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I can't get myself to bleed

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I've been testing my bloodsugar now about 4x a day for the last couple of weeks. The biggest pain is not the needle poke but that half the time the place on my fingers or thumb will not bleed! I end up squeezng my fingers trying to get something to come out, and often have to abandon that finger to try again somewhere else. And just because I got blood in one place previously doesn't mean that I'll get any a subsequent time. Any advice or tips?

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that stinks! I went through that with my mom all the time. It's really awful! :grouphug: I'd try the hot compresses but I'd also just let your arm hang down low for as long as you can, straight down, and then try again.


Do you need to test it four times per day? That's a lot. Also, did you know they have meters that can read your blood sugar and you don't need to use needles? They're kind of like wearing a wrist watch. I don't know if they're accurate but it would be worth looking into...:grouphug:

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DH says many of the above: warm or hot water, deeper lancet, etc. He adds dangling your hands and shaking them, and relaxing (because stressing can close the capillaries). He's been dibetic about twelve years, and used to have more "didn't bleeds." Now they are getting rare.

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My mom pokes on the top of her fore-arm. She gets tired of poor fingers as she has extremely sensitive finger tips and she never seems to fail to get enough blood and that is with the lancet on it's shallowest setting. I think the blood vessels are fairly close to the top of the skin in that area of the body.



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