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Mosquito repellent? Help please!

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Normally I stay far away from chemical repellents and stick with natural, but last year my son came back from vacation with about 45 mosquito bites. For any kid that would be horrible, but with ds's sensory and other issues, it was a nightmare. What is the absolute best, guaranteed to repel insects, repellent money can buy? Chemical, natural, I don't care at this point. (Well, I'm trying not to care at least:001_smile:) We cannot go through another nightmare like last year!

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Avon is what we used last year, so I'm staying away from it this year. I will check out Bull Frog, Cutter, and Burt's Bees. Thanks! I usually stay away from Deet, and it is actually a migraine trigger for me, but I may have to use it if nothing else works. We were only at this place 3 days last year, and this year it will be for a full week. Mosquito bites could completely ruin vacation for my son, and this trip is a big thing for him. I may just buy a bunch of different ones and keep trying until we find a keeper. We are going to feel like lab rats around here!:001_smile:

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DEET is not the only CDC tested and approved bug spray. There are actually two natural repellents that have been tested and proven to repel ticks/mosquitoes up to 6-8 hours. However, none of them are in Avon products - nor, for some unknown reason, in any of the repellents at Whole Foods. :confused:


Repellents with Lemon Eucalyptus oil are the ones we use. There are a few different brands that carry it. It is a quite smelly when sprayed, but lemony and not too unpleasant once on. Hold your breath when spraying, though, and don't spray inside! This is "lemon eucalyptus" oil, not a mix of lemon and plain eucalyptus. The most easy-to-find brand I've found is Repel, and I think Off also makes a version now (both brands also make DEET-based products, so make sure it's the right one).


Here's a good article: http://www.picaridin.info/lemon-eucalyptus.htm


The other CDC-approved natural-based repellent is known by the very unnatural-sounding IR3535. I don't know what commercial products are available with it as an ingredient, but I'm guessing one could find something with Google.

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I have a dd who reacts extremely strongly (not to mention attracts) to mosquito bites. The only thing that keeps them somewhat off of her is being sprayed with a DEET repellant. She still is bitten. At this point in the game, she just avoids any places that seem to have a lot of mosquitos. When that is not possible, she wears lightweight a hat, long sleeves, and pants and sprays heavily with Deep Woods Off. The hat with spray helps to keep them off of her face and neck. Linen and cotton are materials of choice.

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