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(pout) I don't need to buy ANY school supplies

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Our church is donating supplies to nearby inner city students, we had fun shopping for them. You should be able to find something similar nearby.


Wouldn't want to miss out on school supply shopping, this way you can shop and not feel guilty!


Ooh, this is a great idea! I love buying school supplies. :001_wub:

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We don't need anything either, which is actually fine because we have a few birthdays coming up as well as a new baby (girl! our first girl!) due in October. I've been bypassing the back to school sales and reminding myself that the money I am saving can be spent on darling little girl items and a few kick-@ss birthday gifts for the boys!

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I don't really need any school supplies either, but that's good because I really don't have the money to spend right now.:sad:




This is me. I love this time of year. I love new school supplies. But I don't NEED anything and I shouldn't spend money on things I don't really need.


I can't believe how much I still have from the last couple years of buying!

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I didn't have to buy much this year. I normally LOVE school supply shopping but I think because I had to put so much money into curriculum this year last minute that I didn't intend I wasn't so eager to go school supply shopping.


Still I spent over $70 on supplies!! But I did have to purchase 4 of the tri-fold boards which are nearly $4 a piece! And to think I will need a couple more atlest. We've got our house up sale and so any maps or anything to hang up on the walls can't....so I am using the tri-fold boards to display our maps, calendar and such and honestly I didn't plan on doing this once we moved into our new home but I actually LOVE the idea of folding it all away at the end of the day.


We needed a new set of EVERYTHING for totboy who is doing a 2's curriculum this year...and my dd's need new crayons, markers and glue for sure..but still $0.40 x6 for this... and x3 for that adds up fast! I wouldn't dare only get them 1 of each thing...because we have an ENTIRE year +the summer to use the items and I can't imagine paying full price...:001_huh:

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I have plenty too, but it is so fun to buy school supplies at great prices that I managed to buy some really neat things I didn't know I "needed":

--thumb drives for my 14yo & 11yo (sometimes they end up on other computers or when a printer isn't working at their usual shared computer). Very handy!

--Bic hand-held white-out tape dispensers (got one for me for Bible club, one for each of my older kids)

--These large rings for binding 3x5 flash cards (like a large key ring except they latch and unlatch)

--50cent composition books for their AWANA projects - they use it for extra AWANA projects, etc.

--Binder tabs (makes it easy to reuse binders)

--Dry erase markers, can never have too many of these...


Ok, can't think of what else I got that will be greatly appreciated as the year goes on. And that was just the first back-to-school-sale!


lisa j, mom to 5

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