll just say, no way would I leave Epcot for Whispering Canyon for dinner and come back. Stay at Epcot. If you're staying for Illuminations, book a dinner around 7:30 at the Rose and Crown -- then you can watch the show from your table. Or have an earlier dinner at Le Cellier or Marrakesh or almost any other restaurant (except Akershus, unless you have little girls who need to see every princess and you don't want to wait in line) in Epcot...

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Man. I just wrote a really long post detailing every sit-down restaurant where we've eaten in WDW -- and my computer crashed! Ack!


Maybe I'll try again later.


For now, I'll just say, no way would I leave Epcot for Whispering Canyon for dinner and come back. Stay at Epcot. If you're staying for Illuminations, book a dinner around 7:30 at the Rose and Crown -- then you can watch the show from your table. Or have an earlier dinner at Le Cellier or Marrakesh or almost any other restaurant (except Akershus, unless you have little girls who need to see every princess and you don't want to wait in line) in Epcot...


My kids think the food at Akershus sounds interesting, but they do NOT want to see any princesses.:lol: (Boys age 12 and 8 and dd8 who is the least-girly-girl I know.)

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I am only taking a single 13yob so Cinderella's castle certainly isn't at the top of the list. ;-p


I do want to do at least ONE character breakfast, and heard the Crystal Palace one was really good, but I am thinking of doing one our last morning there since we won't probably be going in the parks.


We will be there for 5 FULL days plus most of a 6th and we have 6-day park-hopper passes. If we wind up getting a reasonably priced flight, we may be there a good bit of the 7th day, but I think we will still basically use 5 1/2 days in the parks.


We have been to Disney, but it's been 7 years. I've actually been about 10 times over the last 30 years, but my girls have been twice, and ds has been once. He really wants to go again - they don't have much interest in it - so, it's just him and I going. I think we'll have a blast!


I am working on my food plans now so I may post when I come up with a tentative and yall can tell me if I'm leaving out anything, or how it all sounds.

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Boma's over Rainforest Cafe?


I'm thinking the day we hit AK early, we were going to leave there to go to MGM for their late night, and we could do Boma's in between since it's at the lodge, OR we can do Rainforest Cafe IN the park.


Which one??

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Boma's over Rainforest Cafe?


I'm thinking the day we hit AK early, we were going to leave there to go to MGM for their late night, and we could do Boma's in between since it's at the lodge, OR we can do Rainforest Cafe IN the park.


Which one??


Boma, no question. Rainforest is hit or miss and has typical fare. Boma has some African dishes and zebra domes :drool5: Have you discovered All Ears Net? They have menus for all the wdw eateries.

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My kids think the food at Akershus sounds interesting, but they do NOT want to see any princesses.:lol: (Boys age 12 and 8 and dd8 who is the least-girly-girl I know.)


They're mistaken. lol... The food at Akershus is just dreadful.

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Boma's over Rainforest Cafe?


I'm thinking the day we hit AK early, we were going to leave there to go to MGM for their late night, and we could do Boma's in between since it's at the lodge, OR we can do Rainforest Cafe IN the park.


Which one??


Definitely Boma. Or, if you need to use a counter service meal, eat at Flame Tree in AK and then use a table service in Hollywood Studios (they changed the name earlier this year). Flame Tree is one of the best counter service places in "the World", but Boma is fabulous. (And if one wants a *really* nice meal, Jiko at AKL is fantastic by any standards.)

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Arrive on 6th. Hit whichever park we feel like that evening. Probably grab a counter-service meal wherever.


Sun 7th - MK (extra evening hours)

Lunch at Harbour House, Dinner at Crystal Palace OR Liberty Tavern (input??)


Mon 8th - AK (early hours)

Counter lunch somewhere - input?

Leave for dinner at Boma's then go to MGM for late night hours


Tue 9th - EPCOT (early hours)

Counter lunch somewhere (probably up in Future World though several of the counter services in back look more appealing)

Dinner at either Le Cellier, Rose and Crown or San Angel - input??


Wed 10th - MGM then to AK for late evening hours

No idea where we're eating this day - ideas?? (guess we could do the Boma place this day if we don't do it Monday)


Thu 11th - MK again (early hours)

possibly have a late char breakfast at Crystal Palace OR we could just do a counter thing for breakfast or lunch and have dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern


Frida - possible character breakfast then depart WDW :-(



Okay, I'm ready for input. I need to make these reservations TODAY!!

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Sun 7th - MK (extra evening hours)

Lunch at Harbour House, Dinner at Crystal Palace OR Liberty Tavern (input??)


Crystal Palace, definitely. Much better food than Liberty Tree.



Mon 8th - AK (early hours)

Counter lunch somewhere - input?

Leave for dinner at Boma's then go to MGM for late night hours


Tue 9th - EPCOT (early hours)

Counter lunch somewhere (probably up in Future World though several of the counter services in back look more appealing)

Dinner at either Le Cellier, Rose and Crown or San Angel - input??


Counter service in "The Land" is good too, but if you head to World Showcase, there will be fewer people there having lunch in the small restaurants back there. I'd head to Morocco's counter service myself. Anything but the Mexico counter service. Yuck. For dinner, do Rose and Crown (reserve around 7:30) and you'll have a fantastic view of Illuminations without having to stake out a seat and wait, or get elbowed by other guests. The food and service are great at Le Cellier though.


Wed 10th - MGM then to AK for late evening hours

No idea where we're eating this day - ideas?? (guess we could do the Boma place this day if we don't do it Monday)


We've only eaten at 50's Primetime and Brown Derby in Hollywood Studios. 50's Primetime is fun if you love malts, milkshakes, ice cream sodas or floats, etc. The other "50s style" food is fun too. Brown Derby takes two credits and can't hold a candle to the other "signature" restaurants where we've eaten (like Jiko and Citricos).



Thu 11th - MK again (early hours)

possibly have a late char breakfast at Crystal Palace OR we could just do a counter thing for breakfast or lunch and have dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern


You might consider 1900 Park Fare for breakfast. Great character interactions and just down the monorail from MK.



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Arrive on 6th. Hit whichever park we feel like that evening. Probably grab a counter-service meal wherever.


Sun 7th - MK (extra evening hours)

Lunch at Harbour House, Dinner at Crystal Palace OR Liberty Tavern (input??) I prefer the Crystal Palace because I'm not a meat and potatoes kind of person and don't like the menu at LT.


Mon 8th - AK (early hours)

Counter lunch somewhere - input? Flame Tree or Yak and Yeti (haven't tried it yet, but heard good things.)

Leave for dinner at Boma's then go to MGM for late night hours


Tue 9th - EPCOT (early hours)

Counter lunch somewhere (probably up in Future World though several of the counter services in back look more appealing)

Dinner at either Le Cellier, Rose and Crown or San Angel - input?? Le Cellier (if you can get a ressie, very popular)


Wed 10th - MGM then to AK for late evening hours

No idea where we're eating this day - ideas?? (guess we could do the Boma place this day if we don't do it Monday) I probably would do Boma this day and do a Fantasmic Dinner Package for Monday. We like Mama Melrose or the Brown Derby (2 TS credits though)


Thu 11th - MK again (early hours)

possibly have a late char breakfast at Crystal Palace OR we could just do a counter thing for breakfast or lunch and have dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern


Friday - possible character breakfast then depart WDW :-( Outside the park character breakfast? People like Chef Mickey's, but it's kind of loud. 'Ohana has Lilo, Stitch, Mickey (sometimes Minnie) and Pluto for breakfast, maybe try that? Chef Mickey's has more of a selection.



Okay, I'm ready for input. I need to make these reservations TODAY!!



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I really want to be able to just know what I can have each day. Using 2 at once will mess me up.


I have never seen Fantasmic though, so I know it would be nice.


I'm going to get on the phone with the dining folks right now.

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Another for Boma and I would also suggest the Cape Cod at the Yatch Club(or is it the Beach one??). Anyways it's a buffet of clams, mussels, shrimp and various other seafood and salad. It's one of our favorites!

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Another for Boma and I would also suggest the Cape Cod at the Yatch Club(or is it the Beach one??). Anyways it's a buffet of clams, mussels, shrimp and various other seafood and salad. It's one of our favorites!


Cape May Cafe at the Beach Club. We like it too.

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I really want to be able to just know what I can have each day. Using 2 at once will mess me up.


I have never seen Fantasmic though, so I know it would be nice.


I'm going to get on the phone with the dining folks right now.


Fantasmic is totally worth doing. This recent trip was our first time to do it, and I'm sorry we didn't before! We weren't able to get "dinner package" coupons, but still got great seats. Still, if you can get dinner package reservations, you'll be assured of decent seats.

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This is what it's looking like for us:


Sat the 6th - arrive at WDW and do whatever we want!


Sun the 7th - Magic Kingdom (extra evening hours)

lunch @ Harbour House

dinner @ Crystal Palace (res made)


Mon the 8th - AK (extra morning hours)

early lunch somewhere in AK

leave AK for dinner at BomaĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s at 4:45 p.m.

head to MGM afterward until it closes


Tue the 9th - EPCOT (extra morning hours)

lunch (still not sure where)

dinner at 7:15 at San Angel (other places booked)

try to catch Illuminations


Wed the 10th - MGM

lunch (not sure where yet)

dinner at Hwood & Vine at 5:20 (Fantasmic seating pkg)


Thu the 11th - MK (extra morning hours)


Here is where I am having trouble now. I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t know if we will stay in the MK all day or want to head to another park at some point for something we might have missed, or if weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll just start the day somewhere else and wind up at MK since it is the latest closing park that day (9p.m.) Of course this messes me up for making any dinner reservations. I was considering TonyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s in MK but not sure if itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s any good. What about leaving and hitting a restaurant at one of the resorts (Poly since itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s on the monorail system and would be quick, or somewhere else). Help me out with this last full day!!


Fri the 12th - Char Bkfst at Cape May Cafe at 9:30 then depart WDW (unless we get a late flight out in which case we will get an extra day on our passes and go into a park).

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How old are your children?


Something you might want to consider... (we will be at WDW that same week) Mickey's Not so Spooky Halloween begins that week. It's really fun and it is a great time to ride the rides at Magic Kingdom and not have any lines. It is an additional cost, but our family loves it!


Also.. we were there last October and San Angel was awful!! I don't even have the urge to walk in the building again. We waited an hour, with reservations, then the food was bad. We were there about 2&1/2 hours. It reallly took a chunk out of our day.


Italy, however, has great food!

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I would certainly go on and make a dining reserv. for MK for that last dinner. You can always cancel it. Are you going to Downtown Disney at all? It's a fun place to take a break from the parks and there are several restaurants there. Keep in mind that Rainforest Cafe's are not in the dining plan....

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Thu the 11th - MK (extra morning hours)


Here is where I am having trouble now. I don’t know if we will stay in the MK all day or want to head to another park at some point for something we might have missed, or if we’ll just start the day somewhere else and wind up at MK since it is the latest closing park that day (9p.m.) Of course this messes me up for making any dinner reservations. I was considering Tony’s in MK but not sure if it’s any good. What about leaving and hitting a restaurant at one of the resorts (Poly since it’s on the monorail system and would be quick, or somewhere else). Help me out with this last full day!!



If you really wanted to try to Whispering Canyon cafe you could take the boat over and then come back. Especially if you are spending all day at MK. It's a very nice ride and the Wilderness Lodge is beautiful. Otherwise we like Kona and 'Ohana at the Poly or dinner with the evil step sisters at 1900 Park Fare.

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I had it in there, but swapped it for Boma's because of all the rave reviews. We have actually eaten at a Rainforest Cafe before so I'm not all that worried about it if I don't fit it in.


At least as of last year, Rainforest Cafe isn't on the dining plan anyway.

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and I do agree the resort is GORGEOUS, but, since I am not a big meat-eater, maybe something different would be better.


Of the others you mentioned, what would be your first choice? What's the dinner with the stepsisters like? I am thinking if they are pretty interactive my son would probably enjoy it. At his age, the very kid-like characters will get old quicker.

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and I do agree the resort is GORGEOUS, but, since I am not a big meat-eater, maybe something different would be better.


Of the others you mentioned, what would be your first choice? What's the dinner with the stepsisters like? I am thinking if they are pretty interactive my son would probably enjoy it. At his age, the very kid-like characters will get old quicker.


The evil step sisters make fun of Cinderella and Prince Charming behind their backs. They are very funny in a sarcastic way. Cinderella and Prince Charming are what you would expect, all politeness. Lady Tremaine, evil step mother, is totally in character which to us was funny. Food-wise though, I like Kona.

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you are making me rethink the stepsister thing because I DO want good food too!


Anyway, this is what I've got now:


Well, things have changed! My sister is coming with us now (we knew she was thinking about it), so I had to make some changes of course. A couple of the items we had planned werenĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t available when we added the third person, and I changed the Mexico meal because she said it was not really good, and the person here who posted that it was horrible made me rethink it.


So this is what weĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ve got now. Tell me how it looks!


Sat the 6th - arrive at WDW and do whatever we want!


Sun the 7th - Magic Kingdom (extra evening hours)

lunch @ Harbour House

dinner @ Crystal Palace (res made)


Mon the 8th - AK (extra morning hours)

early lunch somewhere in AK

leave AK for dinner at BomaĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s at 4:35 p.m.

head to MGM after dinner until close


Tue the 9th - EPCOT (extra morning hours)

lunch (still not sure where)

dinner at 7:00 at Tutto Italia (sis said food was fab)

try to catch Illuminations


Wed the 10th - MGM

lunch (not sure where yet - probably the bbq place)

dinner at Hwood & Vine at 5:20 (Fantasmic seating pkg)


Thu the 11th - MK (extra morning hours)

late lunch in park at counter-service restaurant (not sure which one)

leave park at 8 for dinner with the Wicked Stepsisters at 1900 Park Fare back to the room to crash!


Fri the 12th - Char Bkfst at Cape May Cafe at 9:30 then depart WDW (unless we get a late flight out in which case we will get an extra day on our passes and go into a park).


I did change our passes to 7-day (it costs a whole $2 more) so we may do the Crystal Palace for breakfast or the one in AK instead - input??

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We went to WDW 2 years ago. What a great time!!! We liked The Plaza Restaurant (MK) fast service, less hectic atmosphere. It is easy to have the preferred seating drive your trip.


You can try Coral Reef for the great aquarium view for lunch at EPCOT. Get reservations.


It looks like you have a great itinerary. Get to the parks before they open and go to your most important rides as fast as possible. (Have dh go to the long wait rides to get Fast Passes for the family, while you go to the ride.)


If you can eat lunch at the park, then go back to your hotel and rest. Don't forget to grab Fast Passes n the way out. Return for a ride or show before dinner. The parks are so exciting; pacing is everything to make your trip wonderful and a vacation.


Check out this site http://www.allearsnet.com/ for information on specifics on menus.

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It will just be my son, my sister and me. My girls are getting a separate beach vacation (their choice) and dh can't be gone from work that long.


Of course, the nice thing is that ds will be 13 so I don't think we'll need to rest too much during the day. It's gonna be lots of fun!

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The fast passes are even more important then. Split your group and join at the first ride.


At MK we liked to get FP for Space Mountain and do Buzz Lightyear until it was crowded. The we moved over to Splash Mountain or the Mining Cars for FP and did the Haunted Mansion. You can pick off other rides if you see their free.


Fourteen hours each day of straight Disney for six days would put Rambo to shame.


Have a great time!

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you are making me rethink the stepsister thing because I DO want good food too!


It's not that the food isn't good, it's just that buffet is never as good as freshly prepared in my opinion.


I did change our passes to 7-day (it costs a whole $2 more) so we may do the Crystal Palace for breakfast or the one in AK instead - input??
I haven't eaten at the AK character dining since they changed it. It depends if you'd rather do MK or AK. You'll be at MK the night before so maybe another spin on Expedition Everest will be in order ;)
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