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fun things to do with your daughter??

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I am wondering what fun things you do with your daughter? My daughter is 12 but really more like an 8 yr old due to her special needs. So from age 8 - 12 what fun things do you do with your daughter or what does your daughter like to do with you?


We are trying to get her out of her room and in public more. :D She has HFA.


I really want to hear from both NT kid's parents and HFA's parents. Both, pretty please!!:D



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Our local food bank sometimes needs help sorting donations. My kids LOVED doing that. It was a very defined task and they knew they were helping and we could work alongside each other.


Cooking! My girls loved learning to cook. Not really an 'out of the house' event unless you find a class or invite folks over for a day of cooking.


Skating- roller or ice skating during the day was fun when the kids were younger.


Scrapbooking is fun - IF you're each working on your own project so there's no fussing over who's doing what. Creative Memories consultants have tons of events that you can do with your dd or just start at a scrapbooking store.

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We did a biome observation project together for school this past year which she really enjoyed. We picked a bike/walking trail that was surrounded by wooded areas and very pretty and we'd go for walks there and note what sounds we heard, what kinds of animals we saw, we'd identify plants and trees and so on. We'd see lots of squirrels and chipmunks and one time we came across an elderly couple who had a big bag of peanuts and they gave us some to toss to the squirrels and chipmunks.


We are doing the 52 Books In 52 Weeks Challenge together this year, selecting a book each week to read together.


She likes playing board games with me.


We've done volunteer type projects now and then together. Sometimes it's something more 'formal' and other times we just go for walks and clean up litter as we go or some such.


ETA: Oh and we have a book called "Talking Pictures, A Parent's Guide To Discussing Ethics, Values and Everyday Problems With Children" which is divided by age groups. Sometimes we watch some of those movies together and then go over the discussion questions and talk about it.


I also bought the Rachael Ray "Cooking Rocks" cookbook so that this year we can start doing more cooking together and she can start learning some recipes.

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My youngest has autism as well. She's 9, but acts more like a 6 or 7 year old.


She loves to shop! We frequent The Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, or Target at least once a week.


She enjoys taking picnic lunches to the park (the ones with playground equipment).


She loves to go to the movies (which we do at least once a week in the summer because they run Disney classics / favorites every week day for $2 in the summer at a theater near us).


We play board games and put puzzles together. She enjoys Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, and Uno.


She enjoys "field trips"...the zoo, the aquarium, and other historic sites are big hits with her. She's a little too boisterous for something "quiet" like an art museum, but she loves the ones that involve walking and being outdoors.


We like to make popcorn and watch movies on TV and she loves to have her nails done!


She likes to go out to eat, but...again....I have to pick a kid-friendly restaurant (she likes Friendly's and Denny's...any place where she can order breakfast 24/7).


I hope this helps to give you some ideas!

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I'm not sure what HFA is.:confused:


We love to paint nails, go for nature walks, go out to lunch, go out for "tea" at a real tea room, put pics in photo albums, watch girlie movies, garden together (veggie, fruit AND flowers), make a fairy garden.


The bulk of our time together is spent caring for our 40 animals, most of which are rescues and almost all formerly abused. We spend lots of time with them, dd11 and I. Dd8 has to be VERY closely watched around animals so I prefer to do the animal care with dd11 alone.


There is a "girlie" lunch place we LOVE to go to.


We love to shop together, both for clothing and simply window shopping.


I do this more with dd11 than dd8 because dd8 has severe behavioral issues and I feel that dd11 needs a break from her. Dd11's doctors are the ones who recommend this as dd11 started to get migraines as a small child after we adopted dd8. Dd8 is doing MUCH better now so I try to take her on special times alone, too, and the three of us have girlie days VERY often together. Dd8 prefers it to be the three of us but sometimes I insist on time alone with dd8 and we will go do things for younger kids, like Storyland (for young kids), Santas Village, petting farms, children's museums.


I want to teach both girls how to crochet, knit and sew. They recently learned how to make baskets and did a FABULOUS job. Once per year we go to Your Fired and paint pottery and simply RELAX and have fun.

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oh yes - dd11 and I do a LOT of cooking together.


The three of us love to get a HUGE jigsaw puzzle and work on it together.


I'm going to buy us hula hoops Friday so we can use them while listening to our favorite music in the morning. :) We do some quiet stretches together. They work out with me periodically.


We color together.


Games! We love to play games!


The Wii


We love to tickle each other, not in a playful, giggle way but like a feather on the skin that feels SO good. DD8 loves to give dd11 and I foot rubs. :confused: Not sure why but she LOVES it and we love getting them. Dd11 and I massage her body with lotion because her skin is VERY dry, and that's a way we can "repay" her.


We sometimes pull out the clay and do things together with that.

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